Madison Ivy at
Brazzers 'Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены' Ролях Presley Maddox (Фото 14)

Presley Maddox,Sabrina Maree,Asa Akira В 'Brazzers' - Ep-2 Bonus Footage- Extended Lesbo - BJ Scenes (Zz Series)

Не желая оставаться похороненным, Похоть Bite поднялся из могилы, чтобы принести вам никогда еще не видел кадры. Уже разрываясь по швам с похотью и развратом, Brazzers рада дать всем вам daywalkers еще более горячий секс вампира в расширенных версиях серии секс сцены. Оставайтесь transfixed как Пресли Мэддокс и Сабрина Maree разумно корчиться в этой расширенной лесбийской сцене Эпизод 2: Сегодня вечером, мы празднуем. Gasp для дыхания, как Аса сосет Джонни сухой в этой расширенной сцены секса Эпизод 3: Королева похоти. Солнце, возможно, установить на этой саге, но бонусные функции только начали.

Выпущен : 27 ноября, 2010
Теги : лесбиянка, Азиатки, Натуральные сиськи, Красная голова, Черные волосы, Блоуджоб (POV), Лицо лица (POV), Средние сиськи, японский

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Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

Фотографии из Presley Maddox,Sabrina Maree,Asa Akira В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 Bonus Footage- Extended Lesbo - BJ Scenes

Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 1)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 2)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 3)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 4)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 5)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 6)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 7)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 8)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 9)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 10)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 11)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 12)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 13)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 14)
Presley Maddox В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 бонус кадры-расширенный Лесбо - bj сцены (Миниатюру 15)

Фотографии из Presley Maddox,Sabrina Maree,Asa Akira В 'Brazzers' Ep-2 Bonus Footage- Extended Lesbo - BJ Scenes

Больше 'Brazzers' сцены из Presley Maddox,Sabrina Maree,Asa Akira

Mia Malkova В 'Лучшее от zz - самые распутные стриптизерши'

Mia Malkova - Лучшее от zz - самые распутные стриптизерши

Нет ничего лучше, чем наблюдать, как сексуальная женщина делает возбуждающий стриптиз, прежде чем обнажить свое горячее тело на всеобщее обозрение. Если стриптизерши вас сильно достают, вы сойдете с ума от этой подборки некоторых из наших самых горячих исполнителей, снимающих все это, прежде чем трахать свои киски!

Asa Akira В 'кто теперь босс'

Asa Akira - кто теперь босс

Аса Акира имеет репутацию в офисе за то, что грубо на ее новых помощников. Как только Тайлер садится в свой кабинет, она начинает ездить на нем трудно с просьбами и требованиями. Все это время, все, что он может думать о том, где он может знать ее от. Когда дело, наконец, доходит до него, он потрясен, узнав танцовщицу со свадьбы его братан стоял перед ним, смея его ебать ее глупо.

Asa Akira В 'Cum, оставайтесь на некоторое время'

Asa Akira - Cum, оставайтесь на некоторое время

Асе Акира нужно место, чтобы спрятаться некоторое время. Она попадает в мастерскую художника, планируя присесть на корточки так долго, как только сможет. Но когда Джонни появляется на работу, Аса замечает, что большой петух этот разорвал художник. Она падает на колени и начинает сосать его, зная, что он никоим образом не вызовет полицию, если она держит его отвлекаться с ее распутные навыки.

Diamond Kitty В 'Маффин чучело'

Diamond Kitty - Маффин чучело

Финал кулинарного канала Top Cupcake ', складываются, чтобы быть жестоким. Аса пытается быть хорошим даже в конце конкурса, но ее единственный соперник Даймонд живет до ее репутацию за то, что горячая и средняя. Когда судейство оказывается сфальсифицированы, дамы встречаются обратно в раздевалке, чтобы выразить свое разочарование друг на друга киски.

Asa Akira В 'Одна часть keiran, две части сиськи'

Asa Akira - Одна часть keiran, две части сиськи

Аса любит получать немного офис nookie от своего коллеги Кейран, и она не волнует, кто видит, независимо от того, сколько раз их босс г-жа Джексон предупреждает их. Когда она ловит Асу с сиськами, это последняя капля. Эти два были поворота ее на весь день, пришло время, чтобы получить некоторые, что петух для себя!

Madison Ivy В 'Ебать незнакомца'

Madison Ivy - Ебать незнакомца

Кейран Ли готов к ночи парения горячего секса с самой горячей женщиной, которую он когда-либо встречал - Мэдисон Айви. Ее беспокоиться, что его жена может быть дома быстро исчезает, когда она ловит проблеск красивой Асы. Аса не только не возражает против того, чтобы ее муж изменял с Мэдисон, она хочет смотреть каждую секунду, и коленях каждую каплю, тоже.

Asa Akira В 'Я до сих пор не трахал то, что им ищет'

Asa Akira - Я до сих пор не трахал то, что им ищет

Боно сам щедро согласился пожертвовать новую клинику для бедных в больнице . Ну, после того, как доктор Акира убедила его с задней частью ее горла. Пресса с нетерпением ждет его прибытия, но когда он появляется, он был невероятным душ, демонстрируя и ощупью пациентов. Может ли доктор Акира держать Боно и Клиффа под контролем? Наверное, нет.

Asa Akira В 'Дворецкий подает анальный'

Asa Akira - Дворецкий подает анальный

Она скучно, секс лишенный почты порядка невесты, но имеет большое время влюблен в дворецкого, Синсли. Когда она получает поймали фантазировать о Sinsley решений ее шприц, она остается наедине с ним в спальне. Она легко убеждает Синсли ебать ее в задницу и впитать кровать с ее соки киски.

Asa Akira В 'Доказательство смерти - пародия xxx'

Asa Akira - Доказательство смерти - пародия xxx

Представляем событие года b-Movie! Опус представлен в классическом стиле Grindhouse! Доказательство смерти: XXX Пародия ставит Джеймс Дин в гуще его с тремя сексуальными шлюхами, для езды в сельской местности Калифорнии. Аса Акира, Лейлани Лиан и Лиз Тайлер дают B производительность жизни и их сексуальные подвиги оставят поклонников включен на долгие годы!

Asa Akira В 'Бонинг мой босс'

Asa Akira - Бонинг мой босс

Джонни пытается подняться в ряды компании в течение многих лет, и каждый раз, когда он думает, что он собирается получить повышение, его распутный, человек-ненавидящий босс, дает позицию кому-то еще. Джонни собирается попробовать что-то немного другое сегодня, и, надеюсь, он сможет убедить Аса, что он заслуживает большого продвижения по службе.

Asa Akira В 'Младенцы в черном 2'

Asa Akira - Младенцы в черном 2

Это младенцы в черном. Они защищают вселенную от инопланетян. Получив звонок от З о возможном инопланетянине, Аса и Алексис расследуют дом известной порнозвезды Кейран Ли. Он ни за что не сможет быть человеком с таким петухом!!!

Asa Akira В 'Работа в ночную смену'

Asa Akira - Работа в ночную смену

Аса Акира работает в ночную смену в больнице Когда она не курит пост-мастурбаторской сигареты в шкафу метлы, она может быть найдена jacking от пациентов во сне и едят другие, даже в то время как они просыпаются Но сегодня вечером, Theres новый пациент Аса имеет ее достопримечательности, установленные на Его имя Рамон, и он висел, как молоток достаточно сказать, Аса собирается убедиться, что он получает все внимание, которое он заслуживает

Asa Akira В 'Офис 4-игра ii- азиатская сенсация'

Asa Akira - Офис 4-игра ii- азиатская сенсация

Помимо того, что он плодовитый порнозвезда, Кейран Ли также является разумным бизнесменом, отвечающим за «Решения Incorporated». Но когда он узнает, что офис фирмы в юго-восточной Азии видит рекордно низкие доходы, Кейран отправился в Азию, чтобы добраться до сути. Вскоре он обнаруживает, что проблема в четырех, сексуальный, большой.

Asa Akira В 'Дикоретт'

Asa Akira - Дикоретт

Ты пытаешься бросить курить? Устали всегда нужно иметь сигарету? Ну повезло для вас есть Дикоретт! Дикоретт поможет вам удар, что неприятная привычка. Asa одобряет этот продукт 100%, и она с удовольствием покажет вам, как Какоретт каналы ее устной фиксации к чему-то гораздо здоровее ... Член!

Asa Akira В 'Лик моя аса'

Asa Akira - Лик моя аса

Аса и Зои были друзьями в течение длительного времени, поэтому, естественно, когда Аса проходит через грубый развод, ее лучшая подруга там для нее. Зои немного свободный дух, однако, и Аса действительно не ценят всех мужчин ее друг приносит домой. После получения в спор ежеу утром, эти две дамы понимают, что единственный способ они смогут жить вместе, это хоронить друг друга лицо в киску.

Asa Akira В 'Поздоровайтесь со своим мужем для меня - часть 4'

Asa Akira - Поздоровайтесь со своим мужем для меня - часть 4

После нескольких месяцев пребывания в бегах, Аса, наконец, сбежала от Кейрана. Она нашла нового мужа, но мечты все еще преследуют ее. Каждую ночь она помнит Кейран, и все, через что он ее протагир. Кажется, что она, наконец, бесплатно ... .

Asa Akira В 'Сказка о хвосте'

Asa Akira - Сказка о хвосте

Аса хорошо выглядит. Это ее первый раз на Big Wet Butts, и она не разочарует. Сначала она появляется носить ничего, кроме сексуального, сквозной fishnet тела чулок, и если этого недостаточно, ее друг приносит ей новую игрушку, чтобы играть. Это будет веселый день, наполненный маслом, великолепная задница, и некоторые глубокие анальные чертовски.

Asa Akira В 'Могу ли я использовать вашу кость'

Asa Akira - Могу ли я использовать вашу кость

Аса Акира всегда фантазировала о том, что два совершенно незнакомых человека пользуются ею и используют ее в качестве своего кумовки. Когда ее машина ломается по дороге на съемки, и она вынуждена пойти на поиски стационарного, Аса не понимает, как близко она к жизни своей мечты.

Asa Akira В 'Дует д-р синий'

Asa Akira - Дует д-р синий

Asa одно усиленное вне студент. Она работала над своей тесик, и теперь она, наконец, получает поговорить со своим учителем об этом. Он не думает, что он готов. кажется, что ей не хватает немного реального мирового опыта. Время, чтобы получить некоторый опыт ... сексуальный опыт.

Asa Akira В 'Поздоровайтесь со своим мужем для меня - часть 3'

Asa Akira - Поздоровайтесь со своим мужем для меня - часть 3

После того, как он застрелил Кейрана и, предположительно, застрелил своего мужа, Аса Акира отправляется в тюрьму. У нее ничего не осталось, ее мужа нет, и она будет в тюрьме до конца своей жизни. Просто, когда она думает, что это не может получить какой-либо худший, она получает визит от старого друга ...

