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Brazzers 'Преступность не платит' Ролях Carolyn Reese (Фото 4)

Carolyn Reese,Jennifer White В 'Brazzers' - Crime Does Not Pay (Hot And Mean)

Надеясь найти немного денег, Дженнифер врывается в дом Кэролин и открывает ее в безопасности только, чтобы узнать, что то, что Каролин хранит в нем арсенал сексуальных игрушек. Кэролин ловит сексуальный грабитель в действии и вместо того, чтобы позвонить в полицию, она решает преподать Дженнифер урок, который она никогда не забудет.

Выпущен : 30 ноября, 2010

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Фотографии из Carolyn Reese,Jennifer White В 'Brazzers' Crime Does Not Pay

Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 1)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 2)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 3)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 4)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 5)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 6)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 7)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 8)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 9)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 10)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 11)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 12)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 13)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 14)
Carolyn Reese В 'Brazzers' Преступность не платит (Миниатюру 15)

Фотографии из Carolyn Reese,Jennifer White В 'Brazzers' Crime Does Not Pay

Больше 'Brazzers' сцены из Carolyn Reese,Jennifer White

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Jennifer White - Милфы спа: часть 2

Во втором эпизоде этого чувственного сериала Дженнифер Уайт занимается пенным массажем, где каждый сантиметр ее идеального тела покрыт красивыми пузырьками. Когда она чувствует, как ее стресс тает, возбуждение берет верх. К счастью для нее, это сексуальный спа, и Дженнифер угощается игристым сексом втроем с двумя горячими сотрудниками спа-салона.

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Jennifer White - Потасовка в баре шлюхи сосут ковбойское досуха

Дженнифер Уайт — дерзкая карточная крутая девчонка, которая ищет неприятностей в салуне вестернов. Дженнифер присоединяется к напряженной игре с местными жителями и положила глаз на солдата Джоуи, чтобы повеселиться. Ниа Блю видит, что Дженнифер замышляет что-то плохое, и вмешивается в действие. Ния и Дженнифер, не теряя времени, вытаскивают член Джоуи прямо у стола для дрочки. Местные жители подозревают нечестную игру и переворачивают стол, обнажая платок. Джоуи хватает Нию и оттаскивает ее, чтобы долбить ее киску. Дженнифер заботится о местных и хватает член Джоуи для себя. Внезапно появляется Лолли Дэймс и напоминает Нии, кто здесь главный. Дженнифер подло нападает на Лолли и запирает ее, чтобы получить помощь Нии в жестком сексе втроем

Jennifer White В 'Ты только что кончил в задницу мачехе?'

Jennifer White - Ты только что кончил в задницу мачехе?

Дженнифер Уайт — новая горячая мачеха Виктора Рэя. Отец Виктора хочет, чтобы он познакомился с Дженнифер, пока его нет, но Виктор не может оторвать глаз от ее потрясающей. Он пытается охладиться, расслабляясь в гостиной, но довольно скоро Дженнифер наклоняется, вверх, убирая ему в лицо. У Виктора большой стояк, и он решает спрятать его в открытке ко Дню мачехи, которую его отец поручил ему сделать, и придумывает подлую дырочку славы, чтобы погладить его член насквозь. Дженнифер понимает, что он замышляет что-то нехорошее, поэтому она подползает к нему к коленям, чтобы выяснить это. Дженнифер открывает открытку и удивляется огромному лицу, но она не злится, она хочет большего!

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Jennifer White - Возбужденная жена хочет трахаться

Дженнифер Уайт изголодалась по сексу. Но приближается ее годовщина, и кто не хочет, чтобы его трахнули в их особенный день? Ее муж не такой дикий и возбуждающий, каким она хотела бы его видеть, и давайте будем честными, возбуждение берет верх. Когда ее муж решает провести деловую встречу дома и полностью игнорирует их годовщину, Дженнифер получает даже лучший способ, который она знает, трахая его делового партнера Кейрана Ли.

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Lucy Doll - Драма с большим бюстгальтером

Люси Долл шпионит за своей соседкой по комнате Дженнифер Уайт, в то время как Дженнифер целуется со своим парнем (Ван Уайлд). Люси ревнует Дженнифер; не только из-за свиданий, но и из-за того, что у них большие сиськи, чем у Люси. Люси пробирается в комнату Дженнифер и примеряет один из ее бюстгальтеров, который ей приходится набивать салфеткой. Люси ловят, когда Дженнифер приводит Вана в спальню. В мире Brazzers это, конечно же, приводит к сексу втроем!

Jennifer White В 'A very brazzers xxxmas часть 3'

Jennifer White - A very brazzers xxxmas часть 3

Дженнифер Уайт накрывает стол для своей новой приемной семьи, и все, наконец, складывается идеально. Она направляется в душ, чтобы освежиться перед ужином, когда ее муж, Мик Блю, останавливается к ней, чтобы сказать ей, что у него есть особый сюрприз для нее после ужина. Дженнифер вытирается и входит в спальню, но обнаруживает, что там стоит грабитель Скотт Нейлс. Дженнифер думает, что он сюрприз, и сразу переходит к делу, сосет большой член Скотта, прежде чем они начинают трахаться. Когда Мик ловит их, он видит, как сильно его жена наслаждается этим, и поэтому в духе отдачи он не возражает и вместо этого присоединяется к ним для дикого анального траха втроем!

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Jennifer White - Очень brazzers xxxmas часть 1

У новой мачехи Дженнифер Уайт в это Рождество полный дом, и она впервые принимает свою новую приемную семью. Вскоре она найдет способ снять часть праздничного стресса, когда зайдет к своему пасынку Алексу Джонсу, когда он тестирует новый дар - мастурбатора-мужчину. У Алекса еще больший член, чем у мужа Дженнифер, и она не может удержаться от желания попробовать, делая ему минет, пока ее не прерывают, когда приходит его девушка Кабби Томпсон. Какая неблагодарность! Расстроенная, Дженнифер возвращается к приготовлению ужина после того, как заканчивает с собой на кухне. Тем временем Алекс и Кабби ускользают, чтобы заняться сексом перед ужином. Но для этой похотливой приемной семьи припасено гораздо более удивительное действие, когда два грабителя пробираются в их дом в поисках собственных подарков

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Jennifer White - Он слепой! Просто удваивайте меня

Дженнифер Уайт и ее муженек устраивают веселую игру, в которой они приглашают курьера Алекса Джонса и массажиста Мика Блю и убеждают их, что муженек не может видеть их подлые сексуальные действия, поэтому Дженнифер получает не один орех, а два.

Jennifer White В 'Подрыв ее безопасности'

Jennifer White - Подрыв ее безопасности

Дженнифер Уайт - авантюрная светская львица - сексуальная, соблазнительная и ищущая любых острых ощущений или дразнящих мужчин, чтобы скрасить свой день. Экзотические поездки, случайные связи, непристойные вечеринки. Но вместе с этим приходит некоторое беспокойство со стороны ее семьи, которая заходит так далеко, что нанимает телохранителей, чтобы убедиться, что, когда ситуация станет дикой, она все еще в безопасности. Даже если это означает, что нужно присматривать за ней, когда ее уводят от ее последней извращенной выходки в одном нижнем белье. Сегодня Дженнифер не довольствуется простым быстрым уходом. Она хочет посмотреть, сможет ли она развратить Зака Уайлда... Заставьте его пересечь черту от «защитника» до «киски паундера». Что может быть более распространенной фантазией для того, у кого есть все, чем мечтать о том, чтобы его «преподали урок», поставили на подобающее ему место; Глубокий минет и скачет на члене, пока она не заработает эту горячую, толстую нагрузку.

Jennifer White В 'Внутренняя задняя часть'

Jennifer White - Внутренняя задняя часть

Ван Уайлд, оператор сериала о дизайне интерьеров, совершает экскурсию по дому Дженнифер Уайт от первого лица. Она ведет его по каждой комнате, проводя ему экскурсию по своему дому - и своей горячей заднице, когда она раздевается догола, чтобы принять ванну, - прежде чем они оба отправятся в ее спальню, чтобы поклониться анальному сексу!

Jennifer White В 'Она ничто не задница геймера анальная проблема'

Jennifer White - Она ничто не задница геймера анальная проблема

Дженнифер Уайт - новая лисья мачеха Алекса Джонса, и когда она наклоняется, он не может не заметить ее идеальную. Его отец ловит его украдкой и напоминает ему, в чьем доме он находится. Папа просит Дженнифер сделать так, чтобы распутная подруга Алекса, Коко Лавлок, не проникла в дом, пока его нет. Мало ли они знают, что у Коко есть очень хитрый план, чтобы попасть на место своего парня, и все начинается с большого старого стула в коробке. Дженнифер не так-то просто обмануть, и она сразу же ловит Алекса. Коко кукуется за гигантский член Алекса в спальне и расстилается для него над его игровой установкой. Когда мачеха Алекса проверяет его, Коко прячется, но вскоре обнаруживается, что она извращенная анальная шлюха, и Дженнифер просто хочет присоединиться к веселью.

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Harlow Harrison - Шар дроппин dp

Дженнифер Уайт появляется на новогодней вечеринке, оставшись одна после того, как ее друзья бросили ее. Хозяйка вечеринки, Харлоу Харрисон, приветствует ее и кокетничает, намекая, что это не будет типичным ударом, в то время как коллеги по вечеринке Эйли Энн Джазмин Лув, Оливер Флинн, Уилл Паундер и Ксандер Корвус танцуют и скрежещут все более агрессивно на заднем плане. Когда часы бьют полночь, пришло время начать эту вечеринку! Сиськи, киски и члены выходят наружу, и Дженнифер не может поверить своим глазам - она на вечеринке свингеров! Соблазненная, но застенчивая, Дженнифер подходят к Ксандеру и Оливеру, которые хотят помочь ее рингу в Новом году с двойным проникновением секса втроем, который войдет в историю!

Jennifer White В 'Перепланировка своих интерьеров'

Jennifer White - Перепланировка своих интерьеров

Джимми и его приятель Джонни играют в кости, как в пальто, когда нанятая сводная сестра дизайнера интерьера Джимми появляется в их доме. Джимми мгновенно влюбляется в похоть со стильной новой секспот дженнифер, которая дает Джонни шанс попытать счастья со своей давней влюбленностью Харли. Они пробираются и давят на девушек для какого-то интенсивного действия и умудряются забить довольно много. Джимми делает окончательный чадский ход и в конечном итоге переделывает интерьеры обеих девушек!

Jennifer White В 'Дженнифер промокает'

Jennifer White - Дженнифер промокает

Дженнифер Уайт дразнит в горячем красном бикини, когда она окунается в воду и намокает. Становясь возбужденной, она начинает демонстрировать свои идеальные сиськи, киску и попку. Чувствуя, что настало время для какой-то любви, Исайя Максвелл появляется, чтобы трахнуть Дженнифер. Он вытягивает ее киску, а затем переходит к хорошему анальному траху. Дженнифер осталась полностью удовлетворена.

Jennifer White В 'Предоставление хорошего зиять'

Jennifer White - Предоставление хорошего зиять

Дженнифер Уайт любит хороший участок. Как она отказов ее жесткой добычу на ее мяч йоги, она не может не думать о том, ее задницу растягивается на большой петух. К счастью для нее, Мик Блю в доме с большой бутылкой масла. Он наливает все это на ее задницу и рипы через ее колготки. Они делают хорошее использование мяча и отказов, что задницу вверх и вниз в то время как таран Большой петух Мика в нее. Дженнифер показывает Мик, как она любит работать, что петух, с глубоким ударом работу и сиськи ебать. Мик не сделал с ней, хотя. Он зияет ее великолепный плотный мудак и часы масло выплюнуть из него. Дженнифер работает, что петух в ее задницу, как звезда, а затем позволяет Мик сделать красивый беспорядок на всем протяжении ее лица.

Jennifer White В 'Я думала, ты ненавидишь йогу.'

Jennifer White - Я думала, ты ненавидишь йогу.

Подруга Дженнифер Уайт потащила ее на занятия йогой, и Дженнифер ничего, кроме восторга об этом - когда она видит, как инструктор Маркус Дюпри запустить его сессий, она еще меньше впечатлен. После подслушать Дженнифер подшучивать в классе, Маркус решает дать рот Дженнифер немного дополнительного внимания, давая ей хардкор растяжения перед классом, прежде чем чертовски ее жесткой мудак.

Jennifer White В 'Камминг в класс'

Jennifer White - Камминг в класс

Горячая учительница Дженнифер Уайт пытается пройти через сложный план урока, но она и класс продолжают отвлекаться на Джорди, который просто камминг везде ... его стол, записные книжки его одноклассников, даже доска, когда г-жа Уайт называет его, чтобы решить уравнение. Переломный момент наступает, когда Хорди пытается диплом на задницу г-жа Уайт, в то время как она не смотрит. Г-жа Уайт понимает, что он будет продолжать быть неприятностью, пока его петух осушенных должным образом и переходит к борьбе с ним лично.

Jennifer White В 'Хастл и удар'

Jennifer White - Хастл и удар

Дженнифер Райт и ее муж встретиться Ксандер Корвус в мотеле, глядя забить некоторые серьезные наличные деньги в сделке с наркотиками. Единственная проблема в том, что Дженнифер принесла портфель, полный секс-игрушек вместо допинга! После того, как ее муж принижает Дженнифер за то, что она принесла неправильный портфель, Ксандеру надоело препирательств, и отправляет его домой за наркотиками, в то время как Дженнифер остается с ним в своей комнате. Дженнифер ценит, как Ксандер положить ее рывок мужа на его месте, и так как она уже есть все аксессуары, необходимые для того, чтобы странный хорошее время, она может также использовать их, пока они ждут, не так ли? Кто-то становится связали и трахал, возможно, в более чем один путь!

Jennifer White В 'Переключение жизни pt. 1'

Jennifer White - Переключение жизни pt. 1

Новое реалити-шоу ставит две пары под одной крышей, чтобы увидеть, как все разворачивается, это переключение жизни! В этом эпизоде приглушенная домохозяйка Дженнифер Уайт просто моет посуду после тихого ужина с мужем, когда в прогулках крутый парень Майкл Вегас. Он просто хочет чувствовать себя как дома, чтобы он падает на колени, поднимает юбку Дженнифер и начинает язык трахать ее прямо там, на кухне! Принимая перерыв от посуды, Дженнифер принимает глоток большой член, как шлюха она хотела бы она была, порка ее веселый сиськи, чтобы получить Майкл еще труднее. Майкл изгибает ее за прилавок, распространяет ее задницу широкий и фунтов ее жесткой киски, пока он сливки по всей ее красивое лицо!

Jennifer White В 'Анальный апокалипсис'

Jennifer White - Анальный апокалипсис

Ядерные осадки опустошили мир, Дженнифер Уайт не получил положил в течение нескольких месяцев, и ее муж полностью игнорирует ее потребности! К счастью для нее пару правительственных ученых в костюмах хазмат ходить в их подземном убежище с новостями о том, что уровень радиации упали! С мужем на выходе, Джессика решает, что она никуда не собирается, пока она не трахается. После Whipping из большой член доктора Маркусдюдю и глотания каждый дюйм, Дженнифер распространяет ее задницу широкий и просит его опустошить ее анально! Стучать ее бэкдор так сложно, как она может принять его, Маркус делает это распутная жена шприц снова и снова, пока он не готов заполнить ее с теплой анальный крем.

Jennifer White В 'Стучал в про магазин'

Jennifer White - Стучал в про магазин

Дженнифер идет по магазинам для нового набора клубов, но она решает, что она бы скорее образец продавца, а не. Джонни помогает Дженнифер работать на ее качели, и она показывает ему свою любимую дыру. Там нет ничего, как получить стучал в про магазин.

Jennifer White В 'Поймать дня'

Jennifer White - Поймать дня

Дженнифер имеет горячие для своего соседа Ксандера. Она так включена им, что она потирает ее киску думать о нем всю ночь. Дженнифер не может не вломиться в его комнату и украсть его футболку. После запаха запах Ксандера на его одежду, Дженнифер становится жадным и возвращается для более. Ксандер ловит и устанавливает ловушку. Какие непослушные вещи он будет делать со своим уловом в день?

Jennifer White В 'Шлюха, которая нуждалась в большем'

Jennifer White - Шлюха, которая нуждалась в большем

Дженнифер сыта по горло ее паршивый ее муж в постели. Он покрыл ее лицом, полным диплома, и готов вернуться в постель, оставив жену более чем немного сексуально разочарованы. Если он не будет трахать ее в задницу, она полна решимости найти кого-то, что будет. После того, как она посмотрит на своего соседа Престона, она убеждена, что он будет делать только штрафом. Теперь все, что ей нужно, это увести свою жену с дороги, и она наверняка получит анальный внимания, который она заслуживает.

Jennifer White В 'Замена'

Jennifer White - Замена

Дэнни D начинает свой первый день работы на порно набор. Он gaffer, но он в основном рады, чтобы иметь возможность получить лично и близко со своей любимой порнозвездой, Дженнифер Уайт. Только, ее мужской талант не показал до набора, который оставляет г-жа Белый горячей, роговой и отчаянно нуждается в большой член! Будет ли г-н D будет подходящей заменой для этой беспорядочной порнозвезды сосать и ебать?

Jennifer White В 'Глубоко едем на супербанг-вечеринку'

Jennifer White - Глубоко едем на супербанг-вечеринку

В ночь на крупнейший футбольный матч года, роговой домохозяйка (Дженнифер Уайт) жаждет некоторых петух. Она даже зашла так далеко, как бодиарт себя с Джерси ее любимой команды на всем протяжении ее большие сиськи! К сожалению для Дженнифер, ее муж не в настроении и не хочет пропустить ни секунды игры. Dripping мокрый и желающих быть трахал, г-жа Уайт имеет сюрприз посетитель появляются в ее двери-четыре раза все звезды футболист Билл Бейли! Сможет ли Билл пойти достаточно глубоко, чтобы удовлетворить Дженнифер? Будьте уверены, чтобы не пропустить этот сексуальный "Superbang" партии!

Jennifer White В 'Удвоить масло, удвоить задницу'

Jennifer White - Удвоить масло, удвоить задницу

У Клевера есть два самых сочных подросток прикладами в бизнесе, чтобы пировать сегодня, и вы знаете, что он собирается ебать его заполнить. После просмотра этих двух hotties всплеск в воде и дразнить друг друга, он собирается наслаждаться как эти шалавы рот на его петух. С рукой Дженнифер на его шары и рот Джоди на его укол, Кловер становится лечение небрежный мокрый минет, что так хорошо, как он получает. Дайвинг от одного из своих нетронутых мудак на другой, смотреть, как обе эти девушки оседлал его член и ехал его трудно с его член шары глубоко в задницах. Неприятный, жирный анальный ебать не остановить до обе дамы диплом трудно от мощных стучать он дал свои распутные задницы.

Jennifer White В 'Град в сиськи'

Jennifer White - Град в сиськи

Дженнифер Уайт отправилась на саммит мира в США и с главами государств. Эти бедные ребята почти потеряли свои умы, когда они увидели Дженнифер дразнить с ее огромными природными сиськи, так что безопасность вмешалась и вытащил, что шлюха в задней комнате. Джон и Тони собираются сделать все возможное, чтобы научить этого подростка шлюха немного уважения, в том числе двойной команды ее отверстия с их жира петухов. После того как они оба были их Дикс сосала, они бросают Дженнифер на диване, чтобы по очереди savaging ее киску и задницу, и даже дважды вниз на грязный DP!

Jennifer White В 'Массаж стол глубокий ебать'

Jennifer White - Массаж стол глубокий ебать

Дженнифер решает отменить на ее обычной массажистки, услышав женщины стоны и крики из массажной она хочет, что все, что повезло сука имеет и в этом случае его принцы массивные Дик

Jennifer White В 'Бассейн анальный'

Jennifer White - Бассейн анальный

Дженнифер не имеет ничего общего сегодня, но лежал вокруг бассейна и получить ее жесткой маленький мудак растягивается с бутылкой масла и его большой петух Джеймс просто человек, чтобы помочь ей ослабить во всех смыслах этого слова, но прежде чем он

Carolyn Reese В 'Да здравствует дельты'

Carolyn Reese - Да здравствует дельты

Каролин является новым в колледже, и она будет делать все, чтобы быть в Delta Delta клуб носовых клубов. Ева, лидер из состояний, чувствует свою слабость и идет за ней; в то время как распространение ее ноги и скольжения трусики в сторону она скользит мокрый фаллоимитатор внутри нее.

Jennifer White В 'Шлюха жен'

Jennifer White - Шлюха жен

У Джонни 3 милых сексуальных жен. Они все проводят время вместе. Проблемы начинают возникать, когда Мэдисон пытается соблазнить Джонни во времена Ники. После многих лет быть вместе, 3 дамы хотят знать, кто трахается лучше всего. Единственный способ судить, это иметь вчетвером и выяснить, кто лучшая жена шлюха на самом деле ...

Carolyn Reese В 'Продаю себя долго'

Carolyn Reese - Продаю себя долго

Кэролин недавно разлучена со своим мужем. Она рада избавиться от него и продает все его старые вещи. Джеймс приходит, чтобы проверить продажи, она любит свой молодой стиль. Они болтают немного о том, почему она послала мужа упаковки, как она пытается заинтересовать его в покупке некоторых вещей. Затем, она упоминает, что у нее есть еще несколько предметов в своей спальне, которые могли бы заинтересовать его, как и ее влагалище.

Jennifer White В 'Батлер, отвежь меня в Бонервилль'

Jennifer White - Батлер, отвежь меня в Бонервилль

Никто не понимает Дженнифер. Это действительно так трудно, чтобы люди покупают вам дорогие подарки все время? Как насчет еды для гурманов каждый день? Единственный человек, который, кажется, понимает ее, это ее дворецкий. Всякий раз, когда ей что-то нужно, он там. Так уж случилось, что сегодня, она нуждается в жесткий петух в ее задницу.

Carolyn Reese В 'Коробка предложений'

Carolyn Reese - Коробка предложений

Дэнни влюбился в Кэролин. Пятница "Предложение Box" день, идеальное время, чтобы получить возможность отправлять записку, которая может намекнуть, что он хочет ебать ее. Давая в искушение, он говорит ей, что он всегда хотел сосать и ебать ее сиськи. Это превращает Каролин и быть роговой девушкой она принимает его предложение.

Carolyn Reese В 'Im собирается йога по всему лицу'

Carolyn Reese - Im собирается йога по всему лицу

Кейрану повезло. После нескольких месяцев поиска квартиры, он, наконец, находит потрясающую комнату. Даже лучше, его сосед по комнате является одной горячей маме. Однажды, занимаясь йогой, его сексуальная соседка по комнате Кэролин проявляет некоторый интерес. Так Кейран делает то, что любой хороший инструктор будет делать. Он дает ей приятный вкус его йога кости.

Jennifer White В 'Ебать вы эмо'

Jennifer White - Ебать вы эмо

Дженнифер эмо девушка, которая имеет трудное время завести друзей, чтобы ее мать организует для нее, чтобы встретитьдочь дочь своего друга. Она опрята девушка и не имеет ничего общего с Дженнифер. Находясь в своей комнате, Кейран пробирается через окно и делает перед Дженнифер. Они ловят Дженнифер глядя на огромный петух Кейрана и утверждают, что Дженнифер не будет знать, что делать с парнем. Дженнифер доказывает им, что она любит большой петух и может справиться с этим с легкостью.

Carolyn Reese В 'Что делает мама'

Carolyn Reese - Что делает мама

Кэролин - мать-одиночка, пытающаяся заработать на жизнь. Она лжет сыну, что она медсестра и работает много поздних смен. Однажды ночью ее сыновья друзья организуют мальчишник и запланировали стриптизерш. К счастью для них, они собираются выяснить, что именно Каролин делает, чтобы принести домой хлеб.

Carolyn Reese В 'Ручные бубы'

Carolyn Reese - Ручные бубы

Билл - проигранное дело. Несмотря на то, квалифицированный игрок, Билл не может показаться, чтобы получить его вместе перед игрой. Попробуйте, как она могла бы, Каролин (капитан команды по гандболу) не может получить Билл сосредоточиться. Но вместо того, чтобы отказаться от своего товарища по команде Кэролин решает изменить свою подготовку, убежден, что он улучшится, если он научится обрабатывать что-то немного мягче.

Allie Haze В 'Только наконечник'

Allie Haze - Только наконечник

Элли имеет канадский друг со средним петух, тем не менее, кто она знать, никогда не видел другого, так что его не удивительно, когда ее соседка по комнате Дженнифер появляется с 12-дюймовый петух из ее женское соцдочство партии, удивительно Алли, кто не может понять, как ничего, что большой может существовать. Она убеждена, чтобы иметь вкус и опыт только кончик огромного петуха и, наконец, когда она mans-до принятия полного веса петух в ней она понимает, что ее жизнь никогда не будет прежней.

Jennifer White В 'Петух голодных подростков нападение'

Jennifer White - Петух голодных подростков нападение

Кейран и Дженнифер сводный брат и сестра, и все стало странно между ними. Кейран не может перестать смотреть на сладкую маленькую подростковую задницу Дженнифер. Когда Дженнифер ловит Кейран в душе и видит его большой член, она ждет, пока он спит, чтобы получить то, что она хочет.

Carolyn Reese В 'Секс и шлюха обувь'

Carolyn Reese - Секс и шлюха обувь

Это поздно ночью и Каролин будет делать все, чтобы получить новую пару обуви. Она гуляет в обувном магазине и требует, чтобы ей помогли. Леви посещает ее немедленно и дает ей именно то, что она хочет, новая пара ударов и большой член ПР во влагалище.

Brooke Haven В 'Большой петух голодных жен'

Brooke Haven - Большой петух голодных жен

Брук и Феникс любят большие петухи, и они оба говорят, что их мужья большие, очень большие. Каролин никогда не было большой петух, и она любопытно, как это было бы, как ездить один. Это была прекрасная возможность для этих больших петух голодных milfs иметь небольшую вечеринку со своими мужьями большие петухи и показать Каролин, как это делается.

Claire Dames В 'Большие сиськи в классе'

Claire Dames - Большие сиськи в классе

Г-жа Риз была больна и устала от сиськи Клэр отвлекая остальную часть своего класса, поэтому она решила позвонить в главный Диккенс, чтобы найти решение этой проблемы. Следующее, что вы знаете, что это все из сиськи захвата фиаско. В конце концов, все они пришли к соглашению. Это Клэр будет продолжать одеваться так, как она сделала, и они будут продолжать касаться ее огромные сиськи ...

Carolyn Reese В 'Влажный и сочный'

Carolyn Reese - Влажный и сочный

Кэролин Риз мечта Джагг Аккер сбываются! Влажные жирные сиськи просто готовы к большой петух сэндвич его! Смотреть, как этот счастливый ублюдок получает диплом на всем протяжении ее сладкие juggs! Совершенству.

Carolyn Reese В 'Gets Banged Hard!'

Carolyn Reese - Gets Banged Hard!

Кэролин, Кэролин, Кэролин... Мой БОГ этот младенец просто SMOKING HOT!!! Ее киска просто так хорошо, вы можете почти попробовать его! Мы думаем, что наш мальчик Алекс влюбился в эту красоту, потому что он трахает ее так сильно и дает ей большой большой подарок в конце! Он даже ест ее задницу и поверьте мне, эта цыпленок просто любит получать ее задницу едят!! Ой! Что большое мокрые захватывающие сцены это было!!!

Сцены с других сайтов с участием Carolyn Reese,Jennifer White

Jennifer White В 'JENNIFER WHITE Deepthroat and Anal MILF'

Jennifer White - JENNIFER WHITE Deepthroat and Anal MILF

Dynamic sex siren Jennifer White wears a kinky fishnet bodystocking with black leather straps, collar, fingerless gloves and chains. The busty, raven-haired beauty rocks black heels with her decadent fetish gear. Dominant stud Nade Nasty fondles Jennifer's jugs and gropes the luscious MILF's body. She chokes up spit and lets the mess spill into her cleavage. Nade smacks her ass over a thin garment. He slowly pulls out the jeweled butt plug she had tucked in her rectum. Nade fingers her wet cunt. Jennifer gives him a deepthroat blowjob. She masturbates as she sucks his schlong sloppily. Nade stretches her asshole out with a doggie-style anal fuck. Jennifer moans as she blows a dildo. Nade rattles Jennifer's chains as he aggressively porks her butthole in multiple positions. Nasty Jennifer rims Nade's bunghole. He playfully sits on her face. Finally, Nade spews thick strands of spunk that cover her forehead and run down the bridge of her nose, leaving the deviant diva lathered in a cum facial.

Jennifer White В 'Wet And Wild - S21:E3'

Jennifer White - Wet And Wild - S21:E3

Quinton James thinks Jennifer White is hot as hell no matter what. Even doing the dishes, Jennifer is gorgeous to Quinton. He comes over and wraps his arms around her, which turns into a teasing water fight.Pinning Quinton on the floor, Jennifer can’t help but lean in to kiss him. Quinton comes back with a tit squeeze, leaving Jennifer laughing as she kisses him again. They get to their feet, where Quinton lets his hands roam freely until he has popped Jennifer’s boobs out to play with them and then hiked her miniskirt up to eat her pussy.They take things to the living room so Quinton can take a seat and pull Jennifer on top of him. Her thong is but a distant memory, making it simple for her to sink down on Quinton’s hardon. Rocking her hips, she rides him in cowgirl as Quinton resumes worshipping her tits. Jennifer turns around and keeps the ride going in reverse cowgirl.Sucking her own juices from Quinton’s hardon, Jennifer turns around and presents her twat for a doggy style pussy pounding. Quinton doesn’t waste a moment, coming into Jennifer from behind. HE leans forward to nip and nibble Jennifer’s neck as he keeps on diving deep stroke after stroke.On her back, Jennifer welcomes Quinton back inside yet again. He gives her every inch of his hardon, letting her enjoy him as long as she needs before she cums. Only then does Quinton let Jennifer get back on her knees so she can blow and titty fuck him until he busts a nut all over those big ones.

Jennifer White В 'Overload Sc.3 Gangbang'

Jennifer White - Overload Sc.3 Gangbang

In a picturesque grotto with water cascading behind her, buxom stunner Jennifer White strips, leading to an epic, nine-on-one gangbang with Vince Karter, Milan Pomjevic, Victor Ray, John Strong, Chocolate God, Slim Poke, Scotty P, Nade Nasty and Donny Sins! As Jennifer strokes big cocks, she tells viewers about the upcoming action. Nine dudes encircle her, and Jennifer chokes while giving head. Director Jonni Darkko offers multiple angles of the blowbang, with raunchy Jennifer striving to stuff as many dicks as possible into her mouth! The dirty-talking star says, 'Are you guys all ready to fuck the shit out of me?' She gives blowjobs as the guys take turns pounding her lower holes, leading to nasty double penetration! This graphic anal melee features messy, ass-to-mouth cocksucking, spit-soaked titty fucking and constant DP slamming! Jennifer poses her gaping, lube-leaking anus. Her twat ejaculates several blasts of girl squirt! She takes seven hot loads in a bukakke-style cum facial, collecting excess semen and spit in a glass. Jennifer pours the crude concoction down her throat and swallows, shocking the studs with her extreme behavior!

Jennifer White В 'Overload Sc.2 Airtight'

Jennifer White - Overload Sc.2 Airtight

Outrageous beauty Jennifer White flaunts her bodacious, luxuriously oiled body poolside, strutting and stripping. The sex superstar teams up with Lexington Steele, Rob Piper and Hollywood Cash, going airtight in an intense foursome. She talks dirty and strokes her studs' thick big Black cocks. The men worship Jennifer's luscious jugs and round booty to warm up. Then Jennifer drops to her knees for nasty oral service. A messy triple blowjob delivers slobber-soaked sucking and freaky throat fucking. Next comes intense anal slam-fucking. Jennifer spreads her butt cheeks to show off her gaping sphincter. That leads to a heated double penetration, one boner in her butthole and another in her box. Rob fucks Jennifer's face as Lex and Hollywood hammer her lower holes. The guys trade spots, plugging all of her orifices at once. This vulgar display climaxes with Jennifer giving crude, ass-to-mouth head and taking three cum facials. She collects the surplus semen in a glass beneath her chin, lewdly swallowing leftover spunk

Jennifer White В 'Overload Sc.1 DAP'

Jennifer White - Overload Sc.1 DAP

Glamorous porn goddess Jennifer White stuns in sleek, stylish swimwear, teasing in a lavish pool. Water spills over her big tits through an epic intro. The alluring vixen shares a graphic gangbang with six studs! Dirty-talking Jennifer takes on the big Black cocks belonging to Musa Phoenix, Dwayne Foxxx, Jax Slayher, Hollywood Cash, Rob Piper and Richard Mann. Guys grope her body, eager to slide their humongous poles into her holes. Jennifer licks and worships multiple schlongs to warm up. She drools over dicks while Hollywood hammers her booty from behind. The dudes take turns fucking her while she gives nasty blowjobs, with the camera offering a multi-angle view through various parts of the scene. Jennifer moans through intense double penetration, one prick in her pussy and another up her ass. She rides wildly, mouth stuffed with dick. The fellas fully stretch her sphincter with hard, freaky double-anal penetration! This extreme session serves up sloppy, ass-to-mouth fellatio and serious rectal gaping. Orgasmic Jennifer's gash ejaculates multiple gushers of girl squirt! In a bukakke-style cum facial, Jennifer collects excess semen in a glass under her chin, and she swallows six tasty loads!