Asa Akira В 'Поздоровайся со своим мужем для меня 2'

Asa Akira - Поздоровайся со своим мужем для меня 2

Аса только что получил за шок и деградацию получать трахал Кейран и пытается двигаться дальше со своей жизнью. Но она быстро обнаруживает, что Кейран не намерен отпускать ее. Он переезжает по соседству с ней и ее мужем и наносит им визит в гости однажды вечером. После наркотиков ее муж, он тащит Аса в спальню, чтобы закончить работу он начал в прошлый раз - а именно чертовски ее жесткой маленький мудак!

Diamond Foxxx В 'Ep-2 бонус кадры расширенной оргии сцены'

Diamond Foxxx - Ep-2 бонус кадры расширенной оргии сцены

Не желая оставаться похороненным, Похоть Bite поднялся из могилы, чтобы принести вам никогда еще не видел кадры. Уже разрываясь по швам с похотью и развратом, Brazzers рада дать всем вам daywalkers еще более горячий секс вампира в расширенных версиях серии секс сцены. Ложь пропитанной потом, как вы похотливо смотреть Diamond Foxxx, Джессика Jaymes и Аса Акира в плотском кластере ебать в расширенной сцены оргии Эпизод 2: Сегодня вечером, мы празднежды. Солнце, возможно, установить на этой саге, но бонусные функции только начали.

Asa Akira В 'У тебя есть хвост'

Asa Akira - У тебя есть хвост

Все, что хотела сделать Бреанн Бенсон, это быть хорошим соседом и принести Асе Акире свою почту. Чего она не ожидала, так это наткнуться на любимое времяпрепровождение Асы. Теперь Asa сделает все возможное, чтобы убедиться, что ее секрет не выходит, что бы это ни стоило ...

Asa Akira В 'Ep-1 sc-1- неудобное перемирие'

Asa Akira - Ep-1 sc-1- неудобное перемирие

Не желая оставаться похороненным, Похоть Bite поднялся из могилы, чтобы принести вам никогда еще не видел кадры. Уже разрываясь по швам с похотью и развратом, Brazzers рада дать всем вам daywalkers еще более горячий секс вампира в расширенных версиях серии секс сцены. Почувствуйте, как ваша кровь кипит, как вы смотрите Аса получать пронзили на долю Джонни в этой расширенной сцены секса Эпизод 1: Неудобное перемирие. Солнце, возможно, установить на этой саге, но бонусные функции только начали.

Asa Akira В 'Киска является лучшим лекарством'

Asa Akira - Киска является лучшим лекарством

Это первый день Асы на работе в качестве стоматолога-гигиениста, когда Джонни приходит на обычную проверку. Неопытность Асы показывает, когда она не может избежать причинения вреда Джонни. Стремясь произвести хорошее впечатление на своего нового босса, она решает заставить замолчать крики Джонни, сидя на его лице.

Presley Maddox В 'Фармабутикалы'

Presley Maddox - Фармабутикалы

Пресли очень занят врач без времени для личной жизни. Она была тайно писать себе рецепты для нового вида "сексуальный усилитель". Кейран, фармацевт, ловит на маленький план Пресли и сталкивается с ней. Она рассказывает ему о таблетках и что они могут сделать, чтобы они оба принимают некоторые из них имеют очень интенсивный сексуальный опыт.

Asa Akira В 'Поздоровайся со своим мужем за меня'

Asa Akira - Поздоровайся со своим мужем за меня

Кейран находится на миссии, чтобы найти свою старую возлюбленную, Асу. Он не может вырешить ее из головы. Кейран сделает все, чтобы попробовать ее сладкий мудак еще раз. Он будет называть ее неустанно каждый день и даже появляться в ее доме без приглашения, пока ее муж дома. Ничто не остановит человека на миссии.

Sabrina Maree В 'Сабрина и Зои делают порно'

Sabrina Maree - Сабрина и Зои делают порно

Сабрина противостоит Зои о том, как ей неудобно жить с лесбиянкой, когда власть внезапно уходит. Сабрина вспоминает, что она еще не оплатила счет за электричество. Зои рыскать газета хотите объявления, чтобы найти быстрые деньги, а затем наткнуться на объявление, которое предлагает большие наличные деньги для любительского секс ленты. У Сабрины есть парень, и она не хочет заниматься сексом с другим парнем, но Зои никогда ничего не говорила о другом парне!

Asa Akira В 'Киска хулиган окупаемое'

Asa Akira - Киска хулиган окупаемое

Дилан ревниво наблюдает, как Аса флиртует со своим парнем в домашней комнате и придумывает возможность загнать ее в угол и избить шлюху. Аса возвращается, плача Кейрану о том, что произошло, и он готов защищать ее и противостоять Дилану, но Аса знает лучший способ вернуться к Дилану: трахаясь с Кейраном!

Asa Akira В 'Asas titty парикмахерская'

Asa Akira - Asas titty парикмахерская

После просмотра Asa's Titty волос салон коммерческих Kerian головы прямо в салон, чтобы побаловать себя. Когда Аса замечает, что он не на 100% удовлетворен, она гарантирует, что она делает все возможное, чтобы заставить его вернуться.

Asa Akira В 'Идеальный брак '

Asa Akira - Идеальный брак

У Асы и Скотта очень здоровые отношения. У них всегда потрясающий секс, несмотря ни на что. Однажды после Скотт кончает во влагалище Асы он спрашивает ее, если они могли бы иметь втроем с другой девушкой. Аса соглашается, но это может быть только один раз вещь. Когда Аса понимает, что любит чертовы девушки странные вещи начинают происходить.

Presley Maddox В 'В для убийства'

Presley Maddox - В для убийства

У агента Мэддокса есть лицензия на убийство. Сегодня она была назначена убить Джонни Грехов. Прежде чем агент Мэддокс нажимает на курок она ловит проблеск огромный петух Джонни. Она решает нажать на спусковой крючок Джонни целую кучу раз, прежде чем закончить свою жизнь. Она получает вниз и грязные, обернув ее жесткой киски вокруг его петух.

Mason Moore В 'Отбывать срок'

Mason Moore - Отбывать срок

Пресли приземлилась себя в немного неприятностей. После ночи хаоса (состоящий из 2 пунктов содомии, 1 граф общественной наготы, 2 пункта сексуального насилия и нападения при отягчающих обстоятельствах с фаллоимитатором) заключает с арестом Пресли, офицер Мейсон дает ей два варианта: Do 5 до 7 лет трудного времени, или 30 минут жесткого гри Nd.

Asa Akira В 'День веселья на пляже'

Asa Akira - День веселья на пляже

Аса и Керри наслаждаются последней теплой осенней погодой перед наступлением зимы, два парня появляются и приглашают себя дать дамам некоторую компанию. Они оказываются очень сладкий, который получает дамы так роговой и мокрый внутри, они играют в пляжные игры, а затем намек на висит после для некоторых неприятные удовольствия.

Presley Maddox В 'Безумный докс; пестого воина'

Presley Maddox - Безумный докс; пестого воина

Пресли находится в Лас-Вегасе, чтобы ездить некоторые дюны багги и дать Кейран лучший удар-Джей когда-либо. Это первый раз, когда эти двое работают вместе, так что будем надеяться, что все пойдет немного дальше, чем BJ. Это не школа.

Asa Akira В 'Медитируйте, пока я хлопаю твоей женой'

Asa Akira - Медитируйте, пока я хлопаю твоей женой

Аса и ее муж были проблемы в спальне в течение многих лет. Пит, как правило, жеребец в мешок Sexing женщина слева направо и в центре, но из-за невероятно мягкой и сладкой киски Асы, он эякулята в 3 секунды каждый раз. Визит д-р Грехи, который занимается такого рода проблем каждый день. Он заставляет Пита медитировать о не эякуляции слишком быстро, а затем превращает его фокусируется на сочные влагалища Асы, что должно быть трахал в течение нескольких часов.

Asa Akira В 'Средняя головная игра'

Asa Akira - Средняя головная игра

Аса в туалете в ночном клубе и более слышит пару чертовски вокруг в стойле рядом с ней. Она решает взять пик, но в конечном итоге свидетелями самых жалких минет она когда-либо видел. Потрясенный ужасной производительности она стучится в туалет стойло и предлагает бойфрендми минет он никогда не забудет.

Asa Akira В 'Ее любимая поездка'

Asa Akira - Ее любимая поездка

Asa до тематопарка, но она, кажется, хочет ездить на машине, кроме американских горках... Она решает связаться со своим хорошим другом Скоттом, чтобы получить ездить она жаждет так плохо!!!

Asa Akira В 'Im ищет мои яйца'

Asa Akira - Im ищет мои яйца

Кейран случайно пинает футбольный мяч через забор во двор Асы Акиры, в то время как она прекрасно проводит время, играя с собой. Единственное, когда Кейран входит в ее двор, она не слышит, как он входит, потому что она слушает музыку. Когда она понимает, Keiran прямо рядом с ней смотреть на нее она решает заставить его ебать ее, так как он прервал ее прямо, прежде чем она собиралась диплом.

Asa Akira В 'Командный игрок'

Asa Akira - Командный игрок

Keiran имеет место открыто на его команде и любезно дал Аса попробовать. Она должна доказать, что у нее есть навыки, чтобы играть и доказать тренеру, что она является командным игроком.

Asa Akira В 'Д-р Awesome'

Asa Akira - Д-р Awesome

Марк просит доктора Акиру увеличить пенис, поняв, что его жена хочет пенис размером с порно. После д-р Акира анализирует ситуацию она понимает, что их действительно не нужно расширять его уже огромный петух. Глядя на размер его она наклоняю сопротивляться не вставлять его в рот и сосать его, что, конечно, приводит к основным, MAJOR, стучать!

Сцены с других сайтов с участием Presley Maddox,Sabrina Maree,Asa Akira

Asa Akira В 'fucking in the massage parlor with her medium tits'

Asa Akira - fucking in the massage parlor with her medium tits

Asa Akira is so stressed out at work that her supervisors ordered her to go get a massage to relax! She tells her massage therapist Mick that she needs to get as relaxed as possible, so he busts out the oil and lubes her up back to front, rubbing and kneading every inch of her body. When she tells him she's not quite as relaxed as she wants to be, he gives her the "special" and sticks his fingers in her pussy ... and his big dick in her mouth! Once Mick is thrusting his large member inside of her, Asa is relaxed defined.