Jennifer White В 'Stunner MILF Jennifer Cant Resist Young Actors Cock'

Jennifer White - Stunner MILF Jennifer Cant Resist Young Actors Cock

A married woman helps an endeavouring actor get into character.

Jennifer White В 'Thirsty Hottie Jennifer Gets Her Curvy Ass Fucked'

Jennifer White - Thirsty Hottie Jennifer Gets Her Curvy Ass Fucked

Thirsty Hottie Jennifer Gets Her Curvy Ass Fucked

Jennifer White В 'Shut Up And Fuck Me - S21:E6'

Jennifer White - Shut Up And Fuck Me - S21:E6

Jennifer White wants to get with her stepson Parker Ambrose. She takes every chance she gets to wear tight outfits that highlight her big tits and ass. Today, Jennifer is busy ironing when she overhears Parker talking about how he's going to fuck a chick's friend to get into the other chick's pants. She can't stand it anymore; walking over, she grabs the phone and hangs it up.Telling Parker that he doesn't understand women at all, Jennifer offers to help him by demonstrating female body language. Parker is a slow study. Jennifer gets increasingly blatant with the flirty body language while instructing Parker in what to do. As soon as Jennifer is certain her stepson has popped a boner, she goes a step further by popping her tits out. Parker asks if that means a girl wants to fuck, and Jennifer gives him a sultry smile as she shoves him backwards onto the couch and unzips his fly so she can blow him.Knowing that she has her stepson as putty in her hands, Jennifer licks and strokes him to full attention before straddling his hips and sinking down onto him. She rides in cowgirl while Parker learns how to fondle her tits, then turns around and gives a reverse cowgirl stiffie ride as Parker gets his hands on that ass. Getting on her knees, Jennifer takes a doggy style pussy pounding. She rolls onto her back to get one last climax from Parker before he pulls out to cum on her landing strip. Now Jennifer pronounces him ready to get with girls his age.

Jennifer White В 'JENNIFER WHITE 12-Incher, Anal, Squirt'

Jennifer White - JENNIFER WHITE 12-Incher, Anal, Squirt

Superstar MILF Jennifer White stuns in a blinged out blazer, teasing and showing off her bodacious body. The insatiable cougar models sheer, black lingerie underneath, stripping to flaunt her luscious breasts. When young, heavily hung Damion Dayski arrives, Jennifer gives him with a messy blowjob. Damion bends her over to stuff his big Black cock up her asshole. Jennifer masturbates her clit while Damion's gigantic, 12-inch pole drills her sphincter, inciting Jennifer's intense, squirting orgasm! She grips his massive BBC as it fills her booty, assisting the hard stud in cramming her rectum. This nasty, crude backdoor session serves up sloppy, worshipful ass-to-mouth cocksucking and epic anal gaping. For the finale, Damion finishes Jennifer off by dripping hot cum over her eager, open mouth.

Jennifer White В 'is ready for her oily Naughty Massage and have her wet pussy stuffed with your big dick'

Jennifer White - is ready for her oily Naughty Massage and have her wet pussy stuffed with your big dick

Jennifer White has caught wind of my Naughty Massage spa and wants the full-body experience. First I massage her juicy ass. Then relax her front side and squeeze up on those big tits. And finally, I finish with some deep tissue work and a good pussy stretching with my hard cock.

Jennifer White В 'Gets Covered In Thick Cum After Intense Pounding'

Jennifer White - Gets Covered In Thick Cum After Intense Pounding

Jennifer White notices Damon Dice stealing glances at her big tits and round ass. The busty brunette hatches a naughty idea of seducing the dashing guy, so she makes up an excuse to go to his room and strips her robe and black lingerie in front of him. Jennifer approaches her brother-in-law in nothing but her black heels and leg garters then starts making out with him. Damon licks and fingers the hottie's trimmed pussy before letting her give him a blowjob-handjob combo and get his face fucked. The horny pair then proceeds to fuck in doggystyle and cowgirl, please each other in 69, and continue to fuck in reverse cowgirl, spooning, and missionary. He then quickly pulls out and dumps his load all over Jennifer's delectable body.

Jennifer White В 'Is A Sex Goddess'

Jennifer White - Is A Sex Goddess

Jennifer White is a XXX legend who just keeps getting better. This busty dark-haired nympho has got it all. Her tight wet pussy, busty breasts, bouncing ass, and beautiful face are just a few of the reasons she's outlasted most girls in the porn industry. Her appetite for sex continues to grow and it is as clear as ever that she simply loves to fuck. She cums continually before using her big tits to milk a load out onto her chest and in her mouth. She is incredible!!

Jennifer White В 'Empty Nest - Part 2'

Jennifer White - Empty Nest - Part 2

This is definitely NOT Jennifer's summer. She got fired from her executive position, her husband is divorcing her, and her son is officially moving away for college. It feels as though her world is crashing down, and she can hardly do anything about it. Yet, when given the opportunity to join her stepson and his friend on a cross-country road trip to help them settle into their University, she doesn't blink twice and rides along. On their second stop of the trip, the boys and Jennifer decide to visit Mandy, Diego's stepmom. This calm and free-spirited nudist teaches the prude Jennifer a lesson on how to live without restraints. Victor and Diego quickly pick up on Mandy's vibe, but Jennifer feels out of place. Seeing how she struggles with the naturist lifestyle, Mandy takes it upon herself to mentor her with the sexy help from the guys. This is the second part of our MYLF-exclusive 'Empty Nest' series. To see how Jennifer's self-discovery journey turns out, join today and watch all the episodes!

Jennifer White В 'My Ex Can See The Future - S19:E5'

Jennifer White - My Ex Can See The Future - S19:E5

Jennifer White has asked Jay Romero for help with her new business venture. She thinks she's a spirit medium who can see the future. Guiding Jay in, Jennifer unveils her crystal ball and then takes his hand to look at his palm.As Jennifer makes sure to flirt with Jay and thrust her titties forward to make sure he's getting a good look down her shirt, she begins to predict that he's going to get aroused. He's going to get rock hard. He's going to get his world rocked. When Jay asks when that's happening, Jennifer puts his hand on her breast and tells him that it's happening right now.She encounters very little resistance as she sucks Jay's thumb and then drops to her knees to pull his hardon out. Taking it into her mouth, Jennifer maintains some serious eye contact as she sucks him down. Then she whips her tatas out for a titty fuck that leaves Jay primed for some hot makeup sex. Leaning over her table of mystical items, Jennifer wiggles her booty as Jay kneels behind her and squeezes the cheeks. Then he gets up and slides home, fucking Jennifer from behind to both of their delight. When Codey takes a seat, Jennifer impales herself on his hardon in reverse cowgirl, which lets his hands and mouth roam those glorious titties.Jennifer leans backwards on the table so that Jay can lick her clean of their combined juices before slamming home once again. When he pulls out to nut on Jennifer's landing strip, Jay asks how many more times his palm says they're going to do this. Jennifer's reply is that they've got lots of sex in their future.

Jennifer White В 'Fuck to the Future'

Jennifer White - Fuck to the Future

Hey, MYLF lovers! Let's all gather around and celebrate September's MYLF of the Month: the one and only Jennifer White! Dressed to impress in her 70s futuristic attire, this gloriously gorgeous babe participates in a hot photo shoot and answers all the questions you've been wondering about. Up next, Victor Ray comes in so Jennifer can show him how she tames wild stallions. Jennifer's perfect body is only topped by her raunchy talent, a fuckshow you definitely won't want to miss.

Jennifer White В 'Anal goddess Jennifer gets the DP of a lifetime'

Jennifer White - Anal goddess Jennifer gets the DP of a lifetime

Busty and bootylicious, Jennifer is putting it all up for grabs. But this lady is a lot to handle, and her appetite won't be satisfied with anything less than two at a time.

Jennifer White В 'Jennifer White: In The Grip Of BBC Steele'

Jennifer White - Jennifer White: In The Grip Of BBC Steele

Jennifer is is back! This girl is just like fine wine. The older she gets, the better she looks and tastes as well. Jennifer White seduces the legendary BBC Lexington Steele.

Jennifer White В 'tips neighbor by draining his balls on her pussy'

Jennifer White - American Daydreams

Ethan accidentally had his neighbor's, Jennifer White's, package delivered to his place. Being the good neighbor that he is he stops by Jennifer's place to drop it off. Jennifer is very thankful, but Ethan was hoping for a little more than a thank you. So Ethan drifts off and daydreams of Jennifer thanking him by taking his cock in her mouth and pussy. A man can dream can't he?

Jennifer White В 'Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 4'

Jennifer White - Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 4

Glamorous, fantastic porn MILF Jennifer White's neon green lingerie perfectly complements the surrounding neon set decoration. The stunning lady teases and strips, flaunting big boobs and a lusciously fit, tanned body. Surrounded by eight hung studs (Jax Slayher, Rob Piper, Richard Mann, Alex Jones, Hollywood Cash, Dan Damage, Musa Phoenix and Lawson Jones), Jennifer asks, 'Are you guys gonna make me your fuck toy today?' Moments later on the couch, huge cocks simultaneously fill her pussy and asshole in a double penetration. She gives a slobbering blowjob, rendering herself airtight! Jennifer's chunky butt jiggles as one dick drills her cunt and another hammers her anus. Epic gangbang action includes drooling, ass-to-mouth head; throat reaming; and rectal gaping! The dudes take turns on her holes, slam-fucking her to multiple, squirting orgasms! She moans through slimy lube injections and intense anal reaming. Finally, Jennifer drops to her knees, and each guy slathers her with a cum facial -- the combined result is a graphic, bukakke-style mess.

Jennifer White В 'Scene 3: Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 3'

Jennifer White - Scene 3: Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 3

Glamorous, outrageous XXX star Jennifer White tempts and teases in stylish pink lingerie that exquisitely complements the scene's pink neon set decoration. This cock-hungry MILF shows off her bodacious body through a tantalizing intro, stripping as water rains over her. Three big studs (Richard Mann, Jax Slayher and Rob Piper) worship her curves while she strokes their impressive big Black cocks. Things get dirty in a hurry! Jax stuffs his schlong up Jennifer's ass while she gives Rob a nasty blowjob. When Jax has her butthole warmed up, Richard takes a turn. Jennifer sucks dick through an intense double penetration pounding, whimpering in lust as boners simultaneously drill her pussy and bunghole. Hard anal action comes with twat fucking, lewd rectal gaping and messy, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Richard hammers her sphincter until Jennifer's gash erupts with a squirting orgasm! At her command, the guys fill her with furious, double-anal reaming! The spectacular sodomy foursome climaxes as the guys reward Jennifer with three messy cum facials.

Jennifer White В 'Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 2'

Jennifer White - Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 2

Bodacious porn queen Jennifer White captivates through a stellar opening tease, donning orange lingerie that perfectly matches the neon lighting around her. The thrilling MILF shares an epic blowbang with 11 hung studs -- Kris K XXX, Scotty P, Lawson Jones, Donny Sins, Eddie Jaye, Dan Damage, Apollo Banks, Nade Nasty, Musa Phoenix, Hollywood Cash and Tyrone Love! She kisses Donny's lips and then drops to her knees to work on big cocks. The guys surround her, masturbating. Hot Jennifer moves down the line, sucking each stiff dick. Her big boobs play a major role in the action, swaddling multiple schlongs for slippery titty fucking. This melee of fellatio includes epic dirty talk; messy lube sucking; and aggressive throat reaming. The crude blowjob party climaxes with a graphic, bukakke-style cum facial! Irrepressible Jennifer waits with her mouth open as each guy bastes her in hot cum!

Jennifer White В 'Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 1'

Jennifer White - Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 1

Porn Goddess Jennifer White stuns in blue lingerie, her wardrobe matching the neon decor around her through a picturesque opening tease. The busty MILF flaunts her big boobs and gorgeously tan bod, anxiously awaiting sensational stud Brickzilla and his massive big Black cock. Jennifer greets the imposing stud with a sloppy blowjob. Brickzilla abruptly stuffs his thick-as-a-brick prick up her asshole! The stylish vixen talks dirty as Brickzilla bangs her booty, and she takes breaks to pose her gaping butthole. Intense sodomy includes hole-stretching anal reaming, farting and messy, ass-to-mouth cocksucking. Jennifer's huge tits bounce with every thrust of Brick's dick! She ejaculates multiple, squirting orgasms, her gash geysering girl juice while Brickzilla buttfucks her. For the finale, the heavily hung dude stuffs his fat boner down Jennifer's throat and feeds her hot sperm.

Jennifer White В 'Naughty Gifts For Me And My Stepmom On Mothers Day - S19:E5'

Jennifer White - Naughty Gifts For Me And My Stepmom On Mothers Day - S19:E5

Jennifer White is a stepmom now. Since Mother's Day is coming up, she begins making a list of things she wants from her stepson Jimmy Michaels. Jimmy's dad is out of town, so Jennifer tells her stepson that she figures she can celebrate together with him.Later, Jimmy calls Jennifer into his room. He has a card and most of the gifts Jennifer wished for. He also has nothing on at all besides a cute little knit hat on his dick. Jennifer is in an awkward spot. She doesn't want to hurt Jimmy's feelings, so she offers to jerk him off. Once Jennifer begins stroking his dick, though, she finds that she wants to fuck her stepson more than she ever would have realized.Soon her handie turns into a blowjob. That turns into a titty fuck. Now that Jennifer has broken her own boundary, there's nothing stopping her from getting naked and climbing onto Spikey's stiffie. She rides him in cowgirl, then in reverse cowgirl. Those big titties bouncing keep Spikey nice and hard as his stunning stepmommy rides him. Getting on her side, Jennifer lifts one leg so Spikey can eat her pussy and then fuck her in spooning until she's moaning. Pulling out, he cums on Jennifer's muff for a real Mother's Day treat.

Jennifer White В 'White Gold'

Jennifer White - White Gold

Come warm up with Jennifer curl up with her in bed, and let her turn up the temperature.

Jennifer White В '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 5'

Jennifer White - Blacks On Blondes

When stepmother finds her stepdaughter stinking of jizz with dried cum all over her she knows exactly where she is getting it - from that party house down the street. Taking matters into her own hands she marches over to let them know she does not take kindly to this type of treatment of her stepdaughter. But as soon as she sees the massive snakes curling in their trousers she knows she has more on her mind than just yelling at someone. She wants to get right down to the nitty gritty and see just what her stepdaughter went through. Out come the massive ebony beasts right into her waiting slobbering white lady mouth. Ahhhhh sweet man meat. That is all any Karen needs. Gulping and sucking away her pussy is literally erupting in juices preparing for the entrance of something big bad and delicious. The horny men take full advantage of the crazed neighbor as they pulverize her fuckhole with their giganenormous love poles pounding Jennifer all over the couch. Dazed and glazed Jennifer leaves the house a better person that day.

Jennifer White В 'Treatment Methods'

Jennifer White - Treatment Methods

Jennifer is meeting with her former mentor, a therapist who is doubting his unorthodox methods. Can Jennifer shore up his confidence with some hands-on therapy?

Jennifer White В 'My Girl Loves Anal'

Jennifer White - My Girl Loves Anal

Jennifer White comes home to celebrate some good news. Her man Danny is a bit busy with work of his own and doesn't have time to celebrate the way she wants by getting it on with some steamy hot sex. But she knows her way to get his attention and that's by using her butt plug and begging for some anal pounding.