Asa Akira В 'Asa Akira'

Asa Akira - Asa Akira

I had to come here from Europe for business, but I really came all the way from Spain to rendezvous with my favorite porn star, Asa Akira. I've arranged for her to meet me in my hotel suite tonight, where she'll be mine for at least an hour. I've always fantasized about her being my naughty nurse, which is why I've purchase the perfect outfit for her so she can properly take care of me. My temperature is already rising, and I'm starting to swell below. My Asian beauty has prescribed a nice wet blowjob for me, and I'm ready for my medicine.

Asa Akira В 'Asa Gets Stretched'

Asa Akira - Asa Gets Stretched

Steve Holmes joins Asa Akira during her routine exercise routine, which helps bring her stretches to a new level. Using all of the best techniques, this will be a session worth remembering.

Asa Akira В 'fucking in the backyard with her tattoos'

Asa Akira - fucking in the backyard with her tattoos

Asa Akira knows her boyfriend is a liar and a cheat! She asks his son Johnny if he knows anything about the chicks his dad has been texting, but Johnny denies it. But Asa already knows that Johnny's lying to her, too, because she's done her homework ! so much that she also knows Johnny's little S&M secrets he keeps from everyone. She threatens to expose her perverted ways if he doesn't fuck her in the backyard where she's sunning. Johnny doesn't know what to do but whip out his hard cock, suck on her pink, plushy nipples and shove his cock down her throat!

Asa Akira В 'fucking in the couch with her big ass'

Asa Akira - fucking in the couch with her big ass

Asa and Juelz come over to Johnny's place to convince him to come back to the gym as their trainer. He's been down and out since his girlfriend left him and doesn't want to do anything. The only way to cheer Johnny up is giving him two juicy pussy's to fuck and suck! Johnny will be at the gym in no time now....

Asa Akira В 'Asian student Asa Akira fucking in the bed with her petite'

Asa Akira - Asian student Asa Akira fucking in the bed with her petite

Johnny's been wanting to get into Asa Akira's pants for a long-ass time, but all she ever wants to do is focus on her studies. Well, he makes a move while they're studying and touches her boobs, and it ends up getting him slapped! Asa storms out, sending Johnny to his room to obsess over her, eventually falling asleep. He dreams of Asa wearing red heels, fishnets and no glasses, happy to suck his cock and fuck him until he cums in her mouth! Life is but a dream...

Asa Akira В 'Asa Akira'

Asa Akira - Asa Akira

I travel all over the world for work but there's something to be said for gorgeous Japanese women. They have small beautiful feet, tight little pussies and the need to please. Tonight I'm going to fuck the ultimate Japanese porn star, Asa Akira. I'm going to make her do as I say and stuff my big cock in her tiny cunt.

Asa Akira В 'fucking in the desk with her petite'

Asa Akira - fucking in the desk with her petite

Asa is in for her three week evaluation and Rocco is not happy. She has a problem being on time so her evaluation is not looking good. In order to work her way up she decides to go down and suck Rocco's cock.

Asa Akira В 'Petite Asa Akira fucking in the classroom with her glasses'

Asa Akira - Petite Asa Akira fucking in the classroom with her glasses

Asa is such a good student that she wants to take her mid-term exam early during her professor's office hours. He gives her the test, but before she's even done, she helps him solve a math problem on the chalkboard. Feeling disrespected, her professor decides to teach her a real lesson -- the kind involving his dick in her mouth.

Presley Maddox В 'fucking in the desk with her piercings'

Presley Maddox - fucking in the desk with her piercings

Presley Maddox is dating the star quarterback and hoping for a free ride once he goes professional, but he ain't so book smart. To ensure her future, Presley will fuck her boyfriend's way to a diploma!

Asa Akira В 'Friend Asa Akira fucking in the couch with her tattoos'

Asa Akira - Friend Asa Akira fucking in the couch with her tattoos

The foreclosure sign outside of Asa's house caught the eye of her neighbor, Tony, so he stops by to see what's up. He finds out that her husband still can't find a job after being laid off months ago, but that's not the only problem; he's so depressed from it, Asa's not even getting fucked by him anymore. Tony does what he can to console her, which includes giving her a nice deep dicking on her white leather couch.

Audrey Bitoni В 'Naughty Bookworms'

Audrey Bitoni - Naughty Bookworms

Class Nerd meets Class Tramp, and there's nothing better than a tension fuck. When Presley Maddox discovers Audrey Bitoni fucked her boyfriend, the claws come out and their lucky professor gets caught in the middle.

Asa Akira В 'Tell Me Something Dirty Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Tell Me Something Dirty Scene 1

A year after losing her soulmate in a tragic accident, Asa (Akira) is finally ready to try dating again. Shut down and feeling a little helpless, she finally tries everything from computer dating, sleeping with friends, and even calling a male escort. All with disappointing results. Asa's quest to rediscover her sexuality is further complicated by the desire to be truly dirty. In the end, she comes face to face with the one man who actually speaks her truth. Will she let her guard down and ask more of him than simply telling her something dirty

Asa Akira В 'Tell Me Something Dirty Scene 5'

Asa Akira - Tell Me Something Dirty Scene 5

A year after losing her soulmate in a tragic accident, Asa (Akira) is finally ready to try dating again. Shut down and feeling a little helpless, she finally tries everything from computer dating, sleeping with friends, and even calling a male escort. All with disappointing results. Asa's quest to rediscover her sexuality is further complicated by the desire to be truly dirty. In the end, she comes face to face with the one man who actually speaks her truth. Will she let her guard down and ask more of him than simply telling her something dirty

Asa Akira В 'Takers Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Takers Scene 1

TAKERS is a gritty Erotic Thriller set in the near future. The government has turned its back on society and the Health Care and Medical Insurance Industries have gone haywire. Medical costs have skyrocketed and many procedures have become “Black Market” operations.

Asa Akira В 'Takers Scene 3'

Asa Akira - Takers Scene 3

TAKERS is a gritty Erotic Thriller set in the near future. The government has turned its back on society and the Health Care and Medical Insurance Industries have gone haywire. Medical costs have skyrocketed and many procedures have become “Black Market” operations.

Ana Foxxx В 'Takers Scene 5'

Ana Foxxx - Takers Scene 5

TAKERS is a gritty Erotic Thriller set in the near future. The government has turned its back on society and the Health Care and Medical Insurance Industries have gone haywire. Medical costs have skyrocketed and many procedures have become “Black Market” operations.

Asa Akira В 'Exposed Scene 3'

Asa Akira - Exposed Scene 3

A young photographer, Tanya (Asa Akira), makes a living snapping pictures of celebrities in compromising positions. But when she goes after volatile movie star Lindsay Logan (Jessa Rhodes), she ends up exposing more than she bargained for. Written and produced by the legendary Axel Braun, EXPOSED is the impressive directorial debut of his son Rikki Braun, whose exceptional film making skills shine in this bold, stylish, sexy feature.

Asa Akira В 'Exposed Scene 4'

Asa Akira - Exposed Scene 4

A young photographer, Tanya (Asa Akira), makes a living snapping pictures of celebrities in compromising positions. But when she goes after volatile movie star Lindsay Logan (Jessa Rhodes), she ends up exposing more than she bargained for. Written and produced by the legendary Axel Braun, EXPOSED is the impressive directorial debut of his son Rikki Braun, whose exceptional film making skills shine in this bold, stylish, sexy feature.

Asa Akira В 'Exposed Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Exposed Scene 1

A young photographer, Tanya (Asa Akira), makes a living snapping pictures of celebrities in compromising positions. But when she goes after volatile movie star Lindsay Logan (Jessa Rhodes), she ends up exposing more than she bargained for. Written and produced by the legendary Axel Braun, EXPOSED is the impressive directorial debut of his son Rikki Braun, whose exceptional film making skills shine in this bold, stylish, sexy feature.

Asa Akira В 'Vendetta Scene 4'

Asa Akira - Vendetta Scene 4

After an accident leaves Celeste's wealthy husband confined to a wheelchair, she must find other ways to keep herself satisfied. Soon he begins to suspect her infidelity and hires a private investigator. With his suspicions confirmed, Celeste soon finds herself in danger. But she is not one to back down. Her husband discovers his sweet wife is really a woman with a vendetta.

Asa Akira В 'Vendetta Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Vendetta Scene 1

After an accident leaves Celeste's wealthy husband confined to a wheelchair, she must find other ways to keep herself satisfied. Soon he begins to suspect her infidelity and hires a private investigator. With his suspicions confirmed, Celeste soon finds herself in danger. But she is not one to back down. Her husband discovers his sweet wife is really a woman with a vendetta.

Asa Akira В 'The Blonde Dahlia Scene 2'

Asa Akira - The Blonde Dahlia Scene 2

Bumbling Detective Brooks (Asa Akira) and her very tightly wound partner (Michael Vegas) are on the trail of a dangerous serial killer. Brooks must go undercover at the local strip club in a last ditch effort to lure out the murderer. The plan works a little too well though, and the hunter becomes the hunted in this hilarious crime comedy.

Asa Akira В 'The Blonde Dahlia Scene 5'

Asa Akira - The Blonde Dahlia Scene 5

Bumbling Detective Brooks (Asa Akira) and her very tightly wound partner (Michael Vegas) are on the trail of a dangerous serial killer. Brooks must go undercover at the local strip club in a last ditch effort to lure out the murderer. The plan works a little too well though, and the hunter becomes the hunted in this hilarious crime comedy.

Asa Akira В 'DNA Scene 4'

Asa Akira - DNA Scene 4

Wicked Pictures and Award Winning director Brad Armstrong bring you the futuristic tale of a company with cutting edge technology able to bring back loved ones who've passed away. Eager clients commission the “Carbons” who are then cloned from available DNA samples. The bereaved can now get the closure they've been searching for or feel their lover's touch one last time. The clones are perfect in every way and business is booming. CEO Malcolm Moore (Brad Armstrong) and V.P. Lidia Kline (jessica drake) are elated, but things take a turn for the bizarre when one of the carbons, Kayla (Asa Akira) becomes aware of her former life and realizes Miles Dunn (Small Hands) the man who had her brought back to life is actually her killer. From there it's a game of cat and mouse with Kayla on the run and Miles quickly closing in. DNA is an erotic thriller packed incredible performances and amazing visuals. This sci-fi masterpiece is sure to please anyone who appreciates Porn with a Plot. Great Sex, Great Acting, Great Movie.

Asa Akira В 'DNA Scene 6'

Asa Akira - DNA Scene 6

Wicked Pictures and Award Winning director Brad Armstrong bring you the futuristic tale of a company with cutting edge technology able to bring back loved ones who've passed away. Eager clients commission the “Carbons” who are then cloned from available DNA samples. The bereaved can now get the closure they've been searching for or feel their lover's touch one last time. The clones are perfect in every way and business is booming. CEO Malcolm Moore (Brad Armstrong) and V.P. Lidia Kline (jessica drake) are elated, but things take a turn for the bizarre when one of the carbons, Kayla (Asa Akira) becomes aware of her former life and realizes Miles Dunn (Small Hands) the man who had her brought back to life is actually her killer. From there it's a game of cat and mouse with Kayla on the run and Miles quickly closing in. DNA is an erotic thriller packed incredible performances and amazing visuals. This sci-fi masterpiece is sure to please anyone who appreciates Porn with a Plot. Great Sex, Great Acting, Great Movie.

Asa Akira В 'Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1

Axel Braun strikes back! For his fourth Wicked Comix title, the legendary Adult film director takes on the most anticipated superhero movie of the summer with another hi-budget sexy spoof. Featuring a stellar cast lead by Kleio Valentien, reprising her award-winning role as Harley Quinn, megastar Asa Akira as Katana, Anna Bell Peaks in a star-making role as Killer Frost, and ABP contract girl Riley Steele returning as Enchantress, Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody delivers a clever story, steamy hot sex scenes, and a mind-blowing performance by Best Actor winner Tommy Pistol as The Joker.

Asa Akira В 'Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Scene 4'

Asa Akira - Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody Scene 4

Axel Braun strikes back! For his fourth Wicked Comix title, the legendary Adult film director takes on the most anticipated superhero movie of the summer with another hi-budget sexy spoof. Featuring a stellar cast lead by Kleio Valentien, reprising her award-winning role as Harley Quinn, megastar Asa Akira as Katana, Anna Bell Peaks in a star-making role as Killer Frost, and ABP contract girl Riley Steele returning as Enchantress, Suicide Squad XXX: An Axel Braun Parody delivers a clever story, steamy hot sex scenes, and a mind-blowing performance by Best Actor winner Tommy Pistol as The Joker.

Asa Akira В 'Indiscretions Scene 3'

Asa Akira - Indiscretions Scene 3

Kim (Asa Akira), reeling from the unexpected separation from her husband David (Brad Armstrong), moves into a new place.  Her neighbor Shane (Damon Dice), immediately introduces himself and begins to help her out around the house. Despite the difference in age, the attraction between them quickly intensifies until Kim finds it impossible to resist his charms. Still not quite ready to give up on her twelve year marriage and her stepdaughter, Kim decides to break it off with Shane and try to forgive her husband.  This is when things take a turn for the worse and Kim discovers Shane's intentions aren't so neighborly after all.

Asa Akira В 'Indiscretions Scene 5'

Asa Akira - Indiscretions Scene 5

Kim (Asa Akira), reeling from the unexpected separation from her husband David (Brad Armstrong), moves into a new place.  Her neighbor Shane (Damon Dice), immediately introduces himself and begins to help her out around the house. Despite the difference in age, the attraction between them quickly intensifies until Kim finds it impossible to resist his charms. Still not quite ready to give up on her twelve year marriage and her stepdaughter, Kim decides to break it off with Shane and try to forgive her husband.  This is when things take a turn for the worse and Kim discovers Shane's intentions aren't so neighborly after all.

Asa Akira В 'Axel Brauns Nylons Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Axel Brauns Nylons Scene 1

Acclaimed porn auteur Axel Braun explores the allure of a popular fetish with a stylish, sexy film. Want your lover to feel what you feel when you caress her legs in stockings All it takes is to move that delicate nylon fabric over her soft skin...

Adriana Chechik В 'The J.O.B Scene 1'

Adriana Chechik - The J.O.B Scene 1

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong gives us a taste of what happens when Erotic Drama and Reality collide. Asa Akira and jessica drake are incredible in this 'Art Imitating Life' exploration. Zoe (jessica drake) is a journalist assigned to do a story on Asa Akira, a world famous pornstar who's just written a book that's getting lots of mainstream interest. Zoe is understandably nervous about what the next few days have in store for her, but before long she has Asa revealing her deepest, darkest secrets for all the world to see. As the interview continues it becomes a game of cat and mouse with Zoe trying to get her story, and Asa teasing and taunting her, trying to lure the straight-laced reporter into her web and over to the dark side. The sexual tension is undeniable and Zoe quickly learns there's a fine line between reporting the story and becoming the story.

Asa Akira В 'The J.O.B Scene 2'

Asa Akira - The J.O.B Scene 2

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong gives us a taste of what happens when Erotic Drama and Reality collide. Asa Akira and jessica drake are incredible in this 'Art Imitating Life' exploration. Zoe (jessica drake) is a journalist assigned to do a story on Asa Akira, a world famous pornstar who's just written a book that's getting lots of mainstream interest. Zoe is understandably nervous about what the next few days have in store for her, but before long she has Asa revealing her deepest, darkest secrets for all the world to see. As the interview continues it becomes a game of cat and mouse with Zoe trying to get her story, and Asa teasing and taunting her, trying to lure the straight-laced reporter into her web and over to the dark side. The sexual tension is undeniable and Zoe quickly learns there's a fine line between reporting the story and becoming the story.

Asa Akira В 'The J.O.B Scene 5'

Asa Akira - The J.O.B Scene 5

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong gives us a taste of what happens when Erotic Drama and Reality collide. Asa Akira and jessica drake are incredible in this 'Art Imitating Life' exploration. Zoe (jessica drake) is a journalist assigned to do a story on Asa Akira, a world famous pornstar who's just written a book that's getting lots of mainstream interest. Zoe is understandably nervous about what the next few days have in store for her, but before long she has Asa revealing her deepest, darkest secrets for all the world to see. As the interview continues it becomes a game of cat and mouse with Zoe trying to get her story, and Asa teasing and taunting her, trying to lure the straight-laced reporter into her web and over to the dark side. The sexual tension is undeniable and Zoe quickly learns there's a fine line between reporting the story and becoming the story.

Asa Akira В 'The J.O.B Scene 7'

Asa Akira - The J.O.B Scene 7

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong gives us a taste of what happens when Erotic Drama and Reality collide. Asa Akira and jessica drake are incredible in this 'Art Imitating Life' exploration. Zoe (jessica drake) is a journalist assigned to do a story on Asa Akira, a world famous pornstar who's just written a book that's getting lots of mainstream interest. Zoe is understandably nervous about what the next few days have in store for her, but before long she has Asa revealing her deepest, darkest secrets for all the world to see. As the interview continues it becomes a game of cat and mouse with Zoe trying to get her story, and Asa teasing and taunting her, trying to lure the straight-laced reporter into her web and over to the dark side. The sexual tension is undeniable and Zoe quickly learns there's a fine line between reporting the story and becoming the story.

Asa Akira В 'Last Chance Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Last Chance Scene 1

Jamie (Rachel Starr) finds herself working at a rundown motel and sleeping on a friend's ratty sofa.  All of that changes when a mysterious stranger (Michael Vegas) checks into the motel and hides a black bag in one of the rooms. Soon they discover they are both out of luck, but together they may have just one last chance.

Asa Akira В 'Cruise Control Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Cruise Control Scene 1

Bold. Intimate. Explosive! Carter Cruise's debut under her new exclusive contract with Axel Braun is a sexual exploration of different stages of control, and the 2015 AVN Best New Starlet and Best Actress definitely brings her A-game to this phenomenal, provocative showcase movie!

Asa Akira В 'Dark Secrets Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Dark Secrets Scene 1

Janelle (Asa Akira) flees in the night from her abusive husband Darren. She relocates a thousand miles away and tries to begin a new life. Nice guy Ben is immediately smitten with the mysterious new barista at his local coffee shop. After many weeks of trying, Ben convinces Janelle to go out with him and they begin happily dating. Everything finally seems good in Janelle's life until Darren discovers where she has been hiding and shows up at her apartment. Luckily Ben also shows up just in time.

Asa Akira В 'Dark Secrets Scene 5'

Asa Akira - Dark Secrets Scene 5

Janelle (Asa Akira) flees in the night from her abusive husband Darren. She relocates a thousand miles away and tries to begin a new life. Nice guy Ben is immediately smitten with the mysterious new barista at his local coffee shop. After many weeks of trying, Ben convinces Janelle to go out with him and they begin happily dating. Everything finally seems good in Janelle's life until Darren discovers where she has been hiding and shows up at her apartment. Luckily Ben also shows up just in time.

Asa Akira В 'Sex Bots Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Sex Bots Scene 1

Award winning director Brad Armstrong looks into the future where scientists have created the Ultimate Sexual Companion, and after a decade of work they've achieved perfection. But the day before the Asa Doll (Asa Akira) is set to be unveiled to the world, she malfunctions and fucks the lead scientist to death. The lab goes into lockdown and Asa comes face to face with 8 security technicians. Before they know what hit them, Asa is fucking them into submission in the biggest gangbang of her career, and it's absolutely incredible! But the action doesn't stop there. Next she comes across two other Sexbots (jessica drake and Stormy Daniels) and activates them for an incredible 'interface' session. It's the first time these three Superstars have been on camera together, and it will go down in porn history. Get ready for an action packed sci-fi erotic adventure into the future of sexual gratification!

Asa Akira В 'Sex Bots Scene 2'

Asa Akira - Sex Bots Scene 2

Award winning director Brad Armstrong looks into the future where scientists have created the Ultimate Sexual Companion, and after a decade of work they've achieved perfection. But the day before the Asa Doll (Asa Akira) is set to be unveiled to the world, she malfunctions and fucks the lead scientist to death. The lab goes into lockdown and Asa comes face to face with 8 security technicians. Before they know what hit them, Asa is fucking them into submission in the biggest gangbang of her career, and it's absolutely incredible! But the action doesn't stop there. Next she comes across two other Sexbots (jessica drake and Stormy Daniels) and activates them for an incredible 'interface' session. It's the first time these three Superstars have been on camera together, and it will go down in porn history. Get ready for an action packed sci-fi erotic adventure into the future of sexual gratification!

Asa Akira В 'Sex Bots Scene 3'

Asa Akira - Sex Bots Scene 3

Award winning director Brad Armstrong looks into the future where scientists have created the Ultimate Sexual Companion, and after a decade of work they've achieved perfection. But the day before the Asa Doll (Asa Akira) is set to be unveiled to the world, she malfunctions and fucks the lead scientist to death. The lab goes into lockdown and Asa comes face to face with 8 security technicians. Before they know what hit them, Asa is fucking them into submission in the biggest gangbang of her career, and it's absolutely incredible! But the action doesn't stop there. Next she comes across two other Sexbots (jessica drake and Stormy Daniels) and activates them for an incredible “interface” session. It's the first time these three Superstars have been on camera together, and it will go down in porn history. Get ready for an action packed sci-fi erotic adventure into the future of sexual gratification!