Jennifer White В 'Gaping Anal MILF'

Jennifer White - Gaping Anal MILF

Busty, bodacious MILF Jennifer White bats long eyelashes and massages her sweet sphincter in shiny red lingerie. She slides a clear butt plug into her hungry asshole and opens her mouth widely to slobber on bald stud Zac Wild's swollen boner. She sucks his big cock and licks his balls in an eager blowjob. The hot-bodied glamour girl climbs on top of Zac and rides his thick pole, screaming in delight. Zac licks her pink clit and fills her rectum with a butt plug. He plows her twat some more and then switches holes, digging his meat into her bunghole, which gapes! Jennifer masturbates as he porks her to a frenzied anal orgasm. She sucks dick ass-to-mouth. Finally, she teases a creamy load from the head of Zac's thick prick. When he cums on Jennifer's pussy lips, she scoops up milky nut and swallows!

Jennifer White В 'Unexpected Threesome'

Jennifer White - Unexpected Threesome

Johnny Love arrives home with his girlfriend, Camila Cortez. As they walk in the house, they bump into Johnny's step mom, Jenifer White, and this is where everything changes. Camila is instantly attracted to his step mom, so much so that when she goes in for a hug, she decides to squeeze Jennifer's ass. Jennifer is faltered by this, so later that day she goes over to Johnny's bedroom and slowly opens the door. Inside Johnny and Camila are making out. Without him noticing, Jennifer flashes Camila and calls her over. Camila makes a quick excuse and exits the room. Only to head over to Jennifer's bedroom and they start to have some fun. Eventually, Johnny sets out to look for his girlfriend only to find her down in between his step mom legs. He's shocked at first, but that quickly changes when they proposition a threesome. From there, the real fun

Jennifer White В 'I'm A Pleaser'

Jennifer White - I'm A Pleaser

Jennifer White loves doing things that she's good at. Watch as she pleases Mick Blue's hard cock in this latest Throated scene!

Jennifer White В 'Dirty Wives Club'

Jennifer White - Dirty Wives Club

Jennifer White and her husband are at a restaurant and her husband is in a bad mood again. He won't let Jennifer order the large sausage because he doesn't think she can finish it all. When her husband excuses himself over some food poisoning, Jennifer calls the waiter over and takes his big sausage in spite of her husband.

Jennifer White В 'DP and Squirt Threesome!'

Jennifer White - DP and Squirt Threesome!

Glamorous porn MILF Jennifer White quickly strips off her lingerie, showing her tan skin and busty frame. The freaky temptress teases herself with a heart-shaped butt plug wedged in her rectum, giving us a perfect view as she stretches her holes. Two top studs, Jax Slayher and Rob Piper, oil up her chunky rump to start the threesome show, and then Jennifer bends over to commence the crudeness. She sucks Jax's johnson while Rob reams her rectum, choking through an intense blowjob / buttfuck combo. Rob spreads her gaping anus, and then both big Black cocks fill her to the brim! Rampant double penetration pounding features intense squirting orgasms, ass-to-mouth fellatio, and ruthless anal slamming. Jennifer's messy finale features two creamy cum facials, along with a slow-motion recap of the decadent climax!

Jennifer White В 'fucking in the desk with her natural tits'

Jennifer White - fucking in the desk with her natural tits

Mark is embarrassed when Jennifer White shows him his Hall of Frame award. She thinks it's so hot that she wants to do him and Mark couldn't say no... so they end up getting it on!

Jennifer White В '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

Jennifer White - Watching My Mom Go Black

When stepmom Jennifer shows up from grocery shopping and finds her stepson lounging with two hot young black studs watching a college basketball tournament her pussy immediately heats up. She needs some some of that elusive BBC and acts quickly as she sends Elias out to put away the groceries. As a self respecting hot milf she knows how to get those cocks out and in her mouth quickly. With just a little conversation and enticing soon enough the young black men are clay in her hands and she molds them into rock hard heat seeking missiles of love to glide into her salivating oral cavity. Damn these chocolate cock-sicles taste sweet. It's about this time her stepson comes back in but it's too late now. Stepmomma is on a mission of orgasm and needs those big beefy poles buried deep in her cunt socket. Sliding in like hot knives through butter the young men plunder her pussy to the shock and consternation of her stepson. Damn - these are his friends and he thought they were going to be watching some B- ball together. But now all they want to ball is his stepmom. And holy fuck did Jennifer just turn it up a notch when she offers to introduce the young men to the joys of anal sex. Stepmom's ass is an elastic paradise as it opens quite easily for the hammering black penis horde that invades it. Chris and Lawson never expected this wonderful day when they came to their buddies house. Seriously what can be better than fucking your friend's stepmom while he has to watch. Soon the dudes are busting salty hot love juice all over Jennifer's glowing face.

Jennifer White В 'My First Sex Teacher'

Jennifer White - My First Sex Teacher

Jennifer White's boyfriend broke up with her, on Valentine's day of all days. Jennifer decides to make him regret it by posting sexy pics of herself online, but her mistake was that she was taking them in between classes in her very own classroom. Well her student walks in on her, hears her story, and offers her his sympathy along with a big box of chocolates. Jennifer decides to thank the student, and forget her ex, by fucking her student on her desk before her next class starts.

Jennifer White В 'fucking in the couch with her petite'

Jennifer White - fucking in the couch with her petite

Jennifer White is notorious for flirting with her stepbrother's buddies, but she's made a promise to him not to give his buddy Jordan the googly eyes when he comes over, because he doesn't want the friendship jeopardized. But as soon as Jordan arrives, Jennifer's step-bro gets a text from his parents asking him to pick them up from the airport an hour early, so he's got to jet. And when the cat's away, the mice will play ! and Jennifer gets fucked in the ass!!!

Jennifer White В 'Anal Dream Cum True'

Jennifer White - Anal Dream Cum True

Jennifer White is BACK in Florida and BACK on Bang Bros. This sexy queen loves dick...BIG dick, and her favorite place to stuff a big dick is in her tight asshole. We had to come through with the biggest dick we know. Our man Brickzilla came to slay that booty once again for us. His dick fits 4 of her hands, and shes got all that going in her asshole. She takes out of buttplug and stuffs her hole back up with a true monster cock. She begs for him to cum inside of her and he leaves her with a huge creampie all in her booty.

Carolyn Reese В 'fucking in the couch with her big natural tits'

Carolyn Reese - fucking in the couch with her big natural tits

Carolyn Reese just got back from the theater. She and her husband had a great time, but Carolyn's feet are killing her because her hubby wouldn't spring for valet parking service. He's not too worried though. A foot rub and some clit rub will make her feel like a million bucks again.

Carolyn Reese В 'fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Carolyn Reese - fucking in the living room with her big tits

Danny's ready to go on a blind date when the doorbell rings, and he finds a sexy, but older Carolyn. Thinking that he was going out with a peer, for a moment he's confused. Explaining that she is his date, Carolyn pushes her way into the house, and talking a mile a minute, starts wandering around, and asking a ton of questions. Realizing that he better just accept the fact that he's about to go out with a cougar, he suggests they head to the restaurant. Opening the door to head out, she immediately closes it, and in no uncertain terms lets him know that she's not interested in going out for dinner. This cougar is hunting! She's found her prey, and now she's going to taste him!

Carolyn Reese В 'fucking in the table with her big tits'

Carolyn Reese - fucking in the table with her big tits

Carolyn Reese was in an accident and became very attracted to the doctor who was caring for her. Now that she has her neck brace off she has nefarious plans for her and the good doctor. Even though he's a married man Carolyn cannot keep her hands away from his forbidden fruit. She sticks out her tongue and says "cock".

Carolyn Reese В 'Blonde Carolyn Reese fucking in the floor with her big ass'

Carolyn Reese - Blonde Carolyn Reese fucking in the floor with her big ass

Kris Slater is sneaking around Professor Carolyn Reese's classroom because he wants to take pictures of test answers to sell them to people taking the course. But she walks in and catches him, and threatens to take action. When he pleads her and tells her he'll do anything to keep from getting kicked out of school, she decides that there is one thing he can do ' eat her wet pussy and fuck her right there in the classroom! Either fuck a hot blonde teacher or get kicked out of school ' hmmm, tough choice...

Jennifer White В 'fucking in the couch with her piercings'

Jennifer White - fucking in the couch with her piercings

Jennifer's boyfriend sent over some flowers with his new assistant who Jennifer plans to use to make him jealous and she's surprised his huge cock actually fits in her tight little pussy.

Carolyn Reese В 'fucking in the desk with her glasses'

Carolyn Reese - fucking in the desk with her glasses

When Jack is caught in the women's locker room, he gets in trouble with both Ms. Carolyn Reese and Ms. Lexi Lamour who want to make sure he's severely punished. So, first an oral exam, and when Samantha Ryan walks in, she's forced to join in, too! Some punishment, huh?

Jennifer White В 'fucking in the bedroom with her piercings'

Jennifer White - fucking in the bedroom with her piercings

Jennifer is housesitting for her friend and her family while their on vacation, and decides to take certain liberties with one of the bedrooms -- getting naked and playing with herself on a nice comfy bed. Just when she thinks she's got herself all to herself, Alan tip-toes in the room. She freaks when she sees him, but Alan tells her that he faked sick so he could go home and spend time with her. "Spend time" equates to eating her pussy and getting his dick sucked and fucked. Now that's a vacation.

Carolyn Reese В 'Student Carolyn Reese fucking in the desk with her glasses'

Carolyn Reese - Student Carolyn Reese fucking in the desk with her glasses

Professor Reese likes having naughty little boys do things for her, so when she catches Derrick cheating, she doesn't turn him in. No, she turns him on with her sexy pantyhose and makes him eat her pussy and fuck her hard. Yeah, as long as he can fuck her hard and stay hard, he will never have to study hard.

Carolyn Reese В 'Wife Carolyn Reese fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Carolyn Reese - Wife Carolyn Reese fucking in the couch with her big tits

Carolyn Reese is a stunning housewife. She looks so good in her new lingerie that her man can't say a word. Carolyn has just one thing on her mind: getting his cum on her face!!

Jennifer White В 'Shaved Jennifer White fucking in the bed with her small tits'

Jennifer White - Shaved Jennifer White fucking in the bed with her small tits

Barry, has just got his hands on the test results which he and his roommate have been after but his friend's hot girlfriend is the only one around to receive the good news and his plans were never to share this information with anybody other than his roommate but Jennifer will do anything to get the answers to this lame test and offers Barry what she knows he's been after. Getting her ass fucked is way better than studying for a test which from the looks of it she won't have to do anymore.

Carolyn Reese В 'fucking in the bench with her natural tits'

Carolyn Reese - fucking in the bench with her natural tits

Carolyn Reese and her boyfriend Alex just have a few minutes before the bus leaves for their track meet, so they want to spend those final moments fucking each other's brains out, of course. So they sneak away for some hot steamy sex in the locker room.

Carolyn Reese В 'fucking in the couch with her'

Carolyn Reese - fucking in the couch with her

Carolyn is going on vacation with Richie's wife and he's going to scuba certify her to make sure his wife is safe but she's not at all interested in learning to scuba dive but rather dive for his delicious cock.

Jennifer White В 'Spit-Soaked BJ and Fuck'

Jennifer White - Spit-Soaked BJ and Fuck

Raven-haired, big-eyed babe Jennifer White caresses her thick body and shows off her bodacious booty. She wraps both hands around porn pro Mick Blue's big cock and gives him a spit-soaked blowjob. Uninhibited Jennifer slobbers on his balls and kisses his asshole in a delicious rim job. Mick fucks her from behind, rubbing her clit as she moans in heat. Jennifer slurps his fat boner, tasting her pussy juice on his shaft. She bounces to a euphoric orgasm on his thick rod. Her big butt shakes as he plows her gash doggie-style. Mick drizzles oil on her ass cheeks. He shoots a creamy load of jizz into her mouth for Jennifer to swallow.

Jennifer White В 'Anal Allstar'

Jennifer White - Anal Allstar

Jennifer White brings her tight ass to Bangbros so it can get stretched out. She's what I'd call a bad bitch. Her ass is perfect, she's a dime. she makes her ass clap and shakes it while it's all oiled up. Jonathan Jordan comes around with his huge cock to stick it deep in her ass. He fucks her good, she enjoys some allstar anal treatment all up in her anus and then obviously lets him cum on her face.

Jennifer White В '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 4'

Jennifer White - Blacks On Blondes

Ms. White is definitely one of the hottest teachers on campus and she has heard it all during her time. From all the comments from the male students about how they have fucked so and so and how much they want to fuck her. She's heard it all. Today may have been the straw that broke the camel's back as she has a couple of students staying after to work on an assignment when the older one on the stay in school forever plan starts giving advice to a brand new 18 year old freshman. It's obviously the younger student looks up to the older one and that's what drives Jennifer to finally speak up. What could they possibly have that would ever make her want to fuck them. So they show her. Two monster cocks. Well like any white girl that gets the clitty pumping and the labia flapping. If there is one thing white chix love is that old black snake charm. They just can't resist the call of the wild when they see that giant thick anaconda hanging. Immediately our teacher has tossed aside her scruples and sense of responsibility and has turned into a cock crazed whore. With a hunger she is gulping down that sweet chocolate treat sticks and opening her legs to take all she can handle. This freshman is packing one of the biggest tube steaks she has ever seen and she watches a lot of porn. Stretched and pulverized, her pussy is put to the test as the two students take turn ramming her full of cock. Her mouth is sore from swallowing as much as she can and her cervix feels like it was used as a punching bag for Mike Tyson but damn does this teacher feel good. Cumming over and over again she is literally on the verge of exhaustion when she gets rejuvenated with a creampie of jizz and a face bath of sperm.

Jennifer White В 'gets fucked in the ass by her friend's husband'

Jennifer White - My Wife's Hot Friend

Jennifer White was working out at her friend's place when her friend got a call to go into work. She leaves Jennifer to finish her workout. A while later her friend's husband, Lucas, walks in and let's Jennifer know to feel free to use the shower. After her shower she notices that there is no towels. Luckily Lucas walks in just then and hands it to her...Jennifer is on to what Lucas is up to and gives him what he wants...some of dat ass!!!

Jennifer White В 'POV Anal'Rim Job Queen'

Jennifer White - POV Anal'Rim Job Queen

Longhaired brunette Jennifer White has pouting lips and gumdrop nipples on her squeezable tits. She teases in flashy lingerie, shaking her inviting ass in the mirror and on the bed of director/stud Mick Blue's hotel room. Butt cheeks oiled, she peels tight panties from her crack. Jennifer kneels for a blowjob; Mick's POV-style footage captures ball lapping, two-hand stroking and Jennifer's eye contact. He fucks her throat, streams of spit flowing down her body. Mick puts his ass in her face for a thorough, enthusiastic rim job. 'I'm a dirty girl, huh?' says Jennifer, and when she's done, Mick kisses that mouth! She gasps and pulls her cheeks apart as he bones her bunghole. They take breaks for ass-to-mouth fellatio and Jennifer's lewd ass eating, from his POV. Sphincter impaled on his big cock, she twerks, grunting in bliss. Jennifer's natural boobs envelop his meat for a titty fuck. See lots more orgasmic, oil-slick anal reaming, with plenty more A2M flavor. A cum facial plasters Jennifer's tongue, chin and jowls.



JUNIOR'S GOLD DIGGER STEP-MOM BRINGS HIS SEXY AUNT TO HUMILIATE HIM AT WORK.They don't like his attitude at the Club. Savannah and Carolyn make him get naked at work and make fun of his little cock and balls. They tie his cock and balls up with their panties and spank his ass. They insult his manhood and make fun of his real step-mom. They put Carolyn's panties on his face so he can smell her pussy. Step-Mom Savannah makes him cum and then lick it all off her hand.

Jennifer White В 'will do anything to stop her husband from being bullied'

Jennifer White - Big Cock Bully

Jennifer White is furious at her brother in law because he has raised the rent 2 times in the past year and this has got to stop. Michael is jealous of his brother for always having the hottest and prettiest chicks all the time but now its his time to get some of that, Jennifer is willing to do anything for the rent to drop and stop him from taking advantage and the answer is her pussy riding on her brother in law cock.

Jennifer White В 'gets neighbor's big cock'

Jennifer White - Neighbor Affair

Jennifer White gets a visit from her neighbor's husband because he has locked himself out of the house. When getting the spare key for him, Jennifer asks for a huge favor. She's single, hot, and horny and needs a mans opinion on what she plans on wearing on her date. Coming out in some sexy lingerie, she can't resist on having fun with his cock, fucking and sucking it until it explodes!