Asa Akira В 'Asa Goes To Hell Scene 4'

Asa Akira - Asa Goes To Hell Scene 4

Wicked Contract Superstar Asa Akira takes a trip to the darkside in Axel Braun's stylish showcase. Masterfully shot, beautifully styled, and featuring Asa in five explosive sexual performances, "Asa Goes To Hell" proves that Dirty, Hardcore, Nasty Sex can also be … Pretty!

Asa Akira В 'Asa Goes To Hell Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Asa Goes To Hell Scene 1

Wicked Contract Superstar Asa Akira takes a trip to the darkside in Axel Braun's stylish showcase. Masterfully shot, beautifully styled, and featuring Asa in five explosive sexual performances, "Asa Goes To Hell" proves that Dirty, Hardcore, Nasty Sex can also be … Pretty!

Aiden Ashley В 'Asa Goes To Hell Scene 2'

Aiden Ashley - Asa Goes To Hell Scene 2

Wicked Contract Superstar Asa Akira takes a trip to the darkside in Axel Braun's stylish showcase. Masterfully shot, beautifully styled, and featuring Asa in five explosive sexual performances, "Asa Goes To Hell" proves that Dirty, Hardcore, Nasty Sex can also be … Pretty!

Asa Akira В 'Asa Goes To Hell Scene 3'

Asa Akira - Asa Goes To Hell Scene 3

Wicked Contract Superstar Asa Akira takes a trip to the darkside in Axel Braun's stylish showcase. Masterfully shot, beautifully styled, and featuring Asa in five explosive sexual performances, "Asa Goes To Hell" proves that Dirty, Hardcore, Nasty Sex can also be … Pretty!

Asa Akira В 'Asa Goes To Hell Scene 5'

Asa Akira - Asa Goes To Hell Scene 5

Wicked Contract Superstar Asa Akira takes a trip to the darkside in Axel Braun's stylish showcase. Masterfully shot, beautifully styled, and featuring Asa in five explosive sexual performances, "Asa Goes To Hell" proves that Dirty, Hardcore, Nasty Sex can also be … Pretty!

Asa Akira В 'Bijou Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Bijou Scene 1

When Annie Gimble happpens onto a photo shoot, her world is turned upside down. Step into the high stakes, fast paced fashion industry, with the backroom deals and bedroom negotiations that'll make your head spin! Everything you thought went on behind closed doors is true! Bijou. Lights, camera, action!

Asa Akira В 'Starmaker Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Starmaker Scene 1

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong brings you his latest Adult Saga. STARMAKER is full of incredible performances from an A-List ensemble cast, as the viewer is plunged into the over-indulgent, sex-fueled world of Hollywood. In a town where secret deals, casting couches and double-crosses are the norm, nothing is ever as it seems.

Asa Akira В 'Starmaker Scene 4'

Asa Akira - Starmaker Scene 4

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong brings you his latest Adult Saga. STARMAKER is full of incredible performances from an A-List ensemble cast, as the viewer is plunged into the over-indulgent, sex-fueled world of Hollywood. In a town where secret deals, casting couches and double-crosses are the norm, nothing is ever as it seems.

Asa Akira В 'Starmaker Scene 6'

Asa Akira - Starmaker Scene 6

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong brings you his latest Adult Saga. STARMAKER is full of incredible performances from an A-List ensemble cast, as the viewer is plunged into the over-indulgent, sex-fueled world of Hollywood. In a town where secret deals, casting couches and double-crosses are the norm, nothing is ever as it seems.

Asa Akira В 'Starmaker Scene 7'

Asa Akira - Starmaker Scene 7

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong brings you his latest Adult Saga. STARMAKER is full of incredible performances from an A-List ensemble cast, as the viewer is plunged into the over-indulgent, sex-fueled world of Hollywood. In a town where secret deals, casting couches and double-crosses are the norm, nothing is ever as it seems.

Asa Akira В 'Starmaker Scene 9'

Asa Akira - Starmaker Scene 9

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong brings you his latest Adult Saga. STARMAKER is full of incredible performances from an A-List ensemble cast, as the viewer is plunged into the over-indulgent, sex-fueled world of Hollywood. In a town where secret deals, casting couches and double-crosses are the norm, nothing is ever as it seems.

Asa Akira В 'Deception Scene 2'

Asa Akira - Deception Scene 2

Detective Alicia Wallace (Asa Akira) is a valuable and respected officer on the LAPD… until her husband is murdered. With a crime hitting so close to home and no leads in sight, accusations begin to fly. Even her own partner suspects something is amiss. When an escaped criminal resurfaces, no one is prepared for just how deep the deception runs.

Asa Akira В 'Deception Scene 5'

Asa Akira - Deception Scene 5

Detective Alicia Wallace (Asa Akira) is a valuable and respected officer on the LAPD… until her husband is murdered. With a crime hitting so close to home and no leads in sight, accusations begin to fly. Even her own partner suspects something is amiss. When an escaped criminal resurfaces, no one is prepared for just how deep the deception runs.

Asa Akira В 'Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 1

XXX Superstar and Fan Favorite, Asa Akira, has put you - the fans - in control! By listening to her fans through social media, Asa has given you the rare opportunity to conceive every over-the-top, envelope-pushing scene! The result Asa delivers an awards-worthy, jaw-dropping performance in Asa Akira: Wicked Fuck Doll!

Asa Akira В 'Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 2'

Asa Akira - Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 2

XXX Superstar and Fan Favorite, Asa Akira, has put you - the fans - in control! By listening to her fans through social media, Asa has given you the rare opportunity to conceive every over-the-top, envelope-pushing scene! The result Asa delivers an awards-worthy, jaw-dropping performance in Asa Akira: Wicked Fuck Doll!

Asa Akira В 'Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 3'

Asa Akira - Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 3

XXX Superstar and Fan Favorite, Asa Akira, has put you - the fans - in control! By listening to her fans through social media, Asa has given you the rare opportunity to conceive every over-the-top, envelope-pushing scene! The result Asa delivers an awards-worthy, jaw-dropping performance in Asa Akira: Wicked Fuck Doll!

Asa Akira В 'Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 4'

Asa Akira - Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 4

XXX Superstar and Fan Favorite, Asa Akira, has put you - the fans - in control! By listening to her fans through social media, Asa has given you the rare opportunity to conceive every over-the-top, envelope-pushing scene! The result Asa delivers an awards-worthy, jaw-dropping performance in Asa Akira: Wicked Fuck Doll!

Asa Akira В 'Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 5'

Asa Akira - Wicked Fuck Doll Scene 5

XXX Superstar and Fan Favorite, Asa Akira, has put you - the fans - in control! By listening to her fans through social media, Asa has given you the rare opportunity to conceive every over-the-top, envelope-pushing scene! The result Asa delivers an awards-worthy, jaw-dropping performance in Asa Akira: Wicked Fuck Doll!

Asa Akira В 'Magic Mike XXXL A Hardcore Parody Scene 7'

Asa Akira - Magic Mike XXXL A Hardcore Parody Scene 7

Award-Winning Director Brad Armstrong brings you a 'Ladies Night' to remember! Magic Mike, Dallas, and the rest of the boys are getting the women all Hot, Horny, and very much willing to please. Girls, we know you've been waiting for this one! And guys, don't worry... there's plenty of gorgeous women in here to make you happy too! So, tonight, do yourself a favor: Let her pick the movie!

Asa Akira В 'Impulse Scene 2'

Asa Akira - Impulse Scene 2

April (Stormy Daniels) and Michael (Danny Mountain) have a picture perfect marriage. Then one night, a terrible car accident changes everything… especially April. Once being released from the hospital, she begins to spiral out of control. Convinced she has just found a new zest for life, April begins to experiment sexually. As time goes on, her husband suspects something much more sinister is happening. Will he find the answer in time or will April's impulses be her demise ...

Asa Akira В 'Love, Lust and Longing Scene 1'

Asa Akira - Love, Lust and Longing Scene 1

Love, Lust and Longing takes place in a seemingly innocent Bed and Breakfast. Rachel, a prostitute who has set up shop in the master bedroom, falls in love with James, a boarder whose is staying there after separating from his wife. But James has to come to terms with her occupation before he can finally allow his emotions to take hold. Another long term resident, Lily, lost her voice after a childhood trauma. After spending time with a soldier who is on leave, she realizes the importance of living your life to the fullest. And if you're hungry there is a food truck scene where Wicked Girl Asa Akira attempts to satisfy her insatiable sexual appetite!

Asa Akira В 'Girls Night Scene 3'

Asa Akira - Girls Night Scene 3

Erica (Stormy Daniels) and her long time girlfriend are thrilled that the changing laws have finally allowed them to marry. But before they tie the knot, Erica has a girls night out with her college roommate and some of her fellow lesbian friends. After a long night of celebrating, the girls return home and begin to reminisce about first loves, first times and hot sex.

Katsuni В 'Asian Girls Galore'

Katsuni - Asian Girls Galore

The exotic beauty of Asia has allured the fantasy of countless men of the Western cultures, Today we gathered some of the hottest Oriental girls in sexy, intense action, a must see for every men and women who loves beautiful ladies and hardcore sex.

Presley Maddox В 'Suck It Dry 8'

Presley Maddox - Suck It Dry 8

Slender, all-natural Skin Diamond loves to suck cock. The gorgeous slut is in for a treat - three horny white boys with raging boners for Skin's pretty mouth. Dressed in tight leggings and a gold tube top, the tattooed black beauty buzzes her pussy with a vibrating wand; then she swallows Winston Burbank's huge pole, nuzzling his balls. She expertly blows him until Winston spurts a faceful of gooey jizz all over her. Skin repeats her drooling, deep-throat ministrations with stud Chris Charming and director Jonni Darkko, each time receiving a messy cum facial for her fine work.

Asa Akira В 'Anal Intensity 02'

Asa Akira - Anal Intensity 02

Natural-bodied Asian-American beauty Asa Akira lends her lithe body and supple holes to ass-obsessed pervert Mike Adriano. His toys warm her up and his thick cock puts her over the top. Over a desk he porks her pussy and pretty ass in multiple positions, including righteous POV footage. Her gaping anus reveals pink intestinal innards. He cums in her mouth; she makes sticky bubbles of the mess.

Asa Akira В 'Weapons of Ass Destruction 7'

Asa Akira - Weapons of Ass Destruction 7

Asa Akira DP! Which Hole Is Tighter Her Ass Or Pussy I believe this is the other eternal question, the first being, of course, What Is Hip From WEAPONS OF ASS DESTRUCTION 7 Asa has two dicks to ascertain the relative tightness of her twin fuck holes. In a three-way with Jules Jordan and Chris Strokes Asa does ass to mouth, gets double penetrated, sucks roughly a mile of dick, takes two facials and still looks good. Real good. The answer to which hole is tighter Yes. You are correct.

Asa Akira В 'America's Sweetheart: Blackmailed and Defiled!!! Starring Asa Akira'

Asa Akira - America's Sweetheart: Blackmailed and Defiled!!! Starring Asa Akira

Asa Akira in extreme 5 guy gangbang! Fucked in bondage, stuffed airtight, creampied, covered in cum, and left tied up in an abandoned building!

Asa Akira В 'Slayin' Asians'

Asa Akira - Slayin' Asians

Sleek, sensuous Asian lingerie model Asa Akira is in the mood for a huge, throbbing black cock ' and who better to provide for her interracial needs than muscular Prince Yahshua? The glamorous slut poses provocatively, ensuring Yahshua's massive ebony fuckstick is rock-hard. Asa kneels, wrapping her pretty lips around his shaft, and gags on his meat as he rams her throat. Before long, the strapping stud is lapping at Asa's sweet pussy, then pushing his giant black prick up her asshole, thrusting deep until her sphincter gapes wide. After pounding her holes, he splatters Asa's pretty face with hot sperm.

Asa Akira В 'Asian persuasion'

Asa Akira - Asian persuasion

Asa, a petite beautiful, seemingly flawless, Asian babe was masturbating while waiting for Malena to return. When Malena did get home, she stripped down to her lingerie before going upstairs. Lucky for her, she found an exotic, fortunate cookie waiting in her bed. So, what'd she do? She cracked Asa's legs open to find the good news. As they intertwined, they kissed and caressed each other. These two were hotter than gasoline and fire and were ready to combust. Both had thin, tight, hard bodies and a thirst for ass and pussy. Try as they might to quench their sexual thirst, it seemed impossible. Malena eventually gave in. No longer able to handle the body-twitching orgasms, she clenched Asa tight against her and begged for just a kiss.

Asa Akira В 'Crack Fuckers 3'

Asa Akira - Crack Fuckers 3

Asian superslut Asa Akira loves nothing better than teasing a guy with her taut, round ass. Director Kevin Moore ogles this sassy cutie's fine derriere as she poses in cotton undies and red pumps. After driving the director crazy, Asa swallows his rigid meat in a tantalizing, POV-style blow job. She greases up her ass crack so his dick can slide between her shapely buns. Squeezing the shaft with her warm buttocks, Asa squirms in perverse pleasure, giving Kevin a sensuous, slippery lap dance and wanking his stiff boner until he shoots his gooey load on her lower back.

Asa Akira В 'Lex Turns Evil'

Asa Akira - Lex Turns Evil

Glamorous, busty femme fatale Asa Akira plays a stunning but deadly Japanese spy who gets her perimeter breached by secret military agent Lexington Steele. First, this exotic beauty gets the drop on the big, black operative - however, Asa can't resist finding out what the studly agent is packing inside his slacks. His ebony rod is as big as Asa's forearm! She orally worships her opponent's massive member, and the hard ride she takes on Lex's huge weapon leaves her fine ass gaping. After he's thoroughly fucked the stunning slut's ass, he leaves Asa's lovely face dripping hot cum.

Asa Akira В 'Interracial DP Ass Stretched Open'

Asa Akira - Interracial DP Ass Stretched Open

Asa Akira Interracial DP Ass Stretched Open. How does she do it? How the fuck does Asa Akira, a small whore as whores go, take two large black cocks at once, one in her pussy and one in her ass. We're talking Prince Yahshua and Rico Strong here! In this aptly named DOUBLE BLACK PENETRATION Asa gets DP'd in a multitude of positions and cums through with flying colors. An interracial, ass to mouth, three way, cock sucking, cum swallowing fuck fest of a real good time. You'll see.

Asa Akira В 'Anal Dream Team'

Asa Akira - Anal Dream Team

Stark naked, gorgeous Asian superslut Asa Akira lathers up her cooch and shaves her pretty pussy hairless. Now she's ready for some wild action with director Mike Adriano. Mike tongues Asa's puckered bunghole until it gapes and examines the busty beauty's rectum with a miniature camera. Asa wraps her hungry lips around the director's dork and gives him a gagging, slobbery, deep-throat blow job as he films POV-style. Mike plunders her asshole with his big shaft and sucks on the sexy girl's pretty bare toes. After getting ferociously sodomized, Asa slurps up Mike's semen from a big spoon.

Asa Akira В 'Asa Akira, Jordan Ash and J Pipes in I Have a Wife'

Asa Akira - I Have A Wife

Jordan's physician Asa Akira examines him for a litany of ailments he complains about -- most of which he deduces are caused by his nagging, bitching wife. However, the swelling he's encountered down below seems to get worse the more he's away from his other half. The sexy Asian doctor has her patient peel off his pants so she can get a closer look, and when she does, she prescribes the perfect remedy to his malady: a bubbly, deepthroat blowjob. After the throat-fucking, Dr. Asa takes the big dick deep inside her pussy while her patient pulls on her hair before coating her face with his member's medicine. Swelling problem solved!

Asa Akira В 'Anal fucks Cross Dresser'

Asa Akira - Anal fucks Cross Dresser

Asa Akira Anal fucks Cross Dresser. If your a fan of Asian sluts then you gotta love Asa Akira especially in this scene from ASA AKIRA TO THE LIMIT. I really don't know what possessed Steve Holmes to don red lingerie prior to fucking Asa but just ignore him and watch her take in her ass, do ass to mouth and swallow her reward. Jules Jordan has only found a handful of porn stars who he deems worthy of a whole flick of their own and Asa Akira is one.

Asa Akira В 'Bed Head And Morning Sex'

Asa Akira - Bed Head And Morning Sex

Asa Akira Morning Blow Job Cock Before Coffee. From BEDHEAD AND MORNING SEX, Asa Akira likes dick when she awakens and doesn't object at all when her face gets covered with cum. The hottest Asian cocksucker you'll come across this side of Hong Kong, don't miss out on Asa.

Asa Akira В 'To The Limit'

Asa Akira - To The Limit

Asa Akira and Nacho Asian Squirting Machine. It doesn't seem possible that such a little girl, Asa Akira, can handle a huge cock like Nacho's but she does. From the aptly named ASA AKIRA TO THE LIMIT our heroine looks amazing and fucks like it might be her last time. An Asian ass to mouth anal scene that has to be seen to believed. You'll see. Soon.

Asa Akira В 'One'

Asa Akira - One

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Anal POV'

Asa Akira - Anal POV

Asa Akira Anal POV. Want to fuck Asa Akira? Well, this is as close as you (or I) will ever get. A POV offering from ASA AKIRA TO THE LIMIT it's like your the dick. You get to fuck her mouth, you get to fuck her pussy and you get to fuck Asa in her whore ass. Life is good.

Asa Akira В 'Gape Me'

Asa Akira - Gape Me

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Caged For An Anal Drilling'

Asa Akira - Caged For An Anal Drilling

Asa Akira Caged For An Anal Drilling. Caged because she attacks every dick she comes across, when Toni approaches she begs and sucks cock right through the bars. Loving abuse as long as it's accompanied by an ass pounding Asa Akira proves she's as big a whore as is possible. Yea!

Asa Akira В 'Evil Anal 13'

Asa Akira - Evil Anal 13

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'and Mick Blue in My Naughty Massage'

Asa Akira - My Naughty Massage

Asa Akira is so stressed out at work that her supervisors ordered her to go get a massage to relax! She tells her massage therapist Mick that she needs to get as relaxed as possible, so he busts out the oil and lubes her up back to front, rubbing and kneading every inch of her body. When she tells him she's not quite as relaxed as she wants to be, he gives her the "special" and sticks his fingers in her pussy ... and his big dick in her mouth! Once Mick is thrusting his large member inside of her, Asa is relaxed defined.

Asa Akira В 'Asian Fuck Faces'

Asa Akira - Asian Fuck Faces

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Cock Pigs 2'

Asa Akira - Cock Pigs 2

Busty Asian cutie Asa Akira and spunky, all-natural Jynx Maze, in neon sports attire, show off squeezable bubble butts and winking assholes. The tattooed sluts tongue each other's pucker. Jynx stretches Asa's anus with a lighted speculum and spits into the gaping cavern. The girls take turns throating director Mike Adriano's sturdy cock, licking balls and trading drool back and forth. Each girl gets butt-fucked; each sucks Mike's dick ass-to-mouth; each tastes the other's widening sphincter. Jynx' cheeks get oiled and the sloppy ass lickers get nastier. Mike pulls out of Jynx's bunghole, shoots off in Asa's mouth, and the sluts orally swap his cum.

Asa Akira В 'Side of anal with my Asian'

Asa Akira - Side of anal with my Asian

Today's Mr. Anal is an update that is a must see Can't go wrong when you have Asa Akira on the update. This Asian babe is a dime-piece. She has perfect sized tits, a tight pink pussy and a juicy ass made for anal. Mike loves a women that loves dick up her ass. He likes to taste it and fuck it. Asa enjoyed Mike's big cock and took a ponding. Crazy! You have to watch for yourself. Believe me. You won't be disappointed

Asa Akira В 'POV Hit Me With Your Best Shot'

Asa Akira - POV Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Asa Akira POV Hit Me With Your Best Shot. How would you like to fuck Asian super slut Asa Akira? Yes? Thought so. Well this is as close as you're gonna get. From ASA AKIRA TO THE LIMIT Asa is here to suck your cock, sit on your face, take all the cock you got and beg for you to cum on her face. Not too many whore harder than Asa, you'll see.

Asa Akira В 'The Ass Party'

Asa Akira - The Ass Party

Kinky Asian superslut Asa Akira teaches a nasty class, Whoreticulture 101. Dolled up in fishnet stockings and high heels, the gorgeous bitch strokes her juicy cunt and uses a vibrating wand to make herself cum. Then she instructs student Danny Wylde in the finer points of ass eating. Asa straddles his face and smothers her pupil with her fleshy behind. But soon it's Danny dominating his sensuous teacher, brutally ramming her pussy, then giving Asa a butt-stretching anal pounding that makes her sphincter gape. Asa sucks his ass-flavored cock clean and eagerly kneels to receive a gooey, open-mouth sperm facial

Asa Akira В 'DP All Holes Get Speared With Cocks'

Asa Akira - DP All Holes Get Speared With Cocks

Asa Akira DP All Holes Get Speared With Cocks. When there's a cock pumping in her pussy another cock pumping in her ass and a third cock fucking her Asian whore mouth you know this section of ASA AKIRA TO THE LIMIT is not your standard fare. A crowd pleaser who loves sucking cock fresh from her asshole Asa is a force of nature. Witness the storm that is Asa Akira.