Jennifer White В '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 3'

Jennifer White - Blacks On Blondes

Jennifer always loves cleaning out her plumbing because she gets a crew of hot guys coming over to do the work, but today, she's thinking more of servicing another kind of plumbing..... all her hot holes!!! She calls the crew of three guys over who think they are stopping by again for some clogged pipes but when they come into the kitchen she shows them her butt plugs and toys and uses them in front of them to turn them on while she talks about how she need HER pipes cleaned out instead this time and she wants all 3 of them to help at the same time! Crazy sex ensues with ATM, ATP, DP and all the craziness she can handle, after the 3 pops, one in her Ass, one in her Pussy and one on her Face; she tells them from now on she needs this type of service every time she calls!

Jennifer White В 'seizes the day and fucks her friend's brother before she gets back from the store'

Jennifer White - seizes the day and fucks her friend's brother before she gets back from the store

Jennifer White relaxes poolside with her friend's brother while her friend is out and about. She needs help with her lotion and her friend's brother lends a hand. He rubs her ass and then her pussy, but Jennifer doesn't mind, in fact, it turns her on so much that she decides to ride his cock before his sister gets home.

Jennifer White В 'Getting Down To Business'

Jennifer White - Getting Down To Business

After being let down by her man, Jennifer is all dressed up with nowhere to go. Enter Prince and Jax who are about to make all her effort completely worthwhile.

Jennifer White В 'Jennifer's DP Fantasy'

Jennifer White - Jennifer's DP Fantasy

Jennifer White is with us today and she is a certified freak. She tells us all about her fantasies and exactly what she wants to do today. Here at Bang Bros, we make dreams come true, so when she told us she wants two big cocks for her pussy and asshole, we listened. Rico Strong and Prince Yashua came to the rescue and pounded her the way she loves it. Rough and freaky. She has multiple orgasms while getting her ass and pussy pounded at the same time. They both leave her with huge cumshots that she swallows.

Jennifer White В '- Blacks On Cougars'

Jennifer White - Blacks On Cougars

Tree Trimmers get some trim on the side....... Jennifer has some tall trees in her back yard that need cutting but they are way too tall for her to reach so she calls the tree trimming service to get them trimmed. Prince and Isiah come over with their harnesses, ropes, helmets and saw to get the job done. She tells them she likes big logs and if they do a great job she will give them a nice tip! They come back in Naked and tell her they are ready for their tip and she gladly tips them with her soft velvet mouth deep throat skills. She takes off her dress and takes them both on saying she loves getting double stuffed by big thick wood, then the craziness starts. Featuring ATM, ATP, squirting and all the craziness and a pop on the ass and face. After the pop she says to the guys they can come over weekly to keep trimming as long as she can have their wood too.

Jennifer White В 'gives you all her holes... including the back door!!'

Jennifer White - gives you all her holes... including the back door!!

Jennifer White loves to show off her good looks but there is also something she loves filling and that is all her holes, and that is why she is this weeks top pornstar.

Kay Carter В 'Kay Carter, Nadia Jay and Jennifer White - Zebra Girls'

Kay Carter - Zebra Girls

Nadia works for the gas company inspecting houses for dangerous leaks and she comes to Kay and Jennifer's house and sees they are a lesbian couple that she interrupted having sex. As she tests the different rooms with her gas sniffer she sees they left the stove on in the kitchen, they left their sex toys out everywhere in the bedroom and when she gets to living room she tells them she has a special tool to check only the pretty home owners as well, just to make sure they are safe too, she lifts up her skirt and has a big strap on and that's when the lesbian couple realize she's a lesbian too! She has the girls take it deep down their throats and they even trade off using the strap on too and crazy group sex ensues. Lots of Pussy to mouth, and hot tongues getting eachother off.

Jennifer White В 'Bride and her bridesmaids share a stranger's cock one last time'

Jennifer White - Bride and her bridesmaids share a stranger's cock one last time

Bridesmaids Jennifer White and LaSirena69, and the bride, Skye Blue, are getting ready for the big ceremony. They get ready in the hotel and order up some champagne and get to talking about only having one cock. When their bubbly arrives, the bridesmaids invite the hotel employee in to join them. The girls take turns riding his big hard cock moments before the ceremony.

Dee Williams В 'Gaping Compilation 3 - Mike Adriano'

Dee Williams - Gaping Compilation 3 - Mike Adriano

Featuring some of our hottest anal vixens, we present to you Mike Adriano's third gaping compilation showing off some ass pounding and stretching! Gotta love a sweet gape, enjoy!!

0:00 - Asian Kendra's Gaping Anal & A2M Deeds
6:56 - Deep In That Ass
20:30 - Enema Slut Jennifer Reamed To Gaping
32:14 - MILF Dee Sodomized To Gaping Prolapse!
40:35 - Phat, Rimming Ivy Sodomized To Gaping

Carolyn Reese В 'Gives James Deen A Massage Before Fucking Him'

Carolyn Reese - Gives James Deen A Massage Before Fucking Him

James is chilling in his sofa while playing video games. It was a lazy day for him and he was not really expecting any guests. He didn't have much plans for the day either. Suddenly, he was interrupted by a sudden ring on his doorbell. Opening his front door, it revealed a voluptuous blonde wearing a brown tank top and a super short skirt. She carried a mat with her. James affably chatted with her, and he learned that she was a masseuse sent to his place by a friend. James thought a massage wouldn't be so bad, so when she told him he only needed to keep his boxers on during the massage, he obliged. The masseuse, whose name is Carolyn, rolled the mat on the floor and made James lie on it flat, his back facing her. She sat on his butt and poured oil over his bare back. While pushing and tenderly rubbing her fingers over his skin, the two exchanged some small talk. They asked each other about work…and when Carolyn learned that James worked in the porn industry, it lit a fire in her eyes. She carefully took off her top while James was oblivious to her devious plan. Carolyn just wanted to see if James' vast sexual experience could live up to her sexpectations. She poured her massage oil over her breasts and began massaging her tits. She then pushed her skirt down her legs until she was completely naked. She straddled James once more, before slowly pressing and rubbing her tits against his back. James quickly realized what Carolyn's true motive were, and he turned to meet her lustful gaze. They kissed each other sensually, tongues playfully pushing and wrapping against each other. Carolyn moved and positioned the opening of her pussy before his mouth. James began stroking his tongue against her moist love hole. It made her moan with desire. They kissed and James finger-fucked her. Then he grabbed and massaged her tits before she went on her knees and took in his entire cock in and out of her slobbering mouth. He got a good doze of titty-fuck from her too. He then pushed her against the couch and gave her a nice, long oral. It drove her nuts! Each time his tongue landed on her pussy lips and on her clit, she gasped and cursed in pure ecstasy. He was already so good at foreplay, that means she's in for a wild treat once he puts his cock inside her pussy. Now sitting on the floor, Carolyn slowly takes his dick into her puss while her back faced him. He was so huge and thick that she felt like a virgin with the tight fit. They both lay on their sides on the sofa, and James began pumping his massive erect dick in and out. From fucking her while they both lay next to each other, to plowing her womanhood like a cornfield from behind, to Carolyn riding his cock like a naughty cowgirl would, the two were obviously pleased with each other's lovemaking skills. Before long, James found himself rubbing his dick in between Carolyn's tits. His cock was so thick but it eased into her vagina quite well because she was just. That. Wet. Faster and harder, he drilled his meat inside her. Finally, after a few more passionate pumps in between her tits, his cum oozed out like lava from his penis. It was a job well done for James, and definitely a risk for Carolyn Reese that proved to be super worth it.



IF YOU WANT TO BE WITH ME...YOU'VE GOT TO DO THIS.Wolf is working at the bar, when his girlfriend Savannah enters with her friend Carolyn and her husband Gabe. Savannah is pissed because she caught her Wolf cheating on her. Savannah said that to save their relationship, he going to have to suck Gabe's dick. At first Wolf refuses, saying there is no way he will do that! This changes, however, when Savannah says he better do it or he will lose his job and any other bartending job in town because her family owns them all! Wolf better start Sucking.

Jennifer White В 'seduces her friend's husband'

Jennifer White - My Wife's Hot Friend

Jennifer White has been staying at her friend's house while she looks for a new apartment. While there, she's had her eyes on her friend's husband, Stirling and she's finally home alone with just him. When Stirling gets home and jumps in the shower, Jennifer changes into his wife's lingerie and patiently awaits him to find his surprise on his bed.

Jennifer White В 'loves to get Anal Fucked'

Jennifer White - Big Cock Hero

Kyle found out that Jennifer is cheating on his friend, but she needs her ass pounded, and so Kyle as a good friend gives her his cock in the ass and makes her never ever go with someone else making him a big cock hero.

Daisy Stone В 'Fuck the masseuse'

Daisy Stone - Fuck the masseuse

Daisy Stone, Jennifer White, and Riley Reyes love their masseuse. He's the best. To thank him for making them for so good they decide to make him feel good for once as they take turns on his dick.

Jennifer White В 'Mom Takes The Team - S11:E3'

Jennifer White - Mom Takes The Team - S11:E3

Jennifer White has her hands full with her stepson Typer Nixon and his friends Brad Sterling and Lucas Frost. The trio comes in from football practice just as Jennifer has finished getting dressed. She gives them snacks and drinks and lets them know that dinner will be ready soon. Before they can eat, though, all three stinky boys need a shower. There's no time to go individually, so all three will need to cram into the shower at the same time. The boys protest that they're not showering together, so Jennifer snaps into mom-in-charge mode and tells them to line up.Pulling their pants down to reveal three boners, Jennifer lets them know that she's going to teach them how to be real men. She starts with Lucas, sucking him in lovingly. Then she moves on to Brad as she continues to stroke Lucas off. Tyler can't believe his stepmom's antics, but he keeps his mouth shut and strokes himself off as he watches Lucas Jennifer while she sucks Brad off. When Jennifer lays eyes on Tyler watching the scene, she offers for him to join in with a do me smile. Getting on her hands and knees, Jennifer lets her stepson bang her doggy style as she double teams Lucas and Brad with her hands and mouth. Tyler asks nicely if he can fuck his stepmom's ass, and she goes so far as to help him put it in.Now is Jennifer's time to really shine as she proves she can handle three cocks in multiple positions like a fucking boss. She pulls Brad onto the couch and climbs onto his hardon while taking turns sucking Lucas and Tyler off and giving a handie to the other. She has Brad switch to her ass, then beckons Lucas in so he can fuck her twat at the same time while she deep throats Tyler. Then she turns around to ride Brad's pecker as Lucas takes a turn in her ass and Tyler keeps on giving her the D in her mouth. Rolling onto her back, Jennifer welcomes her stepson back inside has ass as she resumes sucking and stroking Lucas and Brad. Tyler pulls out to coat his mom's belly in jizz, then Jennifer takes a cumshot from Brad and then Lucas to the face. Cum covered and satisfied, Jennifer tells the boys that she meant what she said about the shower.

Jennifer White В 'girl attack 2 - Mila Blaze, Jennifer White'

Jennifer White - girl attack 2 - Mila Blaze, Jennifer White

Sexy lesbian Mila Blaze and Jennifer White know how to please each other. With nice pussy licking and a double ended glass dildo, everything is alright!

Jennifer White В 'girl attack 2 - Jennifer White, Alice Lighthouse'

Jennifer White - girl attack 2 - Jennifer White, Alice Lighthouse

Hot brunettes Alice Lighthouse and Jennifer White fuck on the couch with a dildo! What a hot scene!

Casey Calvert В 'Office Anal Session with Casey Calvert, Jane Wilde, and Jennifer White'

Casey Calvert - Office Anal Session with Casey Calvert, Jane Wilde, and Jennifer White

Jennifer White has been seeing the new IT guy, Ryan. She tells her co-workers, Casey Calvert and Jane Wilde, all about their first date. From Ryan treating her nicely at dinner to Ryan fucking her ass for the first time. Jennifer highly recommends it and Casey and Jane are intrigued. When Ryan stops by to see Jennifer, the three girls use the opportunity to have an anal foursome right then and there!

Jennifer White В 'Artcore: Anal'

Jennifer White - Artcore: Anal

Outrageous anal princess Jennifer White teases in sheer lingerie as the camera captures a stunning view of the Hollywood Hills. The glamorous, raven-haired doll jumps into tattooed Juan Lucho's arms and they go inside for a hot anal pounding. Juan fingers her asshole as they make out. Jennifer unsheathes his thick schlong for a slobbery, throat-reaming blowjob. Jennifer fondles her clit as Juan jackhammers her cunt, and she squirts girl cum as he slam-fucks her sphincter! Intense backdoor pummeling comes with sloppy, ass-to-mouth cocksucking, hard spanking and a creamy cum facial.

Jennifer White В 'Axel Brauns Nylon 2 Scene 5'

Jennifer White - Axel Brauns Nylon 2 Scene 5

Stockings. Thigh-Highs. Pantyhose. Nothing showcases a perfect pair of legs better than Nylon, and to prove it, legendary director Axel Braun has cast another extraordinary group of gorgeous ladies in the second volume of his chart-topping series. Enjoy!

Jennifer White В 'I Know You're Watching Scene 4'

Jennifer White - I Know You're Watching Scene 4

There's a special thrill in knowing somebody's watching you while you are doing something you shouldn't. Porn scion Rikki Braun knows that, so he assembled five sultry brunettes and put them in compromising positions for our eyes only. Cover girl Kendra Spade delivers a scorching hot performance and headlines a stunning cast of horny exhibitionists. No point in hiding...they know you're watching!

Jennifer White В 'Axel Brauns Girlfest Scene 3'

Jennifer White - Axel Brauns Girlfest Scene 3

Legendary director Axel Braun dives into the realm of sapphic pleasures with an all-star cast of 10 phenomenal performers led by lesbian authority Charlotte Stokley and statuesque beauty Elena Koshka. Brilliant casting, masterful camerawork, and true passion make Axel Braun's Girlfest the scorching beginning of a new series destined to become a classical.

Jennifer White В 'in Extra Credit'

Jennifer White - in Extra Credit

I feel bad for Mr. Jovan Jordan. He's a great teacher but I am just not into all this learning bullshit. Numbers just make me so confused. But I really need to pass this class. Lucky for me and for him I think that I know an extra credit assignment that I can do to earn an easy A. Mr. J plays it cool but I just know that he is a nasty mother fucker who wants to eat my holes and pound my pussy. After I make him shoot that load all over me I'll be earning and easy A.

Ana Foxxx В 'Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1'

Ana Foxxx - Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1

Time to make the chimichangas! The merc with the mouth finally gets his own porn parody, thanks to legendary Director Axel Braun and Wicked Comix, and while this movie doesn't have Ryan Reynolds, it does have ridiculously hot chicks, a buttload of sex, and tons of epic boobs! Starring Seth Gamble in a hilarious, Award-Worthy turn as the regenerating degenerate, Wicked girl jessica drake as Lady Deadpool, Romi Rain as Elektra, plus The Punisher, Wolverine and not one but two Domino's!Deadpool XXX: An Axel Braun Parody may not be the parody you knew you needed, but it sure as fuck is the one you deserve!

Jennifer White В 'Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 2'

Jennifer White - Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 2

Time to make the chimichangas! The merc with the mouth finally gets his own porn parody, thanks to legendary Director Axel Braun and Wicked Comix, and while this movie doesn't have Ryan Reynolds, it does have ridiculously hot chicks, a buttload of sex, and tons of epic boobs! Starring Seth Gamble in a hilarious, Award-Worthy turn as the regenerating degenerate, Wicked girl jessica drake as Lady Deadpool, Romi Rain as Elektra, plus The Punisher, Wolverine and not one but two Domino's!Deadpool XXX: An Axel Braun Parody may not be the parody you knew you needed, but it sure as fuck is the one you deserve!

Jennifer White В 'The Sessions: Part 7'

Jennifer White - The Sessions: Part 7

Welcome to The Sessions, a sexy series that allows you into one of the most intimate spaces known to man—the therapist's office. Be a fly on the wall as patients and practitioners explore their sexualities. Each episode features a different therapist, patient, and a whole new set of sexual boundaries being crossed. In Part 7, therapist Jennifer is looking for a way to break patient Chad out of his negative mentality and take responsibility for his part in his relationship problems. She suggests some role play to help him deal with feeling neglected by his mother, but he's shocked when she starts caressing his cock! The sexy MILF gives him all the attention he's been missing and more, teaching him to fuck her pussy like a real man!

Jojo Kiss В 'The Gift Of Gaping'

Jojo Kiss - The Gift Of Gaping

Jennifer has one thing that drives her - hedonism. Pure pleasure, no matter the cost. Herself and her husband have been watching the neighbor's daughter for a while now, and with her parents out of town, Jennifer invites her over to have a little fun. This will be an anniversary present that he'll never forget.

Jennifer White В '- Glory Hole - Scene 2'

Jennifer White - Glory Hole

Jennifer White. What a total slut! Just look at her!! Standing in the adult bookshop, sending out a 'dog whistle' that any second, she'll take the stroll back to the video arcade to make herself available at 'the hole'. Shaking her ass (that barely fits in her tight, skimpy shorts) so much the clerk finally comes over to reprimand her! Once in the infamous Booth Number 5, Jennifer will take on any and all...unless a white pee-pee pops up. Ignore. Giggle. Repeat. Until 11 inches of black manhood appears. Jennifer can't get enough. Suck. Fuck. Creampie! Jennifer's thinking the fun's over -- except some white-boy tease and denial -- until a second, much girthier slab of black meat appears. Suck. Fuck. Cum hard all over the place! Anal! After all, Jennifer's slutty day isn't complete without some BBC up her very tight asshole. She'll swallow that final load before getting a kick out of white boy jerking his dinky until he unloads...all over the wall. 'You're welcome!' Jenn says, an evil smile on her whore face.

Jennifer White В 'After Work Chill'

Jennifer White - After Work Chill

Jennifer has just got off work when she is given an offer she can't possibly refuse. It's time to chill - her way.

Jennifer White В '- Cuckold Sessions - Scene 2'

Jennifer White - Cuckold Sessions

'I'm really nervous,' her Cuckold says, eyeing all the black men in the bar. The Cuckold is outnumbered 7 to 1...and they're all Bulls, too! 'I'm really horny,' Jennifer White says, looking right into the eyes of her cuck. 'So don't get in my way!' Jennifer and her Cuck continue dancing, but in a very short matter of time one of the Bulls cuts in. He elbows the Cuck and starts dancing with Jennifer -- and he starts groping her, too! Then, another Bull walks on the dance floor, and he doesn't even attempt to dance; instead, he lifts Jennifer's skirt and begins groping! Then it all goes down quickly, as all the Bulls -- even the bartender -- dash towards Jennifer. They know it's ON! Jennifer does her best to satisfy all the Bulls, offering up all her holes. 'Hey fellahs,' her Cuckold says, meekly, 'maybe take it easy on her?' The Bulls shove him and laugh, like bullies on the school playground. This makes the Cuckold's dick even harder. The Bulls bang Jennifer so well she has more than one gushing orgasm, and then they make her 'airtight'. With all three holes stuffed with BBC, Jennifer and her Cuckold are in pure ecstasy! That's about the time the Bulls start dropping loads. And they drop the loads where ever they please: in Jennifer's mouth; in Jennifer's pink pussy; even in Jennifer's tight, tight asshole! And all that mess? Well, that's where the Cuckold takes over!

Jennifer White В 'Filling Her Best Friend's Holes'

Jennifer White - Filling Her Best Friend's Holes

Asian cutie Kita Zen is excited to get her hands on Jennifer White's perky tits before sliding her tongue all up in her tight ass! Once Jennifer is nice and wet, Kita fills her with a butt plug and dildo combo that sends her hot friend over the edge!

Jennifer White В 'Fucking Like Rabbits - S7:E9'

Jennifer White - Fucking Like Rabbits - S7:E9

Jennifer White and her husband are trying to keep their sex life as adventurous as possible. Early one morning, Jennifer wakes up to her husband dressed in a sexy Easter bunny costume while he dumps Easter eggs on her. Though Jennifer would love to horse around with her husband, she sends him off to work while she gets in the shower. Her husband pulls her back in for one last round of horsing around, when his son Lucas Frost passes by and gets an idea from his glimpse of their action.While Jennifer is in the shower soaping up her big tits and firm ass, Lucas puts on the Easter bunny suit. When Lucas comes up behind his stepmom post-shower, she lets him have his way with her because she believes he's her husband. After filling his stepmom with a creampie of hot jizz, Lucas wears his costume into his stepsister's room. Piper Perri is equally open to what she thinks are her stepdad's advances, opening her thighs to take him deep inside her bare fuck hole. When Piper gets on her hands and knees to let Lucas fuck her doggy style, he manages a second climax to give his stepsister a creampie of her own. Piper is totally satisfied until the bunny mask falls off to reveal her stepbrother.Emboldened by his success earlier, Lucas joins his stepmother in bed while she's sleeping and starts feasting on her juicy snatch before pounding her from behind. Believing it's her husband, Jennifer lets it happen until she finally looks to see who's fucking her. It feels too good to stop, and they continue on while unbeknownst to either of them Piper is watching and masturbating at the hot sight. When Piper is spotted in the act, she and her mom decide to double team Lucas so he can satisfy each of their twats again. As a reward for his service to their pleasure, the girls stroke Lucas off until he gives them a double facial of cum.

Jennifer White В 'Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 2 Scene 5'

Jennifer White - Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 2 Scene 5

No description available at the moment. Please check back soon.

Jennifer White В 'Dredd Gapes Them All'

Jennifer White - Dredd Gapes Them All

Wearing a skimpy string bikini, pale mega-slut Jennifer White teases the camera. She pries open her plump butt cheeks and flaunts her perky tits before joining Dredd for a fierce interracial ass reaming. Jennifer worships his massive, titanic tool through a sloppy, face-fucking blowjob, and then props up her ass for deep anal penetration. She sucks dick ass-to-mouth, smacking the side of her face as his huge schlong fills her throat. Jennifer's sweaty, hole-stretching dick-down features graphic rectal gaping and climaxes with a creamy facial.

Jennifer White В 'Maximum Penetration 5'

Jennifer White - Maximum Penetration 5

Jennifer White is back and hotter than ever as she takes on Manuel & Steve in this no holes barred fuckfest! One cock isn't enough for this seasoned whore. Jennifer teases as she poses for the camera in her black lingerie and sexy black stockings. This brunette bombshell is really something else, piercing hazel eyes, legs for days, perfect perky tits, and an amazing ass that you'd love to get lost in, she's like a fashion model gone bad! Jennifer starts out servicing Steve's monster cock with those perfect lips of hers as she licks and sucks his shaft and balls. She lets him pound her wet pussy in all positions but this chick is cock hungry and one dick isn't going to do the trick. Manuel joins in and they plug her horny holes with their massive man meat before covering her with all of their cum!

Jennifer White В 'Morning Wood'

Jennifer White - Morning Wood

Jennifer White's clothes are barely able to cover her tits and ass as she fusses over her stepson Damon Dice. He can tell she's not wearing a miniskirt as she waves her bottom at him. When she leans over to give his hair a trim, her big boobs hang without a bra. Her nipple even slips out of her shirt, giving Damon a show. Later, Jennifer takes it upon herself to help Damon in the bathroom by licking, sucking, and stroking his stiffie until he cums in her mouth so it's not uncomfortably hard anymore.The next morning, Jennifer tries to get Damon out of bed for school. When he won't get up, she rips the covers off only to be confronted by his morning wood. Knowing that her stepson can't go to school like that, Jennifer decides to help him out once again. She starts by giving him another blowjob, but that's not enough to get him off this time.Hiking her miniskirt up, Jennifer climbs on top of Damon and starts riding his fuck stick in her landing strip fuck hole as her big boobs sway in front of him. Then she gets on her knees so Damon can take her from behind, pounding away at her greedy twat. When she rolls onto her back, Damon drives her to a big climax and then takes his own pleasure by filling his stepmom up with a creampie of jizz.

Jennifer White В 'Top Notch Anal 3'

Jennifer White - Top Notch Anal 3

Raven-haired vixen Jennifer White is an insatiable anal slut. The lustful porn queen flaunts her body in revealing lingerie, posing and stripping for director Mike Adriano. After Mike rims her sphincter, she injects enema fluid into her rectum, and then lewdly spews it into a party cup! Jennifer winks her gaping bunghole through a sloppy sodomy session, and she deep-throats dick. The nasty babe gives filthy ass-to-mouth head, rides rod hard, and finally latches her lips to Mike's meat and swallows cum.

Jennifer White В '- Interracial Blowbang'

Jennifer White - Interracial Blowbang

Jennifer White is having what she calls a 'back yard barbecue', but if you know Jennifer White, you know this isn't going to be anything that resembles a barbecue. No outdoor grilling. No laying around the pool. In fact, the only meat that'll be served today are the dozen BBC's who showed up, knowing all about Jennifer and the 'back year parties' she throws. Jennifer makes sure to show up late, in the skimpiest bikini she could find, as well as a pair of stripper heels that'll make your jaw drop. It sure did make all twelve BBC's stand at attention, and she hadn't even dropped to her knees yet!! And once she does? It's an all out blow bang, featuring Jennifer and her gorgeous mouth. The Bulls are gonna skull fuck Jennifer in a variety of ways, before calling out 'take it on the face!' or 'Swallow that, snow bunny!' That's right -- it's a combo of facials and swallows, a dozen hot, creamy loads either splattered on Jennifer's beautiful white face...or dropped down the hatch, so to speak, filling Jennifer's tummy with a whole lot of Soul.

Francesca Le В 'Anal Couples Swap'

Francesca Le - Anal Couples Swap

Busty Latina MILF Francesca Le splashes in the pool with her girlfriend, pale beauty Jennifer White. When husbands Mark Wood and Isiah Maxwell arrive, the ladies provoke them by making out in full view. The bikini babes suck their men's cocks, and then switch partners! The party moves indoors, where Mark's thick white meat and Isiah's big black cock ram Jennifer and Francesca's every hole. This adulterous, interracial four-way features intense anal fucking, double penetration, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and a messy cum swap!

Jennifer White В 'Anal Therapy'

Jennifer White - Anal Therapy

Jennifer loves her job as a marriage counselor and helping people is her priority. Her most recent clients have been coming to see her twice a week for a while now - the husband is a compulsive flirt - and now something unexpected has happened. When she arrives at a bar for a bachelorette party, her male client is also there and before last call, they are heading for a hotel to do something that is completely against her work ethics.

Jennifer White В 'Fucking Her Nun Buns'

Jennifer White - Fucking Her Nun Buns

Jennifer White was on her way to become a nun. Just as she was about to catch the bus to the convent, her boyfriend tried to stop her one last time. Johnny tried his best to convince her she would be leaving a life of fun and joy behind, but Jennifer was truly devoted to the church and made her final choice, BUT she was willing to have one last taste of fun before she was committed forever. They could have sex, but to preserve her purity it would have to be anal sex. Johnny certainly didn't mind that! It was like a miracle from heaven itself. He gaped Jennifer's tight asshole with his girthy cock slowly. You can tell she was feeling the anal pressure by the look on her face. Johnny continued to beat that brown bagel to a pulp, leaving Jennifer with a wad of gizm to the face. This final anal fucking still left her devoted to becoming a nun, but Johnny was welcome to visit the convent anytime he wants ;)

Jennifer White В 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Jennifer White - I Have A Wife

When Jennifer White gets word that her and her husband's old college friend Charles is driving down for a visit, she starts reminiscing about the good ol' days…especially when they had a one-time threesome! jennie wants to live that particular moment, but this time minus her husband. So when Charles shows up, she's conveniently not wearing any underwear over her big fat ass and pink pussy, and bends over every which way in her short red dress to make the bed for him and show him what a treat he's in for! Once her husband's friend is relaxing in his quarters, Jennifer strolls in wearing nothing but a bra and panties, and with an appetite for nothing but Charles's married dick.

Jenna Ross В 'The Study Swap'

Jenna Ross - The Study Swap

Jenna Ross and Jennifer white have not been doing great in school lately, so they decided to enlist their fathers to be their own personal tutors! After hours of studying everyone had just about reached their breaking point. The girls pulled away to the other room and came to the conclusion that the only way they were gonna get out of this was by swapping their daddys! When they got back to the table instead of putting their heads in the books they put their hands on their daddys cocks. The dads got wind of what was going on and almost got into a brawl, but the girls calmed them down with a quick cocksucking. From there, everyone was on the same page. The dads rammed their opposite daughters out with all their might, leaving them dripping from their teenage pussies. And as a special reward for a job well done, two heaping gobs of daddy goo to the face for each of them. Sex is always better than studying!

Jennifer White В 'Returns'

Jennifer White - Returns

It's been awhile since hot and sultry beauty Jennifer White been with us LIVE!! She loves to fuck and welcomes Jay Smooths hard cock! She gives him one hot blowjob and then rides him hard in all the positions you love to see! Her large natural tits bounce beautifully while she grinds on that cock. Jay gives her his famous facial; painting up her entire face with his cum.

Jennifer White В 'and Mike Mancini in Neighbor Affair'

Jennifer White - Neighbor Affair

Mike's prepping for a garage sale in a few hours, but his newfound neighbor Jennifer White stumbles upon it early, so he invites her in to take a peek around and see what he's selling. A few items catch her eye — especially the vibrator the Mike says caused his fresh divorce. Well, Jennifer always tries before she buys! On goes the sex toy and naked goes the neighbor. Mike sets her up with the “package deal” by shoving his stiff big dick in her mouth and slapping her fat ass red. The two fuck like they've been neighbors for years…and then Jennifer goes home with an array of new items!

Jennifer White В 'Fuck My Ass'

Jennifer White - Fuck My Ass

“Fuck. My. Ass.” Those are your instructions today, straight from big-butt beauty Jennifer White. She wants you to reach out and grab that juicy ass of hers and shove your hard cock right into it. That is, of course, after she gets it nice and lubed up with spit after giving you a hearty blowjob. Suck on her natural tits and fuck her wet pussy first, too, because you'll want to get Jennifer nice and warmed up. Oh, and don't forget about her anal sexy toy. That'll help open her ass up for your big dick, and she wants to be prepared. Immerse yourself with Virtual Reality by immersing yourself in Jennifer's ass today!

Jennifer White В 'Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 06'

Jennifer White - Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 06

Jennifer is having a BBQ and is doing her neighborhood rounds putting the finishing touches on her guest list. She stops by her best friends house and finds her husband there alone. Seems he is a little worried about his wife's need for anal sex. He is worried he will fuck it up. No problem, explains Jennifer, you just need a fuck buddy. So neighborly Jennifer offers to help the husband get some much needed ass fucking experience. Right there and then she pops her ass up on his rigid cock and shows him just how much women hitting 30 love a pumper in the pooper.

Jennifer White В 'Interracial Nation Scene 4'

Jennifer White - Interracial Nation Scene 4

Porn scion Rikki Braun digs deep into the beauty of difference and inclusion in this sexy, hardcore exercise in style. Featuring a phenomenal cast, headlined by AJ Applegate and Adriana Chechick, Interracial Nation is as Wicked as it gets!

Jennifer White В 'The Seduction of Avi Love - All Hairy Girl Edition'

Jennifer White - The Seduction of Avi Love - All Hairy Girl Edition

Avi Love is masturbating in the bathtub playing with her fuzzy pussy when Jennifer White comes in to join her. Jennifer starts chowing on the fur burger and probing it with a dildo bringing Avi to orgasm. Avi returns the favor by eating out Jennifer and sticking dildos into her.

Taurus В 'Jews Love Black Cock - Part 2'

Taurus - Jews Love Black Cock - Part 2

Matchmaker Joanna Angelstein barged into Rachel's house, aka Taurus, because according to her father, she was in need of a suitable Jewish husband. But when Rachel said she was already living with a Jewish partner, she never expected that to be a WOMAN, Jennifer White! Oy, Gevalt! She'd have to tell Morty about this, and insisted she could find them BOTH husbands. Not interested, they sent Joanna packing, to take advantage of the private nude vinyasa yoga session instructed by Nat Turnher, with which Jennifer surprised her girlfriend! Hmm.. maybe they DO need a man in their lives..