Asa Akira В 'Anal Happy Ending In Hot Oil'

Asa Akira - Anal Happy Ending In Hot Oil

Asa Akira Anal Happy Ending In Hot Oil. As sexy an Asian whore as you'll come across, Asa Akira in this slice of OIL OVERLOAD 7 chews up Toni Ribas and spits him out all while looking as good as all get out. Anal? yup. Ass to mouth? Oh yeah. Cock sucking? Fuck yes. big facial finish? Of course. One hell of a hot scene.

Lana Violet В 'Asian Anal Addiction'

Lana Violet - Asian Anal Addiction

Lovely butt sluts Asa Akira and Lana Violet are sultry Asian beauties hungry for a big cock up their asses. That's why they've made an anal date with a well-hung stud. Lana warms up Asa with some lesbian analingus; the performer thrusts his tongue into Asa's delicious bunghole. The girls team up on horny stud's pole, gagging on his thick shaft and slurping his balls. He reams Asa's soft ass while Lana rims her friend and sucks his rectum-flavored cock. In no time he sprays Asa's butt cheeks ... and watches Lana lap up his creamy sperm.

Asa Akira В 'Fucking Girls 7'

Asa Akira - Fucking Girls 7

Asian-American porn superstars Asa Akira and London Keyes, dressed in skimpy tank tops and tiny, cut-off jeans, are hanging around on the couch. Asa promises to teach London some Japanese in exchange for a session of lesbian lovemaking. Asa tastes every inch of London's amazing, all-natural boobs and fingers the sultry slut's pussy and asshole, burying her tongue in the plush beauty's juicy cunt. London returns the favor, straddling Asa's face and grinding away while licking and sucking her friend's lovely feet. After an afternoon of intimate girl-girl action, this sexy pair finally collapses, glowing with pleasure and truly satisfied.

Asa Akira В 'Fantasy RolePlay Update: Asa Akira and Tia Ling play two pissed off manicurists who take revenge on'

Asa Akira - Fantasy RolePlay Update: Asa Akira and Tia Ling play two pissed off manicurists who take revenge on

Two exotic Asian mistresses dominate a blonde haired slut in the nail salon.

Asa Akira В 'Stuffed Up Her Tight Asian Ass'

Asa Akira - Stuffed Up Her Tight Asian Ass

Asa's Asian Ass opens wide for Erik's big meat - Monster cock butt fucking action! Holy shit, how does a tiny trollop like Asa Akira make so much dick disappear in her diminutive body? From UP MY ASIAN ASS comes a stunner of a fuck scene that you ignore at your own peril. Asa can fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck some more. Don't miss this Japanese cock junkie.

Chanel Preston В 'Asa Akira submits to a woman for the very first time!'

Chanel Preston - Asa Akira submits to a woman for the very first time!

Asa Akira submits to a woman for the very first time!

Lea Lexis В 'Fetish Fanatics 10'

Lea Lexis - Fetish Fanatics 10

Sexy starlet Asa Akira and mature Asian slut Tia Ling dress in matching lingerie. The exotic sluts are here to suck dick - together! Asa bends over, spreading her ass cheeks so the older woman can rim her butthole. Then the girls take turns deep-throating performer's cock, lapping his balls, making wet gagging noises. The girls slobber all over themselves and slather the stud's shaft with copious drool. He lies back and lets these spit-drenched whores tongue his anus. After their filthy work is complete, Asa and Tia orally swap a nasty mixture of cum and saliva.

Asa Akira В 'Interracial Speared By Black Cocks'

Asa Akira - Interracial Speared By Black Cocks

Asa Akira, alone, is fucking hot. Asa Akira getting fucked is almost too much for mortal man. But when you get a scene with Asa Akira in an interracial 2 on 1 we need to put up a health warning? The Asian with the juicy natural tits and the hardest working body in porn goes gonzo in this 36 minute hardcore scene. Aggressive as always, she goes to town on Mr. Marcus's and Sean Michaels's cocks until her face is drenched in cumshots!

Asa Akira В 'Flesh or Fantasy'

Asa Akira - Flesh or Fantasy

Ryan's got a toy mold of Asa's ass and pussy, and now he wants to test out the real deal. Asa's sexy ass lets Ryan enter her and grabs the pussy mold to wrap it around Ryan's rock hard dick. He then pushes his way into her tight asian ass before trying her ass mold also. He switches between the four holes before cuming inside...

Asa Akira В 'Femdom Ass Worship 14'

Asa Akira - Femdom Ass Worship 14

Busty Asian-American bombshell Asa Akira is a vinyl-clad dominatrix with a vicious taste for making men crawl. She speaks directly to the camera, threatening you with her fine ass, then struts across her dungeon to shove her tush into the face of tattooed love slave Jack Vegas. Straddling his head, this exotic bitch grinds the muscular worm into total submission, cutting off his air supply with her fleshy hindquarters. Asa demands abject analingus and makes Jack worship her lovely bare feet. Finally the haughty ass queen takes pity on her underling, jerking the filthy cum from his stiff pecker.

Asa Akira В 'Facial Blast From Jules'

Asa Akira - Facial Blast From Jules

Let's see how fast we can get you to click. Asa Akira. Schoolgirl outfit. Riding crop. Blindfold. If you're still reading, here's the rest of the details: Ultra-hardcore Asian Asa Akira and I, Jules Jordan, lick everything we can get our tongues on and then start banging the hell out of each other in this 36 minute gonzo scene. This girl's got one tasty pussy, I couldn't decide if I wanted my tongue in her or my cock, so she gets a lot of both!

Asa Akira В 'Girls Love Girls 4'

Asa Akira - Girls Love Girls 4

Dolled up in shiny black vinyl, Asian bombshell Asa Akira and ebony beauty Leilani Leeane are ready to enjoy an intense exploration of Sapphic lust. Following a sensuous make out session, Asa drives four digits deep into her sexy black friend's tender anus, finger-banging Leilani's ass while eating her juicy, shaved pussy. The girls stimulate each other using vibrators and penetrate with large anal toys - including a face-mounted strap-on that Leilani uses to ream Asa's butthole. Leilani has Asa lick the dildo clean. These anally lustful girls share a double-headed dildo on their way to mutual climax.

Ava Addams В 'Asa Akira invades college dorms!'

Ava Addams - Asa Akira invades college dorms!

Oh man we have a real good one for you. We got some of the finest pornstars to ever come to Miami and we got them to go raid the local Dorms. No college kid is safe! Thats how we do! We have Diamond Kitty with that fat ass, Ava Addams who is crazy fun and very sexy and of course Asa Akira our finest addition to the crew, she is smoking hot and came ready to fuck. So check this out!

Asa Akira В 'Blow Bang'

Asa Akira - Blow Bang

Asa Akira is here to milk the balls of five dudes in this 34 minute group sex scene. This indomitable Asian is definitely good for it! The camera follows her around gonzo style as she starts the show with rolling around on the bed before giving a blowjob to each guy in the room. After a lot of wild-ass blow banging, her sweet pussy opens for business ...but it's not long before these guys are blowing loads of cum all over her face.

Asa Akira В 'Spandex Loads 3'

Asa Akira - Spandex Loads 3

Busty screen siren Asa Akira, dolled up in tight, sexy spandex and six-inch heels, stretches sensually for the camera. The curvy Asian sweetheart packs her bouncy buns into various colorful pairs of colorful, elastic leggings and rips them open at the crotch while director Kevin Moore videotapes this big-titted beauty's slutty display, rubbing his stiff pole in the crack of Asa's juicy, spandex-clad booty. She gets on all fours and deep-throats Kevin's tool, fingering her plump, meaty pussy; she straddles his rock-hard boner and rides him between costume changes. Finally the director spurts hot semen onto Asa's fine ass.

Asa Akira В 'Ass Titans 6'

Asa Akira - Ass Titans 6

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'American Cocksucking Sluts 2'

Asa Akira - American Cocksucking Sluts 2

Sensuous superslut Asa Akira, exotic Latina Brooklyn Lee and busty Asian doll London Keyes are horny to give head. Fortunately, horny performer is ready with his big cock! The three girls let the stud taste their sweet buttholes. Then the nasty trio works their hungry lips over his hard shaft and dangling balls while he shoots POV-style. These messy sluts deep-throat his pole, slobbering, gagging, swapping gobs of gooey spit, and they tongue the anus. After cock spurts a hot load into their mouths, the girls snowball his cum and kiss. That's teamwork!

Asa Akira В 'Hot Asian'

Asa Akira - Hot Asian

You never know exactly what you're going to get when you're scheduled to fuck Asa Akira, but one thing is for sure. As you'll see in this 35 minute scene, sex with this Asian is guaranteed to be a good time! Voodoo gets tied up and blindfolded as Asa teases him with a riding crop and then blows him. Then she lays him back and teases him with her pussy, sits on his face, and finally fucks the shit out of him! This is gonzo porn, Asa Akira style!

Asa Akira В 'Interracial Invasian'

Asa Akira - Interracial Invasian

Why is Lex Steele fucking Asa Akira on my website instead of his own? Simple... if he gets to stick his huge dick in one of porn's hottest Asians, the least he can do is at least let me host it! After she shows off her flawless body, this gonzo scene moves on to Lex eating Asa's pussy. She keeps the pantyhose on while she sucks his massive meat and then spreads her legs to get filled to the brim! When they're done fucking, she's wearing and sucking cum.

Asa Akira В 'Interracial Anal With Mandingo'

Asa Akira - Interracial Anal With Mandingo

Asa Akira gets fucked in the Ass by Mandingo's huge cock

Asa Akira В 'and Johnny Castle in American Daydreams'

Asa Akira - American Daydreams

Johnny's been wanting to get into Asa Akira's pants for a long-ass time, but all she ever wants to do is focus on her studies. Well, he makes a move while they're studying and touches her boobs, and it ends up getting him slapped! Asa storms out, sending Johnny to his room to obsess over her, eventually falling asleep. He dreams of Asa wearing red heels, fishnets and no glasses, happy to suck his cock and fuck him until he cums in her mouth! Life is but a dream...

Asa Akira В 'Suck It Dry 6'

Asa Akira - Suck It Dry 6

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Starstruck 2'

Asa Akira - Starstruck 2

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Tia Ling В 'Filthy Cocksucking Auditions'

Tia Ling - Filthy Cocksucking Auditions

Sexy starlet Asa Akira and mature Asian slut Tia Ling dress in matching lingerie. The exotic sluts are here to suck dick - together! Asa bends over, spreading her ass cheeks so the older woman can rim her butthole. Then the girls take turns deep-throating performer's cock, lapping his balls, making wet gagging noises. The girls slobber all over themselves and slather the stud's shaft with copious drool. He lies back and lets these spit-drenched whores tongue his anus. After their filthy work is complete, Asa and Tia orally swap a nasty mixture of cum and saliva.