Jennifer White В 'I Want To Watch'

Jennifer White - I Want To Watch

Horny stepmom Jennifer White records a home video for her stepson Tyler Nixon to watch. Her striptease doesn't end until she has peeled off her bra and thong and plunged her fingers deep into her landing strip fuck hole. Things come to a head when Tyler brings his girlfriend Maya Bijou home from college and his stepmom still wants to fuck. Jennifer's seduction attempt is eventually successful as Tyler's objections slowly die off.Jennifer starts by stroking and sucking Tyler's stiffie, but that's not enough for this cock craving milf. Soon she has peeled off both of their clothes so she can get down on her hands and knees and let Tyler dominate her greedy snatch. Things are going just as Jennifer wanted until Tyler pretends to give her the creampie that she demands and then retreats downstairs to his girlfriend.Later, Maya and Tyler are enjoying their time alone. Maya starts by sucking Tyler off with a puffy lip blowjob, and then moves on to ride him with lots of enthusiasm. Maya is just about to cum when Jennifer walks in and talks her way into bed with the young couple.Once Maya and Jennifer come to an understanding about sharing Tyler, it's a no-holds-barred threesome extravaganza! Jennifer shows Maya and Tyler a whole world of licentious delights, from pussy eating to the best cock sucking techniques. At the end, once both girls are finally sated, Jennifer finally gets to enjoy Tyler's cum when he blasts his load on Maya's belly for the girls to share.

Jennifer White В '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 2'

Jennifer White - Blacks On Blondes

"Air Tight." That's one way to describe this week's black cock slut, Jennifer White. It's a reference, of course, to Jennifer's three holes: her wet, warm mouth; her tight, pink cunt; and her wonderful asshole. All three are stuffed with over-sized black dick simultaneously. It all goes down in the new Dogfart Social Club, a place where the Crew love to drink, gamble, and fuck snowbunnies on the regular. They've got a make-shift stripper pole, because who doesn't love a stripper? Especially one who's down to get gang banged. Jennifer White will be the first to tell you her biggest fetish is the gang bang, and the more dudes she gets to entertain, the better. Today's number is 11, all holes are open, so come watch the party! Airtight, Jennifer White!

Jennifer White В 'and Mr. Pete in My Girl Loves Anal'

Jennifer White - My Girl Loves Anal

There's no better remedy for a bad day at work than your girlfriend letting you put your dick in her ass! Jennifer White had it planned all along for her man, saving her asshole with a buttplug just so Pete could stick his big dick in it! Pleasantly surprised to see the ass jewel when he bends his woman over to spank her, Pete is more than ready to give her anal sex! Guys: don't ever underestimate the power of your woman … or her asshole!

Jennifer White В 'The Whole Team'

Jennifer White - The Whole Team

Brad Sterling, Seth Gamble, and Bambino are having an after school get together to make signs for their football team's fundraiser. They show off their signs to their teacher, Jennifer White, but when Bambino pops a chubbie things take a sexual turn. Soon all three guys are whipping it out to prove to their teacher that they are well equipped.Jennifer commits to doing each of them to see who fucks the best. One her clothes hit the ground, she gets down on all fours so that Seth can fuck her from behind while she sucks Bambino off. Brad eventually gets in on the action when Jennifer reaches out to stroke him off while she's being dominated at both ends by the other two. Bambino gets the next turn while Brad enjoys a lusty blowjob at the other end and Seth watches. Finally it's Seth's turn, and he takes full advantage by going to town on that landing strip twat.Now that she's had all three of them, Jennifer decides to teach them a few lessons. She chooses Bambino to fuck her twat while Seth and Brad get to alternate between her hands and mouth. The guys once again alternate so that everyone gets a turn, and then Jennifer ups the stakes again by taking DP in the ass and snatch so that everyone can enjoy one of her holes. They keep it up until all three guys are primed to blow, at which point she gets on her knees to take a three-way facial of hot cum.

Jennifer White В '- Glory Hole'

Jennifer White - Glory Hole

What's a slut do on her lunch hour? Well, if she's close to an adult bookshop with a "cruisy" hole, that's straight where she's headed! Take Jennifer White, for example. The big-booty brunette knows about a place that sells adult movies with a preview booth in the back! What's that mean, exactly? Well...Jennifer can enter the booth and watch the movie of choice, and if she's lucky, some prevy creeps have probably drilled holes in the walls that separate the booths. We all know why, and Jennifer's very excited for two reasons: she never knows who's gonna be in the booth over (if anyone at all), and she's not there to make friends or fall in love! Jennifer likes the "no-strings-attached" sex that comes with a visit to the "hole". Wait! There's one thing she likes even better! Creampies! Why? Once she puts her panties on and leaves, she can feel the stranger's jizz ooze out for the rest of the day!

Jennifer White В '- Cuckold Sessions'

Jennifer White - Cuckold Sessions

Nicky's a lucky dude. Just ask Isiah Maxwell. They're buddies, and Nicky's just got done telling Isiah a crazy story about his wife, Jennifer White. They're were out clubbing the night before, and the next thing you know, Jennifer's flirting on the dancefloor, grabbing and grinding on dick. Soon, she's in the parking lot, sucking off strangers as Hubby watches with approval. Isiah can't believe his ears, but he'll be a believer soon enough. He meets Jennifer in the kitchen, and within minutes she's dressed in lingerie and on her knees in the front room. Nicky watches it all go down, from Jennifer's superb oral skills to Isiah stretching out both her holes. She even cleans Isiah's dick right after it comes out of her tight, tight ass! Isiah then fills her white cunt full of his cream, and that's when Hubby rewards his proud wife! What a relationship!!

Hope Harper В 'Cock Hungry Stepmom'

Hope Harper - Cock Hungry Stepmom

Jennifer White is watering the bushes when Hope Harper and her boyfriend Logan Pierce arrive home. She makes a move on Logan, much to Hope's dismay. After showering off the heat of the day and wrapping a towel around herself, Jennifer tries again. In full-on seduction mode, she drops the towel so Logan can look all he wants. Determined to get what she wants, Jennifer waits until Hope is riding Logan's mouth to sneak up on the couple and take Logan's cock in her mouth.When Jennifer finally makes her presence known to Hope, it's to ensure her stepdaughter's utmost pleasure. Of course Jennifer wants a reward for her good behavior. Getting to freely suck Logan off while Hope helps her out will do nicely. Once the two girls have finished with their cock hungry double BJ, the sky's the limit for this horny threesome.Now that everyone's on board with getting the most of their horny afternoon, the trio is able to try lots of positions. Logan's stiffie and mouth are both kept busy as Hope and Jennifer take turns riding each one, but soon Hope finds herself in the middle with Logan's dick buried in her fuck hole and her own mouth lapping away at her stepmom's snatch. Arranging the girls into a 69 so that Jennifer can enjoy the D while Hope rides her stepmom's mouth while leaning forward to use her tongue for everyone's benefit, Logan pumps away. He can't hold back for long with such a buffet of hotness in front of him. When he finally loses control, Jennifer makes sure that he cums inside so she can enjoy the heat of his jizz. Freaking out that it might have been a mistake, Hope gets on her knees to suck the cum from her stepmom's pussy and then snowballs it so they can enjoy the hot saltiness together.

Jennifer White В 'Air BnD Nightmare!'

Jennifer White - Air BnD Nightmare!

When a hot, young and meek urbanite, Jennifer White, needs a little extra cash she rents out her spare bedroom to Tommy Smith. But when Mr. Smith's mysterious late night power tool sessions and his increasingly aggressive attitude reach a tipping point, Miss White is pulled into the nightmare of Tommy's latest creation - a demonic sexual torment device constructed specially for Miss White.This update includes sexual role play games, hardcore anal sex, tight bondage, deep wet ball gags and features the expert use of the Demonic Sexual Torment Device!

Jennifer White В 'Lex Is Up Her Ass 3'

Jennifer White - Lex Is Up Her Ass 3

Slinky Jennifer White has natural tits, a tiny waist and a bubble butt. The pale, longhaired porn slut seduces hugely hung black stud Lexington Steele for an interracial anal reaming, and his 11-inch meat is almost as big as she is! He sucks her tits; she blows and strokes his big black cock. Jennifer's white ass flexes as she bounces on his boner, and she blushes in orgasm. He cock-whips her face. She cranks her legs back and masturbates as Lex porks her tight asshole. And Jen loves the taste of cock pulled fresh and fragrant from her bunghole. Doggie-style sodomy takes her breath. Lex spunk-slathers her face and forehead.

Jennifer White В 'Rocco's Intimate Initiations 2'

Jennifer White - Rocco's Intimate Initiations 2

Jennifer White has dark hair and eyes, but her outstanding features are the big nipple hard-ons pointing through her lewd stripper lingerie. In a backstage bathroom for a pre-scene interview with stud pornographer Rocco Siffredi, Jennifer says she likes spanking and that she's submissive with no limits. Rocco tests Jennifer, gripping her by the throat and pinching those thick, rubbery nips. And he spanks her ass pink, melting her. The director/stud loves fingering her tight bunghole and feeding her ass-to-mouth flavor on his hand. Compliant Jennifer kneels for a sensuous blow job, sniffing cock and nearly deep-throating Rocco's massive girth as he shoots POV footage. He gives her a parting rim job.

Carolyn Reese В 'Slutty Receptionist Carolyn Rese Loves Big Cock'

Carolyn Reese - Slutty Receptionist Carolyn Rese Loves Big Cock

Private's blonde beauty Carolyn Rese knows how to make guys happy, she opens up wide and gives some sensual deep throat. Once this cock hungry slut has her wet pussy eaten out, she spreads her legs to take a hardcore thumping to the cunt. Once her wet pussy has been filled up and satisfied by a big hard cock, this slut has her big perky tits covered in cum.

Jennifer White В 'Rocco's Perfect Slaves 7'

Jennifer White - Rocco's Perfect Slaves 7

Staying at a luxury pad in California, legendary Italian stud Rocco Siffredi is greeted by two nymphs clad in revealing lingerie, stockings and stilettos, and bearing gifts: Hot-assed brunette Jennifer White and American Latina lust bucket Vicki Chase bring fruit trays and sex toys. Rocco shoves watermelon chunks up Vicki's butthole; Jennifer sucks out the fruit and kisses it into Rocco's mouth! Both girls deep-throat Rocco's massive meat impressively, tongues lapping lewdly beneath his balls and drooling slobber. There's rough face and tit slapping, and hard spanking makes both butts as red as they are hot. Standing, Vicki gets sodomized to gaping, and Jennifer sucks dick ass-to-mouth. Each slut rides cock as the other licks dick, balls and girlfriend's butthole. After thoroughly reaming both babes in all holes, Rocco creams their faces/mouths, and the girls share sloppy cum kisses.

Jennifer White В 'Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody Scene 2'

Jennifer White - Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody Scene 2

Award winning director Axel Braun films the most ambitious porn movie ever made! Will Leia succumb to the dark side of the Force Will Han shoot first Will Chewy get lucky You will get all the answers and much much more in the adult movie event of the year: Star Wars XXX - A Porn Parody! May the farce be with you!

Jennifer White В 'That's how she rolls'

Jennifer White - That's how she rolls

It was long time ago since Jennifer and Bill last met. A lot of things happened since and Jennifer changed a lot... quite positively, mind you. She became a gorgeous seductress and today she will show how she rolls.

Jennifer White В 'Young Love'

Jennifer White - Young Love

Lusty brunette Jennifer White is dressed to impress as she settles in to work. When Chad White makes it clear that he has other ideas by approaching Jennifer from behind and giving her medium boobs a long nipple-pinching massage, though, the brunette proves to be more than willing to set aside her work for fun.Soon Chad has gotten Jennifer out of her dress and down to a thong that encases her bouncing ass. He slides his hand beneath the slip of fabric to let his fingertips dance along the folds of Jennifer's juicy pussy, and then urges her onto the desk so that he can slide the thong down her long legs and replace his fingers with his talented mouth.Jennifer is happy to enjoy her lover's pussy feast, but she doesn't want to remain passive forever. Pulling Chad up, she works him out of his button-down shirt and then undoes his pants so that she can pull his dick out. That's all the preliminaries the brunette fireball needs before Chad drives into her tight twat and starts thrusting hard enough to make her tits bounce.Once Jennifer has enjoyed her first climax of the day, she can't wait to drop to her knees to suck the taste of her own snatch from Chad's cock and then turn around so that her belly is on the desk and her ass is offered to her lover as a gift. Chad doesn't hesitate to press back into Jennifer's warmth and take her from behind with firm strokes that leave her gasping her pleasure.The couple takes a few moments to switch things up with Jennifer raising one leg high in the air while Chad slams into her from below, but Chad has something even hotter in mind. He pulls the desk chair up and sits down on it, inviting Jennifer to sit in his lap and give him a stiffie ride in her creamy bald pussy. She is happy to oblige, slamming her hips until she explodes in ecstasy.Moments later, Chad reaches his limit. Jennifer hops off of his lap and gets down on her knees with her mouth open to take the shot of cum that lands between her lips and across her face. Looking hot after her facial, the brunette licks Chad's cock clean to enjoy the last few drops of his love.

Jennifer White В 'Fantasies Run Free'

Jennifer White - Fantasies Run Free

As Jennifer White washed her beautiful natural body in a nice soapy shower, she couldn't help but let her hands wander. As the warm water washed her her body clean her mind got dirty, preparing for the moment when her man would get home and give her what she was aching for. Slipping into some sexy pink lingerie, she followed him to the bed, worshiping his big cock as he feasted on her tight wet pussy. Finally, he thrust deep inside her, and she rode his hard cock all the way to an explosive climax.

Jennifer White В 'shackled on sybian and bound in the blowjob machine, brutal drooling deepthroat!'

Jennifer White - shackled on sybian and bound in the blowjob machine, brutal drooling deepthroat!

Jennifer White is a pale composed beauty, but she loses her elegance once you get the dick in her. This cock slut lives for the rough handling and the harder you go the happier she gets. She comes alive as you shove the dick deeply into her eager holes. Lucky for this rough sex craving fuck toy, we have the tools to give her exactly what she craves.Today is about training. Bound on a sybian and belted into the blow job machine, Jennifer is about to learn the value of multi tasking. Deepthroating on dick while cumming your brains out is not easy. We are here to help. We are givers like that. One after the other the hard dicks step up and tattoo their initials on her tonsils as Jennifer moans and drools.She can not move or shift her head away. The machine keeps it endlessly rocking upon the cock. Jennifer is reduced to a cumming face fuck machine. Part flesh, part metal, all sexy. Her eyes light up and she melts all over the dick, this is the look of a fucktoy in her happy place. You are welcome my dear.When we have have our fill, we simply walk away. We can always come back for another round of training later. She isn't going anywhere anytime soon...

Jennifer White В 'Shane Diesels Dirty Little Babysitter'

Jennifer White - Shane Diesels Dirty Little Babysitter

When Shane's client Jennifer White pranced around in tiny little jean shorts her cute cheeks helped Shane's cock flop out and into her hot tight mouth. Peeling her soaked panties off and licking that pussy juice had his pole throbbing as he entered her tight hot young pussy. Shane stretched that pink slit wide and filled it with his hot venom of cum.

Jennifer White В 'Big Booty White Girl Anal Pounded'

Jennifer White - Big Booty White Girl Anal Pounded

Brunette hottie Jennifer White came by to show off her great ass while telling us how she hasn't had anal sex for a while and has been craving for a good pounding. The guys have use a couple of toys to warm up before she starts giving a mean bj that transitions into anal sex. She takes it in deep and raw until she has the guy cum all over her face.

Jennifer White В 'Jennifers Army'

Jennifer White - Jennifers Army

See SGT. Jennifer White take on a group of wild studs at the stripper experience. She sucks all there cocks until every dick is drained. After a hot dance number she gets wild as hell and takes the club down. Jennifer gets lots of hot cum all over her pretty face as her award. Your going to love this hot scene.

Jennifer White В 'Waspy bitch takes 5 huge black cocks'

Jennifer White - Waspy bitch takes 5 huge black cocks

Jennifer White agrees to play a little game: Escape the grounds of her mansion or submit to a 5 guy gang bang. She attempts her escape but gets taken down at the gate. Rough sex, face-fucking, ruthless ass pounding, Double penetration and Vaginal cream pie.

Abbey Brooks В 'Buttsluts 02'

Abbey Brooks - Buttsluts 02

Buxom, streaked-blonde Abbey Brooks' cleavage spills from her animal print top. She and brunette Jennifer White, decked out in hoop earrings, bracelets and earrings, join anal freak Mike Adriano for a threesome. Mike eats Abbey's shaved gash; he tongues both bungholes. Jennifer works Abbey's pontoons and rims her. The girls suck cock and lick balls, spit flowing. Abbey enjoys a titty fuck, and a lubed up anal reaming makes her pink sphincter flex. Mike sodomizes Abbey every way, with Jennifer constantly on hand to taste cock ass-to-mouth or tongue teabag as Mike pounds ass. When he unloads in Jennifer's mouth, the brunette drools a massive mess of spunk into Abbey's pie hole, and the ladies share cum kisses.

Jennifer White В 'Interracial anal sex with a petite brunette girl'

Jennifer White - Interracial anal sex with a petite brunette girl

This week we have the very lovely Jennifer White. She is gorgeous and all natural, but guess what? She loves to be fucked by big black dicks. Jennifer came today especially for it. She wanted to get fucked good and take something that would stretch out her pussy to the limit of pleasure. But thats not where she stopped she also wanted that dick in her ass. Thats right its a rare but awesome monsters with Anal. you should check out this update it is the best.

Jennifer White В 'in Neighbor Affair'

Jennifer White - Neighbor Affair

Jennifer's life is starting to fall apart! Her house is flooded because of all the rain and her boyfriend ran out on her when that happened. She went over to her neighbor's house to see if she can get a little help. Ramon who is at a lost on what to do tries to console her but, she just needs a nice stable man in her life to make her happy or just his dick. Jennifer opens up her flood gates and lets it flow once Ramon is inside her. The benefits of being a friendly neighbor.

Jennifer White В 'and Bill Bailey in My Girl Loves Anal'

Jennifer White - My Girl Loves Anal

It's Bill's birthday and nothing is going his way. All he wanted was a nice dinner with his hot girl, but that fell through. Being the loving girlfriend that she is, Jennifer White offers him something to eat...her nice round ass. As a special birthday gift she also let's him fuck her ass. Looks like Bill's birthday turned out better than asspected!

Jennifer White В 'Buttsex Nymphos 2'

Jennifer White - Buttsex Nymphos 2

Pale, naturally voluptuous Jennifer White has decided to take up director Mike Adriano on his offer of a nasty ass reaming. This gorgeous slut shows up at the studio wearing fishnet stockings; she spreads her jiggling rump so Mike can bury his tongue inside her relaxed anus. Jennifer wetly gags on the director's dink, drooling on his meat in a session of intense, deep-throat servitude. Soon he's ferociously pounding this soft beauty's sweet rectum until her sphincter gapes open lewdly. After lots of ruthless sodomy and ass-to-mouth perversion, Jennifer opens wide for a taste of fresh semen.

Jennifer White В 'and Bill Bailey in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Jennifer White - My Wife's Hot Friend

Bill's wife doesn't like sex, which is why he's banging the shit out of her best friend, Jennifer White! He tells her that what they've been doing has been eating him up inside. Jennifer tells him that she feels bad, too, but that Bill should get what he deserves -- all the blowjobs and sex he wants! She works her nice big ass, natural titties and wet pink pussy to fuck it out of him one last time...

Jennifer White В 'The Spit and The Speculum 2'

Jennifer White - The Spit and The Speculum 2

Its brace-faced cutie Naomi West's first anal encounter, so luscious veteran Jennifer White eases the way in a nasty threesome with director Mike Adriano. These busty beauties rim each other's bouncy ass, then team up for a double-blowjob on the director's big boner -- they lap his asshole and orally swap strands of gooey drool. Jennifer's bunghole gets stretched wide with a speculum, and Naomi fills her new friend's gaping anus with saliva; she performs ass-to-mouth cocksucking as Mike relentlessly reams Jennifer's winking rectum. When finally he showers Naomi's face with sperm, Jennifer licks the sweet rookie clean.

Jennifer White В 'The Teacher's Pet 4'

Jennifer White - The Teacher's Pet 4

Super-sultry, big-boobed brunette Jennifer White, a nursing major, has been sent to the Behavioral Adjustment Center... for dressing like a total slut! A requirement of the program is submitting to an examination from Coach Nacho Vidal. He has the gorgeous girl kneel and wrap her lips around his mammoth cock; Nacho's thick shaft invades her pretty face. Soon he's ruthlessly ramming Jennifer's sweet pussy from behind and pumping his giant prick in her tight ass as she uses a vibrating wand to make herself cum. After this voluptuous bitch is thoroughly fucked, she gets a mouthful of hot sperm.

Tiffany Brookes В 'Load Warriors 2'

Tiffany Brookes - Load Warriors 2

Sultry black stunner Skin Diamond, naturally stacked Holly Michaels and tattooed mega-slut Juelz Ventura are here to suck dick - together! These sexy sluts peel off their clothes and spread their cheeks so horny stud can examine their sweet buttholes. The ladies lubricate one another with spit, take turns deep-throating performer's cock and lap his ball sack. They slobber all over themselves and collect copious drool in a glass bowl. The spit-drenched, gagging whores shove their tongues up the man's asshole and orally swap loads of saliva, eventually sucking up the thick, nasty mixture of cum and phlegm.

Jennifer White В '- Blacks On Blondes'

Jennifer White - Blacks On Blondes

It appears as if Charlie Mac has kept his pimp hand strong. We're just seconds away from witnessing Charlie Mac striking down an insubordinate white bitch because of lack of pay. Rico Strong notices that his old partner in crime is about to "smack a bitch" and it's the start of a ghetto homecoming for Charlie Mac. Jennifer White's ass and pussy make up for this month's low whore-quota, and she's now surrounded by some huge black cocks. Charlie Mac's using Jennifer White as his re-entry into interracial porn and the white bitch doesn't seem to mind. Jennifer White gets surrounded by four huge black cocks and it's an all out feeding frenzy an all their stiff black cocks. The measly $60 Jennifer White made earlier is going to pale in comparison to the dead presidents that she's about to make from all those Compton cocks. Jennifer's ass and pussy feel the black man's rage as Charlie's crew show absolutely no mercy on his bitch. Jennifer gets all her holes jam-packed with black cock and Charlie's cum dumpster is finally earning her keep. The air escaping the room is a result of Jennifer White's heavy breathing on account of the double penetration action that these thugs are dishing out. Jennifer's screams are halted when any given big black cock takes up housing in her wind pipe. The term 'bitch betta have my money' rings true as Jennifer White's interracial gangbang shows no signs of slowing down- even though her body is about to be completely useless to the white "Johns" that visit her on the track. The sunset is indication that Jennifer White has to get back on the streets and make Charlie that money. First things first: Jennifer's gotta take a load in her ass, pussy and face before Charlie Mac will keep her in his stable of bitches.

Jennifer White В 'Crack Fuckers'

Jennifer White - Crack Fuckers

Pale and voluptuous, Jennifer White peels out of her tight black top and form-fitting purple skirt to expose her soft, natural tits and huge, fleshy ass. The gorgeous brunette teases the camera, wiggling her soft, round buttocks until director Kevin Moore is totally aroused. Kneeling next to the bed, this gorgeous young lady sucks his hard dick. She oils up her stunning ass and lets the director slide his erection between those amazing buns. The beautiful slut lies facedown on the bed; Kevin humps her rear groove and spurts his gooey cum in the sexy cleft of Jennifer's butt!

Jennifer White В 'Enjoy Anal with Jennifer White'

Jennifer White - Enjoy Anal with Jennifer White

Today in the great world of Anal, I have to privilege bang to the pretty and sexy Jennifer White. Now if you have not yet heard of Ms. White, she is so fucking sexy and she totally love big cock in her ass. Today she started off describing how she is going to make me cum quick cause her fucking asshole is super tight. So you know I just had to get a taste of her ass and let me tell you it was delicious, lol. She totally took my super thick cock like a fucking pro. She gives you these fuck me harder looks which just made me pound that tight asshole even harder to let her know why my name is MR. ANAL.

Eloa Lombard В 'Cream Dreams'

Eloa Lombard - Cream Dreams

Naturally voluptuous brunettes Eloa and Jennifer White love cream by the jugs! Kinky director Jay Sin captures the buxom bombshells sharing a milkshake, drooling sweet stuff on each other's juicy boobs. Jennifer kneels to tongue-fuck and lick cream from French slut Eloa's huge, round, wobbly ass. The girls have a sensuous ass eating party, topping their rim job rendezvous with several nasty facefuls of rectally injected whipped cream. Both jiggly, curvaceous libertines eventually lap up mounds of tasty ass dessert foam, and lovely Jennifer ends up farting several white explosions all over her gorgeous, super-stacked girlfriend.

Carolyn Reese В 'Panty Pops 4'

Carolyn Reese - Panty Pops 4

Blonde bombshells have certainly been underrepresented here on Panty Pops, so when then the opportunity to shoot a Pop with Carolyn Reese came up, I jumped at the chance. This is a dirrrrty girl with an appetite for all things sexual. I had a great time playing with those big round tits, and having her model panties on that smooth, round ass. I hope you dig it!

Carolyn Reese В 'and Kris Slater in My First Sex Teacher'

Carolyn Reese - My First Sex Teacher

Kris Slater is sneaking around Professor Carolyn Reese's classroom because he wants to take pictures of test answers to sell them to people taking the course. But she walks in and catches him, and threatens to take action. When he pleads her and tells her he'll do anything to keep from getting kicked out of school, she decides that there is one thing he can do . eat her wet pussy and fuck her right there in the classroom! Either fuck a hot blonde teacher or get kicked out of school . hmmm, tough choice...

Jennifer White В 'Whores on the 14th'

Jennifer White - Whores on the 14th

Manuel is out in front of a Valley estate with Michael Stefano, David Perry and Mick Blue that he explains is a private whorehouse. Flower Tucci is standing in front of the main house in fetishy pin-up clothing, smoking a cigarette. Manuel asks if the house can accommodate him and his friends. She tries to turn him away, explaining there's only one girl on duty. He talks her into it, and she takes him around back to see the whore in question: Sophie Dee, who is sunning herself on a raft in the pool. Flower asks her if she "wants to play ... three times." "That's a lot," Sophie exclaims, coming out of the pool. Flower shows off Sophie's tits and ass. A deal is struck, and Manuel fetches the boys, bringing them around back, where a now-naked Sophie is kneeling, ready to go to work. The guys line up for some cocksucking, and then she takes all three dicks at once. Manuel retreats to the house, where Flower is waiting to play with him. He tells her he wants to watch, and she puts on an extended ass show for him, finally crawling outside to join Sophie on mouth-whore duty. Flower then moves the entire party indoors for some serious orgy action. Sophie pairs off with Mick Blue as the other two studs start breaking in Flower. Soon they're all next to each other, switching off partners and orifices continuously, making anal daisy-chains. Sophie squirts and Flower gets double-penetrated while Sophie and Mick suck her toes; everything climaxes, along with the guys, on the girls' pretty faces.

Mckenzee Miles В 'Slut Tracker 2'

Mckenzee Miles - Slut Tracker 2

McKenzee Miles is a hot, blue-eyed blonde whose racy face was seemingly made for porn; she accentuates her natural charms with a pink mini-dress and huge heels that show off terrific legs. Her curvy friend Jennifer White has white skin, brown eyes, a fleshy ass and natural jugs topped by big, pink nipples. When these sluts need all their holes satisfied, they turn to director John Leslie, who turns on his camera and then turns the girls on to stud Johnny Sins. They go straight for his cock, which each is able to deep-throat as it fucks her hungry face. In the pretty footage, McKenzee gets her pussy plowed doggie-style as she sucks Jennifer's tits; then as she laps Jen's pussy. Jennifer slurps the cock fresh from McKenzee's cunt. As Jennifer sits on Johnny's face McKenzee rides his dork, also stuffing three fingers up her own asshole. Each whore gets her butthole cock-reamed; Jennifer gets ass-plowed into the floor, her legs flailing around her head, as McKenzee eats her pussy. Johnny splashes both faces with a big load and they blow his cock clean.

Jennifer White В 'Does It Right!'

Jennifer White - Does It Right!

Jennifer White is petite and comes pack with goodies. She has nice natural tits, a perfect ass and a thick pussy. But today you're going to get a sneak peek at what this babe can do with her feet. Daniel needed to taste that pussy. While getting his cock jerked by her feet, he ate that pussy out. This shit looked like a game of twister. Check it out!

Jennifer White В 'Sloppy Head 3'

Jennifer White - Sloppy Head 3

McKenzee Miles is a hot, blue-eyed blonde whose racy face was seemingly made for porn; she accentuates her natural charms with a pink mini-dress and huge heels that show off terrific legs. Her curvy friend Jennifer White has white skin, brown eyes, a fleshy ass and natural jugs topped by big, pink nipples. When these sluts need all their holes satisfied, they turn to director John Leslie, who turns on his camera and then turns the girls on to stud Johnny Sins. They go straight for his cock, which each is able to deep-throat as it fucks her hungry face. In the pretty footage, McKenzee gets her pussy plowed doggie-style as she sucks Jennifer's tits; then as she laps Jen's pussy. Jennifer slurps the cock fresh from McKenzee's cunt. As Jennifer sits on Johnny's face McKenzee rides his dork, also stuffing three fingers up her own asshole. Each whore gets her butthole cock-reamed; Jennifer gets ass-plowed into the floor, her legs flailing around her head, as McKenzee eats her pussy. Johnny splashes both faces with a big load and they blow his cock clean.

Maitresse Madeline В 'Yearning Slut'

Maitresse Madeline - Yearning Slut

Slut seeks out Maitresse Madeline for a day filled with spanking, tit torture, humiliation, punishment and a strap-on ass fucking pile driver.

Jennifer White В 'Beautiful girl next door is bound spread and helpless Fingered, vibrated to orgasms after orgasms.'

Jennifer White - Beautiful girl next door is bound spread and helpless Fingered, vibrated to orgasms after orgasms.

Beautiful girl next door is bound spread and helpless. Fingered and vibrated to orgasms after orgasms. Helpless girls are fucking hot!

Jennifer White В 'Looking for Trouble'

Jennifer White - Looking for Trouble

Jennifer White ass fucked and dominated in bondage by bartender.

Jennifer White В 'Hogtied: The most beautiful girls on the planet, suffering and cumming.'

Jennifer White - Hogtied: The most beautiful girls on the planet, suffering and cumming.

Pro Tip: When the most beautiful girl on the planet walks into your sub basement, strip, bind and turn it into a helpless coming slut.

Jennifer White В 'Anal Slut: Jennifer White'

Jennifer White - Anal Slut: Jennifer White

All anal and sexy body Jennifer White.

Jennifer White В 'Bound with her leg up and wet pussy exposed this beautiful thing is made to cum over and over.'

Jennifer White - Bound with her leg up and wet pussy exposed this beautiful thing is made to cum over and over.

This incredibly sexy girl next door suffers and cums over and over in her first hardcore BDSM experience. Nipple punishment and foot caning.

Jennifer White В 'and Billy Glide in Naughty Rich Girls'

Jennifer White - Naughty Rich Girls

Jennifer's boyfriend sent over some flowers with his new assistant who Jennifer plans to use to make him jealous and she's surprised his huge cock actually fits in her tight little pussy.

Jennifer White В 'and Kris Slater in Ass Masterpiece'

Jennifer White - Ass Masterpiece

Jennifer is not only beautiful but with an ass like that you're sure to beg for more and this honey is ready and willing.

Jennifer White В 'and Will Powers in Naughty Athletics'

Jennifer White - Naughty Athletics

Jennifer White is pissed off that her gym equipment is broken and wants Will to fix it. He promises that we would but suggested they do some sexercise to get in shape. Being a fitness nut, she dropped and started sucking cock. Will pumps that beautiful shaved pussy on the couch and makes her really work out. No pain, no gain as they say.

Carolyn Reese В 'and John Strong in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Carolyn Reese - My Wife's Hot Friend

Carolyn is the guest that most man would love to have around but her attitude around the house is not acceptable to John so he asks her to leave. Carolyn is ready to use her hot looks and exquisite cock sucking talents to extend her stay.

Carolyn Reese В 'and Danny Wylde in Seduced by a cougar'

Carolyn Reese - Seduced By A Cougar

Danny's ready to go on a blind date when the doorbell rings, and he finds a sexy, but older Carolyn. Thinking that he was going out with a peer, for a moment he's confused. Explaining that she is his date, Carolyn pushes her way into the house, and talking a mile a minute, starts wandering around, and asking a ton of questions. Realizing that he better just accept the fact that he's about to go out with a cougar, he suggests they head to the restaurant. Opening the door to head out, she immediately closes it, and in no uncertain terms lets him know that she's not interested in going out for dinner. This cougar is hunting! She's found her prey, and now she's going to taste him!