Annie Cruz В 'Anal Acrobats 6'

Annie Cruz - Anal Acrobats 6

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Lena Julliett Has A Big Fucken Mouth'

Asa Akira - Lena Julliett Has A Big Fucken Mouth

Asa Akira Can't wait to get some, and believe me - because I'm the one giving it to her - she's not the only one! She crawls around the floor in pink lingerie and dares me to kick this scene off early. But this being a 47 minute scene, we've got time to play in every imaginable way! This amazing Asian slut deep throats my cock before letting me get some of the sweetest, nastiest anal you've ever seen!

Asa Akira В 'Sex Scandal: Asa Akira'

Asa Akira - Sex Scandal: Asa Akira

Sexy Asian therapist is blackmailed and fucked in bondage! Asa Akira in anal bondage sex and submissive porn!

Asa Akira В 'looking for black cock'

Asa Akira - looking for black cock

Alright. I love me some Asians. Uh, especially ones who look like Asa Akira. And she's here in town ready to do some big black dicking. I told her to come to my crib and show us the fans hows shes able to take a massive dick down. Asa is so fly, She has a banging body and petite and beautiful ass. her titties are like two chest pillows you just want to snuggle up on. Watching her get pounded is an absolute pleasure for the eyes, because she really knows how to handle herself..its freakin' Hot!

Asa Akira В 'Interracial Black Cock Slut'

Asa Akira - Interracial Black Cock Slut

Asian hottie Asa Akira loves big black cock in her ass. Lex makes her swallow his cock and fucks her asshole until she cums. He makes her gape and scream for more!

Asa Akira В 'Gape Lovers 7'

Asa Akira - Gape Lovers 7

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Deep Anal Drilling 2'

Asa Akira - Deep Anal Drilling 2

Asa Akira gets two swinging dicks for her to play with, Jules Jordan and Criss are back as a tag team. Lots of touching and tasting of that body as the scene slowly warms up. Your dick will get hard when Asa Akira starts in on their cocks, great close shot as the two cocks are right at face level allowing Asa easy access as she does some trading back and forth. Asa Akira then gets rotating cocks in her ass. Asa Akira closes strong with the guys coating that pretty face in cum.

Asa Akira В 'L For London'

Asa Akira - L For London

Busty Asian cutie Asa Akira and spunky, all-natural Jynx Maze, in neon sports attire, show off squeezable bubble butts and winking assholes. The tattooed sluts tongue each other's pucker. Jynx stretches Asa's anus with a lighted speculum and spits into the gaping cavern. The girls take turns throating director Mike Adriano's sturdy cock, licking balls and trading drool back and forth. Each girl gets butt-fucked; each sucks Mike's dick ass-to-mouth; each tastes the other's widening sphincter. Jynx' cheeks get oiled and the sloppy ass lickers get nastier. Mike pulls out of Jynx's bunghole, shoots off in Asa's mouth, and the sluts orally swap his cum.

Asa Akira В 'Asses Of Face Destruction 10'

Asa Akira - Asses Of Face Destruction 10

Slender, dominant Asian Asa Akira lifts her skirt to play with her pretty pussy and butthole, calling viewers 'loser' and 'dirty little bitch.' The kinky domme orders slave Vladi to clean her asshole in preparation for her big date. Asa plants her little rear on his mouth and he licks her bunghole excitedly. 'All you're good for is eating my ass,' Asa sneers, humping his face as he services her holes. After the date, Asa declares that she's been well fucked, but her ass is sore. She plops her cheeks on Vladi's face so he can clean and soothe her messy, used holes. 'Stick your tongue in... scoop out all of that cum inside my asshole,' she demands. When the impudent slave asks for a drink of water, Miss Akira spits in his mouth.

Asa Akira В 'Best Of Head'

Asa Akira - Best Of Head

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Anal Inferno'

Asa Akira - Anal Inferno

Busty Asian cutie Asa Akira and spunky, all-natural Jynx Maze, in neon sports attire, show off squeezable bubble butts and winking assholes. The tattooed sluts tongue each other's pucker. Jynx stretches Asa's anus with a lighted speculum and spits into the gaping cavern. The girls take turns throating director Mike Adriano's sturdy cock, licking balls and trading drool back and forth. Each girl gets butt-fucked; each sucks Mike's dick ass-to-mouth; each tastes the other's widening sphincter. Jynx' cheeks get oiled and the sloppy ass lickers get nastier. Mike pulls out of Jynx's bunghole, shoots off in Asa's mouth, and the sluts orally swap his cum.

Asa Akira В 'Anal Pornsluts'

Asa Akira - Anal Pornsluts

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Mackenzee Pierce В 'Point Of View Times Two'

Mackenzee Pierce - Point Of View Times Two

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Sloppy Head 3'

Asa Akira - Sloppy Head 3

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Anal Delights 1'

Asa Akira - Anal Delights 1

Tia Ling brings out a small glass butt plug so I'm thinking anal sex for Asa Akira today, oh yeah. But first why not let Tia Ling enjoy that ass with her tongue. The girls get to do some playing with each other as Jules Jordan works from girl to girl. Tia Ling opens up her backdoor with Asa returning the favor tasting her ass as Jules Jordan pulls out on several occasions. Jules Jordan delivers the load on to Asa Akira's face.

Asa Akira В 'Panty Pops'

Asa Akira - Panty Pops

If you haven't noticed by now, the only thing I love more than a perfect ass in panties is... a perfect Asian ass in panties! Asa Akira is one the hottest Asian girls I've ever seen, and I was lucky enough to score a Pop with her before she got locked up to an exclusive contract with Vince Vouyer. And man, was it worth it! This girl is absolutely incredible!

Asa Akira В 'The Massage Parlor'

Asa Akira - The Massage Parlor

Busted Asian sex masseuse bound and fucked Asa Akira.

Asa Akira В 'Raw 3'

Asa Akira - Raw 3

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Asa Akira В 'Slutty And Sluttier 12'

Asa Akira - Slutty And Sluttier 12

Asa Akira returns to the township of Joeyville in a pretty white dress, but underneath she's once again armed with a big black dick strapped to her loins. Wolf Hudson is only too happy to lick her feet and suck her black high heels. She sensually dominates him, making him suck her dick and then her tits, giving him a kiss on the lips as reward. She has him lay down on his back and rides his face, soon sucking his cock in return. She spreads his ass, rims it, and works his hole open with her gloved hand. Then Asa goes to town on Wolf's ass, fucking it in doggie and missionary. Finally, she curls up between his legs and sucks his cock, sticking clamps on his nipples while she brings him to orgasm.

Presley Maddox В 'Glory Glory'

Presley Maddox - Glory Glory

Presley Maddox was going through a bit of a rough time, and wasn't having luck getting laid. This all changed in the bathroom of a bar when a nice big cock appeared in a glory hole. It totally brought back the slut in her!

Sabrina Maree В 'and Valerie Rios in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Sabrina Maree - My Sisters Hot Friend

Valerie is very excited her sister's friend is getting married but she's always wanted to hook up with her and now is a good a time as ever and she even brought a couple of surprises for both of them to play with.

Asa Akira В 'Bang Bang Fuckalution'

Asa Akira - Bang Bang Fuckalution

Asa and her crew are at Danny's arcade. Asa does everything to break Danny's high score record and ridicule him in front of her friends. She will pay the high price for such insolence... Multiple orgasms pounded right inside her core until she can't stand straight anymore and needs help to walk home after Danny brakes yet another record... Making a bitch moan and beg for more of that special recipe.

Asa Akira В 'Licking Your Plate Is Customary !!!'

Asa Akira - Licking Your Plate Is Customary !!!

Criss is invited to a restaurant by one of his potential client and is about to be impressed by the quality of the restaurant he is in. After being greeted by a beautiful asian waitress. They are brought into a private room with a lot of sushi on top of the waitress they ordered from. It's gonna be an all you can eat buffet where you are allowed and even encouraged to lick your plate after finishing your food. Food has never looked that mouth watering.

Asa Akira В 'and Sunset Diamond'

Asa Akira - and Sunset Diamond

Asa Akira sexually dominates Sunset Diamond.

Asa Akira В 'Asa Akira: First Time Fucked in Bondage'

Asa Akira - Asa Akira: First Time Fucked in Bondage

Gorgeous Asa Akira discovers a liking for bondage and sex!

Asa Akira В 'Fucking the Sensei'

Asa Akira - Fucking the Sensei

Sensei Charles Dera has a newcomer in his class but the only thing is, she is a female! The other students make fun of her for trying to compete with men. Little they know Asa is a real black belt and she beats the crap out of them. Sensei Dera sees potential in her and challenges her to a final test in order to be part of his karate school? To fuck the shit out of him!

Asa Akira В 'and Johnny Castle in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Asa Akira - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Asa Akira knows her boyfriend is a liar and a cheat! She asks his son Johnny if he knows anything about the chicks his dad has been texting, but Johnny denies it. But Asa already knows that Johnny's lying to her, too, because she's done her homework . so much that she also knows Johnny's little S&M secrets he keeps from everyone. She threatens to expose her perverted ways if he doesn't fuck her in the backyard where she's sunning. Johnny doesn't know what to do but whip out his hard cock, suck on her pink, plushy nipples and shove his cock down her throat!

Asa Akira В 'and Rocco Reed in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Asa Akira - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Rocco Reed's dad is out of town for a meeting in Chicago and his dad told him to keep Asa Akira company. Asa had other ideas in mind and this fine Asian chick wants to fool around. Rocco Reed couldn't help but to fuck her tight pussy and do her doggie on the dinning room table. Well, it looks like he's doing an awesome job keeping her company.

Asa Akira В 'and Christian in Asian 1 on 1'

Asa Akira - Asian 1 on 1

Asa is such a good student that she wants to take her mid-term exam early during her professor's office hours. He gives her the test, but before she's even done, she helps him solve a math problem on the chalkboard. Feeling disrespected, her professor decides to teach her a real lesson -- the kind involving his dick in her mouth.

Asa Akira В 'and Rocco Reed in Naughty Office'

Asa Akira - Naughty Office

Asa is in for her three week evaluation and Rocco is not happy. She has a problem being on time so her evaluation is not looking good. In order to work her way up she decides to go down and suck Rocco's cock.

Presley Maddox В 'Miss Presley'

Presley Maddox - Miss Presley

This sexy little cricket came over to the crib for some tugging action. At first she didn't understand why she needed to get naked to rub my deal…but why the fuck not. I sure didn't want to fuck up her shirt and skirt with my load. She got naked and I got hard. She worked on a batch for a few minutes till it was time to deliver that human cake batter all over her tits.